To Jaya!

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After the crew had removed the trespasser from the Going Merry, they were once again off to continue their sailing. They were still a bit shocked about the events. "Man, those monsters were huge..." Usopp had come to say looking up to the sky.
"Yeah... I hope we never see them again." Chopper came to agree with him and honesty, everyone else would be in an agreement.
"Lemme tell you something, Chopper..." The long nose had pulled the reindeer's attention to him. "If I had been serious, I could've beaten those things."
"REALLY!?" As always, Chopper believed him instantly.
"I beat ten of 'em once." And like always, Usopp continued his lies.
"TEN OF 'EM!?" As that conversation was going on its way.
"Come on, you guys! Just what were you looking for down there?" Nami was shouting at the three that had open up the sacks of stuff they gathered. Not a single one of them possessed gold, which completely angered her. "You just brought back a bunch of trash! There's not a single clue here about getting to the sky!"
"Oh Lu, you look so noble." Iris was saying to Luffy, who was wearing old rusted armour.
"There was nothing down there. Nothing!" Zoro seemed just as annoyed as Nami was, but this was due to her behaviour.
"Yeah, He's right, Nami." Although, Sanji seemed to be in an agreement about nothing being down there. "The ship looked like it had been attack. Or else maybe a mutiny erupted for some reason and they killed each other." He had explained what they had found.
"That's exactly why it's so important that we gather information!" But it only angered Nami even more as she was yelling at them. "Don't you get it? If we're going to go to the sky, whatever happened to that ship might happen to us too! Information means the difference between life and death! What's with these rusty swords? Cooking pots! And a living octopus!?" The living octopus had come from Luffy's. "We need journals and maps! That kind of stuff!" Nami was stomping on the pile which had Zoro and Sanji panicking at the sight. "And what is that, Luffy?" However, the navigator soon had come to Luffy.
"Armour." Luffy had answered after lifting the helmet but soon there was nothing to lift as Nami came shatter the thing with a single punch.
"She smashed the armour!" Zoro looked down at Luffy and the shattered armour.
"Nami really is something, isn't she?" Iris seemed to be a bit amused by this as she was smiling beside the swordsman.
"Look, Nami! I brought you some pretty shells!" Sanji held out of his hand, with shells in them.
"I don't want them, you dork!" Nami's mood had changed, as she just passed right passed the cool and up the stairs.
"Nami's so cute when she's angry!" Sanji had hearts in his eye.
"Give it up. You should just stay away from her." Usopp told him.
"Having a rough time?" Robin asked sitting on the side of Merry at the top of the stair case.
"It's only gonna get rougher. I really am surrounded by idiots!" Nami was yelling out of frustration. "We have no idea where to go."
"Here." Robin handed Nami an Eternal Pose. Nami looked at it after she grabbed it. "I took it from that monkey's ship... just in case." Robin explained.
"So that's was what he dropped?" Iris didn't seem all that surprised as she walked up the stairs as well.
"You two are the only ones I can depend on!!" Nami was crying tears of joy.
"Oi, this is an octopus, right?! Let's make takoyaki!" Luffy laugh had pulled their attention back to the guys who was holding the octopus.
"Things certainly are stressful for you two." This had been said since Iris and Nami have both been traveling with the others for far longer then Robin.
"It can be. But what's adventure without a little stress here and there." Iris came to respond with a large and gentle smile across her face.
"Jaya?" While name was looking at the writing on the Eternal Pose. "That must be their Headquarters." Which made the most sense as an Eternal Pose while only point to a single island and never change, unlike the Log Pose.
"Jaya? We going there?" Luffy asked with his face stuffed with takoyaki that had appeared from nowhere.
"That's what you decide, nimwit!" Nami was once again yelling, however, Luffy then jumped down from the rail down below.
"Yosh! Hard turn to Jaya! Hard turn to Jaya!" Luffy shouted to the crew completely missing something. "Nami. Which way is it?" He asked her.
"To starboard." Nami had calm down.
"Chopper, help out!" Luffy ordered.
"Right!" Chopper ran to the helm and steered it.
"Onward to Jaya!" Luffy had once again yelled, as the ship started turning to starboard.
"Oi, Hold on." Usopp came to speak up. "If we go to that Jaya place... won't the Log change its course again? Which means... we won't be able to go to the sky!" This had been reminded to the Captain
"UNTURNED TO JAYA!" Luffy crossed his arms across his face. "Oi, Nami! What was that for!?" He had gotten in her face with anger.
"What? You're the one who decided to go to Jaya." Which had been the only response she gave him.
"Oh yeah, you're right." He came to recall this. "But I didn't think that would happen!"
"It's your fault for not thinking! That's how the Log Pose has always been!" This was once again stated to him, since Luffy still failed to completely understand how it all works.
"Oh yeah, you're right." Luffy had said calm down. "Yosh, listen up! I'm the Captain, so I decide our course! And I wanna go to Sky Island!" He was saying, however...
"Okay, how?" There was still that problem.
"We should probably ask someone." Usopp had suggested.
"Yeah, let's go ask someone." Which the Captain came to agree.
"Then wouldn't Jaya be the best place?" Iris came to ask this, since it was probably the closest place to them anyway.
"Yosh! Hard turn to Jaya!" Luffy's mind was back to heading towards Jaya.
"We already did that!" But the ship hadn't changed directions and it had Usopp punched him across the head.
"The Log won't change the instant we get there. Let's go to Jaya and leave before it adapts to the new Log." Robin had suggested to the crew.
"We'll need a bit of luck." Which wasn't far from the truth.
"Yeah, feels like it." Luffy, Usopp and Chopper agreed stuffing their faces still.
"Yosh, guys! We're going to the Land of Meat, Jaya!" Luffy shout one last time to the crew.
"AYE!" The crew responded.
"Quit dreaming!" Nami shouted at him.
"I wonder what kind of place Jaya is." Chopped said.
"Nami my love~! Iris my angle~! Robin my beauty~! I've finish the ladies' never-before-seen takoyaki entrees!"

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