Barque Works!

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The night still continued however, not for the crew but for those on the town, that left the crew to sleep. "They've finally tired themselves out and fallen asleep. Sweet dreams my little adventures." Outside of the building the crew was sleeping in, the mayor stood looking up at the moon. "This night, the dancing moonlight is glistening beautifully on the Cactus Rocks."
"Well, aren't you the poet, Igarappoi? Rather, Mr. 8." Igarappoi the mayor was in reality went by the name Mr. 8, he hadn't turned around to know who it was. It was Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday sitting up on top of the first floor roof.
"So its you two." Mr. 8 had said and the two of them jumped down to the ground.
"What if them?" Miss Wednesday asked him.
"They have fallen." He had told her. "Into Hell, that is." He had turned with an extremely dark expression across his face. The door had opened suddenly and the Sister that Iris and Nami had been drinking with came out,
"Honestly... they were a stubborn bunch. We had to keep putting more and more alcohol in their drinks. If we hadn't, they'd still be awake causing a ruckus. Still, was it really necessary to put on that drama?" The Sister that wasn't really a Sister like Iris had began to say removed her disguise. She was a tall, muscular woman with dark skin and pink hair pulled into short twin-tails. She had on a short dress with a magenta and white diamond pattern, and three green flowers. "For six measly little kids? We should have finished them off at the Harbor. Even without them here, the whole town has a food shortage to worry about. I knew these two wouldn't be able to bring back that whale meat."
"You don't have to say it like that!" Mr. 9 took offence to that and shouted. "We tried very hard, I'll have you know!"
"Compose yourselves! Look at this. I've been doing some checking on them." Mr. 8 held up two pieces of paper, one was of Luffy's wanted poster and the other was of Iris's.
"30,000,000 BELI AND 15,000,000 BELI!?" Needless to say they were shocked.
"THOSE GUYS?" Mr. 9 was totally convinced.
"It is foolish to judge a pirate's abilities by their appearance alone, Miss Mo- Mah-mah-maaah~! Miss Monday."
"I-I'm ashamed. But are you sure that wanted poster is of that woman? I mean it looks like a child." Miss Monday was asking Mr. 8
"Yes, from what I gathered about her is that she used to be a member of Black Cat." He had explained to her.
"Black Cat? YOU MEAN THE ASSASSIN GROUP!?" Miss Wednesday completely shocked after hearing that.
"Yes, she destroyed a fleet of Marine single-handedly when she was only 6 or 7." The whole group went pale hearing that. "But now that they've been disposed of, we can make a favourable report to the Boss. We'll talk all the valuables in their boat immediately."
"And what about them?" Miss Monday had asked Mr. 8.
"What will we do?" Mr. 9 had also asked him.
"If we kill them, we lose 30% of the bounty. The government enjoys its public executions, after all. Go! Capture them alive!" He had ordered to them.
"Hey. Sorry to interrupt..." A new voice joined the party causing them all to turn up. "But could you let them sleep a little longer? They're tired from this afternoon's voyage." It was Zoro, sitting on the top of the building with his sword drawn.
"Mr. 8! Miss Monday! The one wearing the Harmaki has escaped...!"
"He's up there." Miss Wednesday informed them.
"Fiend! You should have been completely unconscious!" Mr. 8 was shouting at Zoro
"Being a true swordsman means that he should not be overwhelmed by drink no matter the circumstance." Someone had came up from behind Zoro.
"Oh, so we were up too, Iris?" Zoro head turned to her smirking as he saw her with her swords drawn as well.
"Mr. 8! Miss Monday! The blonde hair woman is gone...."
"WE KNOW!!" The four of them had snapped to the poor man that came out running.
"I now know what's going on, it's a nest of Bounty Hunters! My instincts are never wrong!" Iris was yelling in delight. Since she had her own built in lie detector due to her life as an assassin.
"You deceive merry pirate, just as they've made it into the Grand Line... and then take them for all their worth." Zoro was saying as he had gotten up with Iris by his side.
"I counted 200 bounty hunters." Iris had stated after counting every single one of them before she had revealed herself. "But we'll take you down, agents of Barque Works!" She winked at them.
"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME?" Mr. 8 was shouting in shock.
"A while back when I was still in this line of work, your organisation sent a scout to talk to me. I refused of course." Zoro had explained to them.
"I was once a member of Black Cat and I once had been offered to leave that organisation to join yours. However, because of a Devil's Fruit ability I had to refused but I would have refused anyway."Iris also had explained the then go on and ask... "Do the same rules still apply? Employees' identities kept secrets from one another, by using lame codenames. But then there's the boss, who's identity and whereabouts are unknown to even the members. Barque Works, the criminal organisation that is oh~ so faithful to carry out orders from someone you have never meet before."
