Mr. 9 and Miss Wensday!

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Once everything had completely calmed down, Nami and Iris had left off the Merry, after Nami grabbed her map and compass, while Iris grabbed her writing gear. She took a seat at the table built on the cove but... "Is there something wrong with Iris?" Nami had asked, noticing that Crocus had been looking at her for some time, oddly.
"No, it's just that she reminds me of a woman I once meet on my travel." He had stated to her, which caused Iris to look at him directly.
"What was the name of the woman?" She asked, having a feeling about.
"What's wrong, Iris?" Nami must have been shocked at my sudden outburst.
"Her name? It was Micheal D. Lily."
"Isn't that the name of your mother, Iris?" Nami had remembered.
"Your mother?" Crocus turned and was looking right at me, "I can't believe that. No wonder you reminded me of her, your the spitting image of Lily!" He was laughing, meaning he hadn't heard about it at all. "How is she? I'm surprised that you became a pirate with your mother being a formal Marine. Was she against it?"
"Even if she was, It's not like she could tell me since she's dead." The smile that Crocus had on dropped instantly at hearing that.
"The Island we lived on was attacked by strong Devil's Fruit eaters that destroyed the town and killed everyone but me." She held up her hand where a ball of light appeared, "Because I ate one of the rare Zoan types and they used me." The light disappeared. "But it's fine now, because I'm with Lu and everyone else!"
"You're right." Crocus had understood the boy's charm, he really was a great person and it was what draw all of them to him. Nami got up and stretched before setting back down from across Iris.
"All set. Now to start planning our course through the Grand Line." While She was doing that Iris writing the events that transpired from Lougetown to now. But out of nowhere Nami screamed at the top of her lungs causing all to stop or be shocked
"What the hell? Your so loud." Luffy had said, as Nami was as pale as a ghost.
"What is it, Nami?" Sanji had climb up the rope ladder from the ship with the Blue-Tin Elephant Tune all cooked. "If it's food you want, never fear!"
"Food...!" Usopp had followed after him.
"The compass is broken! It won't point in a single direction..." They had all gathered looking at the compass and it was spinning around and around.
"Oh, she's right." Sanji said like it was no big deal.
"Round and round it goes..." Usopp made it sound funny.
"Heh, fun!" And Luffy just thought it was just plain fun.
"Why is it doing that?" Iris was the only one taking it seriously it seemed.
"So you six came here without any idea what you were getting into." Crocus that had come back. "What brazen stupidity. Did you come here to throw your lives away?"
"Food?" Luffy was completely distract.
"It's FEED for you, moron." Sanji was pissed at him,
"I told you. This ocean has no common logic to it." He did say that before, "That compass isn't broken."
"Then, could it be a magnetic field?" Nami asked him
"That's right. The islands of the Grand Line are abundant with minerals... causing abnormal magnetic fields along the entire line. What more, the wind and currents here are completely unstable. If you are a navigator, you must realise how insurmountable this is." Crocus said explained,
"You're right... we'll be doomed if we don't have any way to determine our direction." Nami had said to him.
"Delicious!" Luffy was more occupied with the fish to be listening.
"I didn't know that. My bad!" Nami was laughing at the whole thing.
"OI! This is bad! How are we gonna make it!?" Usopp was right about that, if they didn't have a compass they can't get to the islands.
"Hey, this ain't bad! It's great!" He wasn't paying attention at all.
"HOLD IT YOU GUYS! WOULD YOU PLEASE BE QUIET FOR A SECOND!?" Although her words were nicely put they were filled with anger the her tone.
"But its really good! This Blue-tin Elephant Tuna." Luffy was still going on about it and still eating, but should someone stop him before he ate it all?
"Navigating the Grand Line will be impossible... if you don't have a Log Pose."
"Log Pose?" Nami echoed after Crocus Confused.
"It is a unique compass that memorises a magnetic field." He had explained to them.
"A strange compass?" Luffy was asking as if he had seen one before.
"Yeah, they have a very distinct shape." Crocus had answered him.
"Like this?" Luffy held up bracelet with a strange glass round thing on it with a need inside.
"Yeah, like that. If you don't have this Log Pose sailing the Grand Line will be impossible." But where did it come from, the one in Luffy's hand?
"I see. But, hold on a second. Luffy?" This was Iris cue to step back from him. "WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE ONE!?" Nami was one scary person when pissed off because she could hurt a man made of rubber with one punch.
"Those two weirdos dropped it on the ship..." Luffy was explaining sitting on the ground.
"They did?" It seemed she calmed down a bit.
"Why'd you punch me?" he was asking her all confused.
"I felt like it." Was her childish response.
"Felt like it?"
"So this is a Log Pose." Nami was examining the Log Pose. "There aren't any markings on it."
"The islands dotting the Grand Line obey the rules created by magnetic fields. So in order to travel from island to island, the Log Pose must readapt to the magnetic field at each island, and it will point you in the right direction." Sounds simple enough. "The truth is that there's no way to determine your exact position on this ocean. You are utterly dependent on the magnetic field memorised by your Log Pose. You must first choose one of the 7 magnetic field emanating form Reverse Mountain. But regardless of which island you choose to start from... your route will eventually join with the others into one final route. And the name of the island at the end of that route is... Raftel. The final island of the Grand Line. In all of history, the only person known to have confirmed its existence... was the Pirate King. The island is legendary." That truly was amazing.
"So it has to be there! One Piece!" Usopp was shouting all confident.
