The Selfish Mayor!

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With no other chose Nami, Iris, Sanji and Chopper headed back into town,running for the docks. The only problem was that they ended up running into Lake once again. "Man, he just won't give up!" Nami had groaned in annoyance.
"That weapon's a real pain!"
"Should I deal with him?" It would far more affective if Iris was the one to fight since she didn't even need to make direct contact with her body because of her ability of light.
"Enough talk!" But Lake had shouted. "This is the end!" Sanji came to stand in front of the group but then something came flying out of nowhere, knocking Lake in the head and the force had forced him to the ground.
"Master Lake! Are you all right, Master Lake?" The soldiers were freaking out, meanwhile, Iris looked down at what had hit the man.
"A coin?" Her head had turned in the direction where it had come from and was able to see a silhouette behind a building a few feet away before it took off. It wasn't long before Lake began getting up and it seemed that he noticed the coin that had been thrown at him.
"Did you throw this at me?!" He asked this question to group. It was clearly not them, and he would know since he had been watching the group the entire time. "I asked if that was you!"
"And if it was?" Sanji had returned a question.
"Good." And in a second later, Lake picked up the coin.
"YOU JUST WANTED IT!?" This had Sanji, Nami, and Chopper asking him this shouting.
"The harbour tax has now been paid." That single coin had been taken as a payment for the tax to dock their ship in the towns harbour. "You are now officially citizens of Luluka." And formally welcomes them to the town.
"Huh?" But this only confused them, since it was so little. However, with that all out of the way they asked for the Merry back.
"Ape's Concert?" Only to be told that the Going Merry was last seen heading towards Ape's Concert.
?yeah, the other patrolmen saw your ship enter the Rainbow Mist. The mayor says... there's a kings ransom of treasure in there." He tells them and hearing that...
"Treasure?!" Nami's eyes began to sparkle at the words.
"Ape's Concert is a ships graveyard. The various racks in there I have treasure chest unscathed all over. The mayor wants to treasure and is having Professor Henzo research a way to get in there." Lake was explaining everything to them, even about how the professor was the one to created the electric suit he had been wearing. "It's really, really cool, ain't it?"
"This guy likes to talk." It was hard to tell if he was an idiot or a nice guy.
"I guess it's 'cause we gave him that tax he wanted." It was the only thing Sanji could think of.
"Yeah, but the change is sudden." Iris had to say that, since it really was.
"We can't stay here!" The three of them had turned to Nami that had suddenly shouted that. "We have to go into that mist too!"
"Yes, Sir, Nami!" Sanji was all for it as he was repeating himself.
"However, if we enter it, we won't be able to leave." Iris came to remind her of what had been said before.
"Don't be afraid!" It wasn't like she was. "The treasure's just waiting for us!"
"EH!?" That had been the only thing on Nami's mind, and not the fact that their friends were trapped inside.
"I will not allow you to enter Ape's Concert from my city." Someone new had joined the conversation, which had caused them to all turn to it.
"Grandpa!" Came from Lake's mouth after turning.
"You dumbass!" But he had been hit by a cane that had a handle resembling a red bull's head.
"Grandpa...?" What the four pirates found themselves looking at...
"You've got a poor memory. Aren't I always telling you? You are to call me 'Mayor.' Mayor Whetton." Was an old, wrinkled man with red hair and beard, arranged into a so-called 'chin curtain', hair and beard meet via whiskers, but facial hair above the chin is shaved off. Before they knew what was going on, Whetton's men had completely surrounded them.
"Mayor! It's the Talielisin!" But that all changed when a large red ship with a red Bull figure head was brought to the docks.
"Oh, my dear old ship." The old man was saying pleased.
"But Grandpa, why is this ship coming back home now?" Lake was asking this.
"I told you to call me 'Mayor'!" But he got hit once again by the Mayor. "Look there." Then the answer to the question was beginning to be answered. "50 years ago, my ship disappeared inside that mist. And, since the ship has returned, it means that the doorway to Ape's Concert has been opened."
"In other words, it's now or never, if we want to get the treasure inside there, right?" Nami was all ready for this, but for some reason the men behind her were looking at in disbelief or shock.
"That's right. But how do you know that?" The Mayor had come to ask this after completely comprehending what she had said, and seemed shocked.
"It was because Lake informed us." Iris had been the one to answer him.
"You bonehead!" Which had only got the grandson a kick to the head. "And after everything I said about the treasure being a secret!"
"I'm sorry, Grandp- I mean, Mayor." He stopped himself from getting another hit.
"It sure must be trouble, having dimwitted family members, huh?" Nami was acting like she always did when she was trying to trick and get treasure, and that was trying to get on their good side by being on their side.
"Mm-hmm." Iris, Sanji and Chopper all nodded in agreement.
"Ain't that the truth?" It seemed to be working. "And why are you acting sympathetic towards me!?" Until Whetton snapped out of it as he was screaming at them, which had caused Chopper to end up in Iris' arms in fear. "For whatever reasons, now that you know the secret of Ape's Concert, I can't afford you leaving." With that having been said, all the guns in the hands of the soldiers seemed to be pointing at the four of them.