"Was it supposed to be a secret?" Zoro had smirked asking them after she had spoken about everything.
"This is surprising. Since you know our little secret, we have no choice but to eliminate you. And then..." The air had began to become intense as Mr. 8 spoke without looking up when. "...we will add another gravestone to the Cactus Rocks." He had looked up glaring at them both. "KILL THEM BOTH!" As the bounty hunters were about to charge to kill them, the two of them were gone shocking them all.
"T-They disappeared!" Miss Wednesday said.
"T-They're gone!" Mr. 9 was shocked..
"W-Where the hell did they go!!!" Mr. 8 was asking and everyone of them were looking around. However, no matter where they looked, they couldn't see either Zoro or Iris anywhere, until one of them spotted Zoro beside him looking up. They were shocked so much they took a step back from him.
"I never would have thought that those Cactus Rocks were graves!" Hearing the voice that belonged to Iris they turned to she was standing beside him looking up at the Cactus Rocks. "That explains why I got chills from them." Like Zoro they had taken a step back from her.
"Okay... shall we?" Zoro had the massive grin on his face looking over to Iris.
"Totally!" She had thrown up her left arm up in the air along with her left leg up cheering.
"Bastards, making fun of us!!" All guns were pointed at both them.
"FIRE!" And the guns were being fired one after another but the ones to fall were the ones firing. As for Zoro and Iris they had disappeared again.
"Those idiots! They shot each other!" Mr. 8 was shocked at their stupidity.
"T-They disappeared again!" Mr.9 was shouting completely panicking.
"Hurry up and kill them! It's just two swordsmen!" Mr. 8 was ordering before he felt cold steal against his cheek and neck. He had gone completely still, it was bad enough he didn't feel Zoro behind him before it was to late, but Iris who was right in front of him with her sword to his neck was worst since he didn't see her until it was too late. If iris wanted to, she could have killed him without anyone even noticing.
"Let me ask you something... will adding just two graves be enough?" Zoro was smiling all amused as he was asking.
"There they are!" Suddenly the three of them were surrounded with bounty hunters pointing their guns at them from front and back.
"Y-You Idiots!" Mr. 8 had gone pale when he hear the gun getting ready to fire. "Are you trying to shoot me too!? Stop!" But no one was listening. "Igarappa!" Out if nowhere, Mr. 9 had pulled out a saxophone that began shooting out bullets as he blow. He had killed the bounty hunters that were about to fire and at that moment once again, Zoro and Iris were gone. "Now where did those two disappear to? That man and woman..."
"Who would have thought that was a shotgun?" Iris didn't know where Zoro had gone but she had escaped to the top of a building where she was laying down on her stomach watching the bounty hunters. "If I didn't feel his murderous intent I would have been done for."
"It seems that we'll have to deal with these two ourselves." Mr 9 stated as the other three were getting ready to fight.
"Do they really thing they can fight all of us themselves? Even after revealing they recognised us as Baroque Works. The bounty hunters were running all over the placing looking for the two of them in a panic.
"Where are they!?"
"Find them! Keep looking!" Iris was watching them running from one side of the town to the other until...
"Found you, pretty lady!" Someone had sneaked up from behind her, with a gun pointed to her head.
"Hmm, so it seems." But she didn't seemed flustered at all. "Ierí Sfaíra!" (Holy Bullet, Greek) The light shot right into the gun's bullet hole and once it want in the gun exploded. The man had screamed in pain as his hand bleed. Iris used this chanced to grab her swords and took the man down with one strike. "Don't wrong, I didn't kill you." She smiled back to the unconscious man and had walked off.
"There's the woman!" A bunch of bounty hunters climbing up to chase her.
"That woman's nothing more then a pretty face!" A woman had shouted once Iris was completely surrounded.
"Oh, you think I'm just a pretty face?" She asked still smiling despite being surrounded. "Thanks, but trust me that's not the only think I have." She had leaped up into the air where her wings came out. "I'm a member of the Straw Hat Pirates." Iris spreads out her wings which released a large number of feathers from her body. "Ieró Líkno!" (Holy Cradle, Greek) As the feathers floated around the bounty hunters, Iris just hold out her arms and as her mouth opened to have sweet melodies come out. One by one they bounty hunters began to collapse to the ground and once Iris was finished and had landed on the ground, the bounty hunters that had surrounded her were asleep. "I thought it was a good idea to create that attack, I was right to do so."
"There the woman is!" Looking behind after someone's shouting, another group of about 20 like the last group and they were rushing at her.