"Who can tell? That legend is the most prominent of all... but not one other souls has yet reached there alive." Crocus sure knew a lot for some reason.
"We'll find out when we get there!" Luffy had then sounded satisfied as he said, "Alright, I'm full. Let's set sail!"
"YOU HOGGED IT ALL TO YOURSELF!?" Sanji was completely shocked looking at hi with his eyes almost shouting out of his head.
"Whoa. Even the bones." Maybe Iris should have stopped him.
"You freakin' shitty bastard. I wanted Iris and Nami... I wanted Iris and Nami to...! TO BE THE ONES TO EAT IT!!" Sanji really so pissed off that he kicked Luffy right in the Solar plexus sending him flying, but as he was doing that, the sound glass breaking echoed. Turning to where it was heardm Nami's eyes go dead as she was still smiling. The glass that had broke was the Log Pose with wasn't going to end well for those two.
"Why'd you do that?" Luffy not realising he was a dead man sat up asking
"You'd better be ready to die, shitty rubber..." the same for Sanji.
"Yes~! Nami~!"
"YOU TWO!! GO SOAK YOUR HEADS!!" With that she went them both over the cape into the ocean.
"Oi. Hold on. That was really, REALLY important, wasn't it!?" Usopp eyes were about to shoot out of his head.
"Our precious... Log Pose..."
"What do we do now?" Iris had asked Nami who was still in shock.
"Don)t worry, I've got another one you can have." Hearing Crocus say that they turned their heads to him. "I own you one for saving Laboon." Laboon had then shot out from the water throwing Luffy and Sanji onto land but they weren't along, the two guys from before were also with them. It wasn't long after that, when both of them had asked for a favour and that had been to take them back to their island. Luffy was sitting on the table hearing the favour Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday had asked him before.
"Whiskey Peak? Weird name." The two of them were kneeing to him
"What is it?" Usopp was trying to sound impressive, but well, it was Usopp.
"It's the town we live in! Erm... sir." Mr. 9 was trying to be polite.
"What happen to your ship?" Iris had asked them sitting on one of the chairs, on the side as she leaned her head in her hands that elbow were in the table.
"Sadly, it was destroyed." Miss Wednesday answered a bit embarrassed.
"Wouldn't that be a little too kind on our part, Mr. 9? Considering you tried to kill that whale." Nami wasn't so forgiving.
"Just who are you two?" Usopp was glaring down at them.
"I am a King!"
"Liar." Nami grabbed onto his cheek and was pulling on it hard.
"We cannot say!" Miss Wednesday shouted to the group with her head still lowed.
"But all we want is to return to our town! We didn't really want to do this kind of underhanded work..." Mr. 9 was saying.
"... but please understand, 'Secrecy' is our organisation's motto!" Miss Wednesday finished saying.
"We truly cannot say anything!" Mr. 9 was saying as well
"We are begging you kind people to help us!"
"We will surely repay your kindness!"
"Don't listen to them." Crocus had said, "No matter what they say, they're a could of underhanded sleazebags."
"Nothing wrong with what they said so far." Iris had told Nami who had turned to look at her.
"Okay, but the thing is, we broke this Log Pose and dint have another..." She was lying to them, "You sure you still want to come?" Before asking,
"WHAT!" YOU BROKE IT!? THAT WAS MINE, YOU KNOW!" Mr. 9 was snapping in a panic.
"You made us throw ourselves at your feet when you can't even go anywhere!?" As was Miss Wednesday.
"Oh, BUT... Crocus is giving us another one." Nami was smirking proud of herself and once again the two of them were on their knees.
"We throw ourselves on the mercy of your kindness!" They quickly changed their minds bowing down to Nami that was licking her thumb for a job well done.
"Sure. You can come." Luffy had told them not really caring, both of them had looked up at Luffy completely shocked that he agreed to take them. "It's called Whiskey Peak? Let's go there."
"O-Oi, are you serious?" Usopp was completely shocked and against it, "We just met these guys and you're gonna bring them along just like that!?"
"It's fine. Don't worry about details like that." Luffy looked all serious saying that.
"But the only place you can decide your course from... is here at the starting point." Crocus was reminding Luffy to see if that bothered him but
"If we don't like it, we'll just try again." Was Luffy's responds.
"I see." Crocus was smiling seeing that Luffy had already made up his mind.
"Okay, let's get going." Luffy hopped off the table and walked towards Laboon. "I've made my promise to the whale. Let's get ready to leave."
"And just who are you?" Miss Wednesday asked Luffy had he was stretching to get ready.
"Me?" He stoped to turn to her and Mr. 9, "I'm... the man who's going to become the King of the Pirates!" The sun had then began to go down when the Straw Hats were ready to leave.
"Everything's ready. Your Log should be set. Did you orient it to the map?" Crocus was asking Nami after she came back to grab the Log Pose after changing.
"Yeah. It's pointing towards Whiskey Peak." She responded and headed to the ship.
"Later, Old Flower Guy. Thanks for the Log Pose!" Luffy was shouting from the Merry.
"Sure. Now get goin'." Crocus had told the rubber head captain.
"See ya! I'll be back, whale!" Laboon was responding to Luffy's shouting in delight. "Set course to Whiskey Peak! Full speed ahead!"
"AYE!" And there they took off with great danger and adventures just waiting for them. This was the beginning of a new adventure for the crew and who knows what will happen on the way. They might meet new friends or enemies but it didn't matter as long as they were having fun together, the world didn't seem to a dangerous place then.

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