The Journey Across Sand!

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Everything had calmed down after a day had passed. The crew were broken up into small groups spreader thorough out the ship. Sanji, Luffy, Usopp and Ace were all in the kitchen, where Sanji snapping at Usopp and Luffy playing with their food one minute and then the next was them washing the dishes in the water we had used to mop the Merry. At that time, Iris was sitting above the kitchen in front of Nami's tangerines writing in her novel. "What a nice breeze..." She giggled seeing how relaxed Chopper was as Zoro was swing his weights back and forth causing a slight wind. But that didn't last long once Nami had ordered the drop of the anchor once they got close to shore. Excluding Zoro, Iris and Ace, the others had joined Vivi on shore with Carue.
"Carue. I want you to go alone to the Alubarna Palace and deliver this letter to my father." She was telling him that everything her and Igaram had discovered about Crocodile and Baroque Works plans. She had also written that she was alive and had brought strong-willed friends, that would be the Straw Hats, with her. "Can you do it? You must cross the desert on your own." He saluted to her with confidence. "Listen. Be sure to ration your water while you're crossing the desert, Okay?" Vivi had told him very pleased with him.
"Alright! Give your best shot!" Luffy had said.
"Then, please go tell my father... that this Kingdom is going to be saved!" Those were her finally words to him before he took of like a Roadrunner but then he had suddenly stopped. Iris couldn't help but giggle at the fact that he took a giant gulp of water before her was off again leaving dust in his tracks. "I said to ration you water!" Vivi didn't get to finished before he was off.
"I knew that Crocodile of the Seven War Lords was in this Kingdom... but who ever heard of a pirate trying to take over a Kingdom? What a bad joke." What Ace was saying was true. Vivi said this was a plan to take the throne of Alabaster, but Iris wasn't completely sure about that.
"I have to agree with Ace." She had began to say, looking down at Vivi. "I don't see a pirate just setting down in one place."
"Alright! Let's set sail!" The others had began to climb aboard.
"Hey, I'm not onboard yet!" Usopp was snapping at Luffy.
"There might be more to this then we think." Iris had stated walking off to join the others.
"More?" Zoro had echoed those words, making her turn to him.
"There might be a deeper plan at work." She stated to him.
"Not only gorgeous but also smart." Seeing Ace smiling at her, she just couldn't help but smile back.
"I used to be told that a lot." She stated to him in past tense
"So, you boyfriend doesn't say that to you then." Iris wondered what he meant by that.
"I don't have a boyfriend." She told him but she didn't quite understand why he said that. But she left to join up with Nami and that. Which left Ace alone with Zoro.
"Doesn't have a boyfriend, huh?" Fire fist said glancing over to the moss head that's as glaring at him. "What's with that look?" Ace had asked smiling at him asking. "Are you afraid that I might steal her? Well you should be, I mean, she's beyond gorgeous, kind and strong." And with that note, he left Zoro feeling even more pissed then before. But time moved on even faster as the crew had finally reached they destination, approaching a rocky shore.
"We're finally here." Luffy was getting excited.
"We're finally gonna walk on the desert!" As was Chopper.
"That might not be a good thing for you." Iris had told him, as she looked down that the furred reindeer.
"What do you mean?" He had asked her innocently.
"It's pretty hot you see..." she had began to tell him.
"I heard temperatures go over 50C during the day." Nami had told him.
"WHAT!?" Needless to say he was shocked as. "Are you serious!?" He was asking her, as Iris was walking in front of her with him in her arms.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, NAMI!? IRIS!?" Sanji had his eyes shouting out from his sockets. "WHERE ARE YIU DANCING GIRL CLOTHES!?" He was completely shocked that both of them were wearing something completely different.

 "WHERE ARE YIU DANCING GIRL CLOTHES!?" He was completely shocked that both of them were wearing something completely different

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