"It's going to be exhausting if I take group after group." After saying that, Iris took off.
"Wait! After her!" With the group following after her. She was flying fast with the group growing bigger and bigger as more people were spotting her and chasing after her.
"She's mine!" A man had jumped out from around the corner with his gun drawn as Iris was running right at him. The gun clicked ready to fire. "YOUR DEAD!!"
"It's cute to dream." Iris had pulled out her sword from the strap around her thigh that the blade had extended out and as the gun was fired a bunch of time at her and she lifted up the sword, the bullets were fast and heading right at Iris' head but the sound of metal hitting metal. Before the hunter knew it, a bunch of small things sent flying right passed them. Iris had used her swords to reflect the bullets right back to the hunter. "You can't bet me that easily." She had told him after flying over the hunter. "Come and get me." She had turned to him, stuck out her tongue at him, then flew off again with that bounty hunter joining the group of bounty hunters that were chasing after Iris. She was laughing and cheering as if this were some kind of game of tag. Iris was flying one side of town to the others collecting as many bounty hunters as she can, and once that goal had been meet she had came to a stop hovering in the air above all the bounty hunters that had been chasing and shooting at her. "Ouranós Ierós Chorós!" (Heaven's Holy Dance, Greek) She had began to dance so gracefully in the air above them all. The dance had captivated them all with light and feathers surrounding her. The light and feathers were still falling even when Iris' stopped dancing when... "Ieró Schoiní!" (Holy Rope, Hreek) Before the hunters knew what had to them they had been captured with a rope made of feathers and light and were being held up in the air by them. "There we go, all done! Now let's fine Zoro." Iris had said clapping her hands together and walked off leaving them to hang out. Around the some time, Mr. 8 was on the ground after being strike down by Zoro but he was still able to move.
"I can't rot away here..." he had struggled to say as he was trying to crawl. Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday who had also been defeated were sitting behind him exhausted and ashamed, while a duck just stood there with a dumb look on it face. "I have an important mission to accomplish....!"
"How pathetic can you get?" A voice belonging to a man had asked the group, "losing to two single swordsmen." The three of them all looked up to see who it was that spoken.
"Mr. 5!" A tall, dark-skinned man with black hair in short spiky dreadlocks. He wore a brown trench coat with a pink cravat and a pair of sunglasses, regardless it being night. Like Mr. 9 and 8, this man had the number 5 shown both on his clothing and most likely on his body too. He had a '5' on his coat. "Miss Valentine!" And a woman with short blond hair and bright green eyes stood beside the man. She had a yellow and orange hat, as well as a matching yellow dress with a lemon-like pattern, lemon earrings, and white high-heeled shoes. The woman was is carrying a bright green parasol with blue stripes that was placed over her shoulder as she spun it.
"Are you guys kidding or what?" Mr.5 asked annoyed looking down at them. Miss Valentine had then laughed.
"This is plain evidence of why our status is higher." She stated to the three of them.
"Did you come here just to laugh at us?" Mr. 8 had asked the two of them.
"Well, that too." Mr. 5 had answered, and Miss Valentine was laughing once again.
"Of course, we have a mission as well." She had added to Mr. 5's answer.
"Thanks... he doesn't stand a chance... with you guys backing us up!" Mr. 9 was laughing.
"That's right." Miss Wednesday agreed with him. "Please, hurry and take care of those swordsmen!"
"Quit the lame jokes." However, it seemed that both of them had misunderstood the mission those two were to carry out. "You want us to back you up?" Mr. 5 was asking.
"You think we came all the way to this end of the Grand Line for that?" Miss Valentine mocking them.
"What?" Mr. 9 was confused as to why they were here. "Then what kind of mission are..."
"I think you have an idea." Mr. 5 had stepped forwards. "There are criminals here that merit the Boss dispatching us directly." Miss Wednesday's face went hard for some reason. "The Boss' exact words were: 'someone knows my secret.' Just what that secret is of course, even I dint know. But our organisation's primary directive is Secrecy. Therefore we do not tolerate any kind of investigation into the identity of our members. And if someone were to learn of the Boss' secret... Naturally, they would have to be eliminated." Mr. 5 had explained to them.
"So, we thoroughly investigated which persons could have found out the Boss' secret." Miss Valentine seemed to find a lot of amusement in this as she laughed over and over again before and after speaking, "And what a surprise! We discovered that important members of a certain Kingdom had infiltrated Baroque Works!"
"Wa-Wait a minute!" Mr. 9 had stood up. "I may be wearing a crown, but I'm not really a King! It's just my style!" Mr.9 had thought they were talking about him,
"We didn't mea you!" Miss Valentine had shouted at him.