"You're going to silence us, is that it?" Sanji was smirking while asking this, since that would how it go.
"No, you're going to pay the 'I found out the secret' tax of ten million berries." A large greedy grin came across the man's face.
"Is this a joke!?" Which only had the cook snapping at him this time.
"He appears to be serious." Iris came to state being...
"More to the point, that's too much!" The only one...
"More to the point, what kind of tax is that?!" That didn't seem to be snapping.
"Are you saying you can't pay the tax?" That was then when Whetton tapped his cane on the ground. "Tax collection square!" And soon the sound of drums rolling could be heard.
"You called, Mayor Whetton?" An old man, being at least 50 years old came out to the front speaking. He had red hair and a mustache, with thick black eyebrows, just like Whetton and Lake.
"Oh, Daddy!" So it made sense when Lake shouted that.
"Daddy?" But it sounded creepy to the others.
"Take them to Rainbow Tower, and condemn them to hard labor." This had been ordered.
"What's that?" Sanji came to ask this as they had no idea what that was.
"That is Rainbow Tower." Until Whetton pointed his cane towards the lighthouse like thing. "You are going to keep working at that tower until you die. Hellish, heavy labor, from morning until night. You'll be off to the next world in no time." This had all been explained to them. "Go on, Phillip, take them away."
"Oh, the Rainbow Mist has appeared, hasn't it, Father?! Now is our chance to get the treasure from Ape's Concert!"
"He just said everything." Chopper point out what everyone already knew.
"Turns out the apple does not fall far from the tree." Iris came to say.
"Secrets aren't worth a damn to them, are they?" Sanji was right about that, since they go around slipping them every few seconds.
"All three generations are patently stupid." And Nami completely insulted them.
"You bonehead!" Whetton had his son in a a punishment hold. "Fine! Call in Henzo, and have him investigate the Rainbow Mist!" He throw that order to his grandson.
"Right! Bring me the Transponder Snail, at once!" Lake shouted to a soldier.
"Father,you're still pretty strong, huh?" While his father was saying that to the Mayor. It wasn't long before the Transponder Snail had been brought and began to call the professor.
"Yes, Hello?" However, the voice that came from the other end sounded a lot like Luffy's.
"Why did you pick it up!?" Which had been followed by what appeared to be Zoro's as well.
"Oh, Professor Henzo." But it appeared that Phillip didn't realise.
"Huh? Who are you?" The voice that was probably Luffy asked.
"Huh? Who are you?" Then it seemed that Phillip realise he wasn't speaking to the professor and asked him back. But it was then when Sanji had taken the speaker from him.
"Luffy, is that you?" And was asking this.
"Where are you!?" Then Chopper's shouted that question to be heard.
"Are you all alright?" Iris then asked, concerned.
"You guys just took the ship on your own, and put the rest of us in a big fix!" But Nami on the other hand was pissed off.
"Oh, Nami?" Was all Luffy said responding.
"You're connected to Nami and the others?" Now they were able to hear Usopp's voice.
"Nami?" Along with the voice of a little girl.
"Wait... if we can talk with her, that means..." then Robin's voice had been hear.
"Are we connecting to the outside world!?" But was cut off by an man yelling this and asking. "Phillip!? Phillip, are you there!?" This was being asked.
"Yes, this is Phillip!" And the speaker had been taken from Nami. "Professor Henzo, where are you?" He asked.
"I'm inside the Rainbow Mist." They seemed shocked upon hearing this n
"The Rainbow...
"Currently, we are unable to get out. I'm sorry, but could you come rescue us?" This was being asked,
"Someone's coming for us!?" And the sound of children cheering could be heard in the back ground.
"There's no time. Tell Whetton to equip the safety search gear that I inverted, and to come inside the mist. Also-" All of a sudden, the man's speaking had been cut off.
"Hello? Hello?" Phillip was trying to get an answer.
"My, my, so they really are inside that mist, are they?" Sanji didn't seem all that surprised to hear that.
"What do we do?" Chopper was asking looking to Nami and Iris.
"Isn't it obvious? We go inside the mist." Had been the response from the navigator
"Shouldn't be that hard." Iris was in complete agreement.
"Just a minute!" However, it seemed that there was someone that wasn't. "I told you, you are not allowed to go into Ape's Concert without my permission." Whetton was still saying this. "You keep acting on your own, and..."
"Say, where is that safety gear that he mentioned earlier?" Nami came to ask this question to Lake.
"Oh, in here." And without hesitation, he had handed her a box.
"Thank you!" And they group had taken off running for it.
"No, don't mention it!"
"What are you giving it to them for?!" Whetton punched his head across the head shouting.
"Thank you!"
"You fools!seize them, at once!" Whetton was ordering all his men and they began chasing after them.
"And here, I was about to make a wisecrack about eloping." Sanji looked back behind him.
"Iris, go on ahead!" Nami had told the Angel as they reached the small row boat. With that being said, wings had sprout out from her so she was able to take to the sky.

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