Exploding Town!

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Soon the Going Merry had come to be docked at the harbour since it was clear that there wasn't marines or anything on the island.  "There's a lot of different people around here." Luffy had taken off, walking away from the Merry into town.
"Seems like a fun town." And he wasn't alone, since Zoro was right beside him.
"Remember, we are here to look for answers." Iris was on the other side of Luffy as she reminded the two of this. Meanwhile, those left on the ship were watching the trio.
"Not good. Do you honestly think those two can make it back without causing trouble?" Nami had come to ask this since they all knew how Luffy and Zoro would pick a fight with anyone. Although, Iris was with them...
"Well, this place is tought to begin with. The chances of that happening are still pretty damned slim..." however, she was someone that was incapable of holding back.
"You're right... this is NOT good!" Nami then jumped off the ship. "Wait! Iris, Luffy, Zoro!" And the four them were going deeper into town together. However, Nami did have something she wanted to guys to know.
"'Whilst in this town, I promise to get away...'" Luffy was repeated back whathad been said but was getting distracted by a fight moving across and pass them.
"'I promise not to fight!'" But this only had his ear pulled as punishment for getting distracted.
"'I promise not to fight.'" However, it was clear that he didn't like that at all.
"Good. Now is that the truth, you two?" She had then asked them both.
"Yeah." Which had been the response given,
"Those were some enthusiastic responses." Iris was chuckling while being a little sarcastic.
"You know if you two start trouble here, we'll get kicked out of town! And if that happens, we won't be able to go to the sky, okay?" Nami wax explaining all if this to the guys as they were walking through the town that had fights breaking out left and right all over the place.
"Eh..." Though, suddenly a large man came falling onto the path they were walking. His nose was slightly longer than normal, his face appears always unshaven, and there are straight purple tattoos coming from his hairline to the corners of his eyes. He had long and ash blonde hair, and constantly has a pallid look about him acting as though he is on the verge of death. Though it didn't seem to help that he was covered in black from head to toe.
"Huh, who's that?" Nami bluntly asked, like the others would know the answer.
"Look. He fell off." Luffy pointed out as there was a very large horse just standing there beside the man.
"Yeah. Fell straight off." Zoro didn't seem to care all that much as he spoke.
"Oh my, are you alright, sir?" Iris had asked him, since he appeared to be in pain.
"Oh, pardon me, folks." The man had stretched up his hand towards the group. "Would you mind helping me?"
"You just don't feel like getting yourself up..." Zoro bluntly stated to the old man that was just looking at the pitifully. He then turned to Iris that appeared to be a bit upset about seeing this, causing him to sigh. "Luffy, get that side."
"Right." The two of them had picked up the man before throwing up onto the horse.
"Oh, sorry about that. I'm back on." The man was saying, looking even worse then before. "I was born with a weak body. Now, lets go, Stronger." However, it was then what the Horse, Stronger, sort of collapses as well.
"THE HORSE TOO?!" Which caused both Luffy and Zoro to shout in shock.
"Jeez, what a mooched..." With that being said, both of them had pulled the horse back to its feet.
"Forgive me for being such a bother. I'd like to repay you with this." The large, sickly man held out a basket of apples. "Would you like one?"
"That's way too suspicious, dammit." Had come from Zoro's mouth and he wasn't far from the truth. "We don't want any. Hurry up and get lost!" However...
"Ooh! An apple! Thanks!" Luffy had taken it without hesitation.
"Lu!" Iris called out to him, trying to stop the boy who had taken a bite and an explosion erupted.
"What was that? What just happened?" All panic broke out as they were looking at one of the many bars that had an explosion out of nowhere.
"Some guys took some apples from some weird guy. And as soon as they ate the apples, all five of them exploded." While this had been shouted, Luffy had swallowed the piece of apple he taken from some weird guy.
"Oh, no!" Nami had gone into complete shock. "LUFFY! SPIT IT OUT! COUGH THAT APPLE UP RIGHT NOW!" She was screaming while her hands were wrapped around Luffy's throat.
"He won't be able to with your hands around his throat like that." Iris had tried to remove the navigator's hands.
"But I already swallowed it!" Luffy struggled to say, as it had already been too late.
"Bastard, what are you trying to pull?!" Zoro was shouting this question and depending on the answer, he was ready to attack the man.
"No, he'll be fine." The man was chuckling while speaking. The building was completely destroyed and still on fire. "He picked a dub. Otherwise he would have died on the first bite." This was explained. "You're— ...A lucky man."
"They you are, Q." Someone had suddenly spoken and it had the man turn his head.
"Diabolos..." He had some to say, which caused Luffy and others to turn and find a tall, dashing, young muscular man, with a naturally pale skin complexion. He had curly black hair, and sharp, almond-shaped eyes. His irises appeared cat-like in appearance and colored plum red.
"I've been looking for you and those brainless idiot everywhere." The handsome man, Diabolos had some to state in complete annoyance, before coming and noticing Luffy and that. "..." His eyes had fallen on Iris standing there looking back at him. "Let's go." But after a bit, the man had taken off, dragging to horse along with him.
"We're going to!" Nami seemed completely pissed off as she took off, dragging Luffy with her.
"It's odd..." while Iris was looking back to the sickly man, his horse and finally the last man.
"What is?" Which had been asked by Zoro as he was looking to her.
"I feel like I've seen him somewhere before." She came to answer about the young man but she couldn't remember where it was.
"Iris, Zoro! You coming?!" Nami's voice pulled to away from the pair and horse.
"Yeah, we're coming!"

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