"The infiltrator is none other than the Kingdom of Alabasta's currently missing..." as Mr. 5 was about to speak of who that person was, Mr. 8 had stood up and pulled his bow tie and out popped guns out of his hair.
"DIE!" They were firing rapidly, "Igarappappa!" Where Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine were standing had erupted in an explosion. "You won't lay a finger in the Princess! On my name as Captain of the Alabasta Royal Guard, you won't!"
"Igaram!" Miss Wednesday had shouted.
"Captain of the Alabasta Royal Guard, Igaram." Despite the explosion, both Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine were unharmed as if nothing had happened. "And Princess Vivi Nefertari. By order of the Boss of Baroque Works, you are yo be eliminated." Mr. 5 had spoken holding up as photo of Miss Wednesday, who in truth was Princess Vivi Nefertari of the Kingdom of Arabasta. That's when Mr. 9 true name Igaram started firing the guns in his hair again and again.
"Hurry, Princess Vivi! Escape while you can!" He was shouting over the gun shots.
"Igaram!" Princess Vivi Nefertari had screamed to him and without warning Igaram had exploded, once the smoke had cleared he was seen collapsing to the ground. "Igaram!"
"Don't bother." Princess Vivi Nefertari looked above at Miss Valentine voice to see her hovering about the smoke. As she laughed she had started falling back tot he ground where she still was hovering but sent a kick at Princess Vivi Nefertari, who dodged it but barely because it still broke her hair piece. But the Princess wasn't going down without a fight and pulled out her Peacock Slasher and tried to strike Miss Valentine, however, she had failed as the woman had gone back to Mr. 5's side.
"Monsters..." Princess Vivi Nefertari had muttered.
"So you are a Princess, Miss Wednesday!" Mr. 9 was over excited about that.
"Stop being ridiculous, Mr. 9!" But Princess Vivi Nefertari was pissed off and snapped at the guy.
"This night's getting dangerous! You guys have fun! Later!" Zoro had ran passed dragging Luffy who was still sleeping somehow.
"P-Princess Vivi!"
"Igaram! Are you alright?" She had asked him.
"Princess Vivi, do not worry about me... please hurry and flee this place! For the sake of our homeland..." Hearing Igaram say that, the Princess' eyes widen. "Without you, the Arabasta Kingdom will... now, quickly!"
"Don't even think of escaping." Mr. 5 was saying as he was picking his nose and as Princess Vivi pulled out another Peacock Slasher and were spinning them both.
"Don't understand me!" She was ready to fight them, even if it meant dying, but that changed when a metal bat was held in her way.
"I can't even begin to understand the circumstances..." Mr. 9 was blocking her was. "...but because of out long relationship as partners, I'll buy you some time. Now go, Miss Wednesday." He had told her.
"Mr. 9..." She was shocked to say the less.
"I'm a pretty good guy, aren't I?" He had asked and then, "Bye-Bye Baby!" He started heading for the other two agents with his gymnastics skills. "Nekketsu Nine..."
"MR. 9!" Princess Vivi Nefertari called after him, to try and to him but it was pointless and too late.
"The only thing we should need is the willingness to carry out our missions." Mr. 5 was saying as he fiddled with the snort ball he pulled out from his nose. (gross!) "All this friend bullshit does is invite death. Now understand that for yourself!" He had then pointed his hand with the snot in it ready to flick it at Mr. 9, as if that was going to do anything but gross people out. "Hankuusou..." (Nose Fancy, Japanese)
"Konjou..." Mr. 9 was about to land a hit.
"Cannon!" the snot ball was sent flying at Mr. 9 and it exploded once it hit him, causing him to fly off backwards into the river.
"MR. 9!!"
"Oi, Oi! That's some dangerous snot!" Zoro who had been watching had completely turned pale at seeing what the snot had down. That's when someone had grabbed a hold of his leg. "What! Creep!" Zoro was shouting down to Igaram that had grabbed his leg.
"Master Swordsman! Seeing the strength of one such as yourself, I ask of you an unreasonably request!" He was shouting
"Don't offer things to me!" Zoro had shouted down at him to let go.
"The two before us have abilities of the Devil's Fruit! I am no match for them! I beseech you! Protect the Princess in my steed! Will you accept!?" It wasn't that Igaram was giving him much of a choice. Zoro was having a hard time getting Igaram off of his leg. "Far to the east lies the Kingdom of Alabasta!if you deliver the Princess safely- there will most certainly be a handsome reward! I beseech of you this one request! Please protect the Princess-!"
"Quit screwing around!!" Zoro had finally lost it with him, "you just tried to kill us, remember?! Don't make me cut you again!"
"A handsome reward, you say?" A voice from above said. "I like the sound of that!" Nami was sitting above them. "How about 1,000,000,000?" She had asked for so much.
"What?" Zoro was looking at her in disbelief.
"One... one bill- ma-ma! Maaah!" He wasn't the only one, Igaram was too, but he went into shock.
"I thought you'd passed out."
"Oh, come on. A suspicious town that throws a party when pirates come by? What kind of idiot would get smashed in a place like this?" There were some people, "It was all an act. An act. I can take loads more
"I do know what you mean." Someone had said from behind Zoro, they looked and saw Iris standing there.
"You seem fine." Zoro pointed out.
"What? Were you worried about me?" She asked tilting her head to the side smiling.
"Not at all, I knew you could handle yourself." Zoro had smiled back at her.
"But you know, I was worried for a second. I was grabbed from behind and was about to send that person flying, lucky for her I noticed her orange hair." She was saying this looking over to Nami.
"If I didn't stop you, then who was going to protect me!" She was only thinking about herself as normal.
"Ma-Maa- maaah!"
"Well? Will you offer me the billion beli, Guard Captain?" Nami had looked down to the captain asking. "If we don't help you out... your Princess will die, right?" She made it sound like a good thing with that giant grin on her face,
"I am but a soldier, I cannot make such an expensive promise."
"Is that okay?" Zoro asked Iris pointing towards Nami.
"So you're saying the Princess of your Kingdom isn't worth that price?" When Nami asked Igaram that, he flinched. "Gimme."
"Is what okay?" Iris had turned to looking up at him smiling.
"Her extorting him."
"Who's extorting who? I don't see anything." She looked away prettying not to see anything, because she knew if she did speak up to try and stop Nami then there was gong to be a price to be pay that was how scary that girl was.
"Then... if you guarantee you will deliver her unharmed... if you negotiate with the Princess directly, I am certain she will agree!" Igaram had only answered her,
"So you're saying we have to save her first." Nami had on her smirk again, that wasn't the best thing.
"Even as we speak... the Princess' life is...!"
"I got it." Nami had stood up. "We'll save your Princess for the time being." Hearing Nami say that Igaram was delighted but that was destroyed in less then a second. "Right! Get moving, Zoro!"
"I'M NOT GOING, IDIOT!" He had snapped at her, "Why do I have to be part of your goddamn money-making schemes!?" He really shouldn't have asked.
"You're so stupid~! My money is mine. But my agreements are your agreements." Nami and told him.
"SINCE WHEN DID A BRAT LIKE YOU BECOME MY BOSS!?" Zoro was losing it with her.
"Now now. Please calm down you two." Iris was trying to stop the. But it was pointless.
"What? All you have to do is go and finish off those guys."
"I hate being used." Zoro told her to go get the dork cook, Sanji to do it.
"So you're tell me that you can't beat those guys?" Nami was setting her trap.
"What was that, Dammit!?" And Zoro was heading head first into it.
"SO YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT YOU CAN'T BEAT THOSE GUYS?" Nami had repeated it but loudly.
"I give up." Iris stated noticing Luffy walking off.
"Have you forgotten? You own me a debt." Nami had told him.
"Eh? No, I don't." Zoro was confused to why she would say that.
"In Loguetown, you said you wanted to buy some swords, so I loaded you 100,000 Beli." Not that it did him much good.
"But I gave it all back to you. I got the swords for free, so I didn't spend any of it!"
"But, when you borrowed it, you promised you'd repay 3 times the amount." She really was a demon. "That's 200,000 you haven't given me." Definitely a demon.
"But I gave you the exact same money back right after you gave it to me!"
"Too bad. You can't even keep a single promise, can you?" Yep, Zoro had completely fallen into the trap. "If you do what I say, we'll call it even."
"I-I hope you die a horrible, horrible death....!" That was all Zoro could say back to her.
"That's right. I'm going straight to Hell."
"Shit I hate you!" With those final words he was off running.
"If you'd be so kind!"
"You really are going to Hell." Iris stated to Nami crouching down beside Igaram.
"The humiliation..." They both looked to him that had spoken. "If I were stronger, I could've protected the Princess myself."
"Everything will be alright." Iris told him, placing her hand on his back. "Zoro is strong."
"The Princess... if anything happens to Princess Vivi... it will spell the end of the Alabasta Kingdom!" Iris and Nami who had both been smiling frowned that sentence, "She MUST survive!" Iris didn't really understand what was going on with the two of them and their kingdom but it must be terrible.

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