The Bomb

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Iris had taken off flying away from Miss Black-Friday after she throw off the cloak and all.

As it was getting in the way

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As it was getting in the way. She was heading right for the castle, or at least that was the plan if sand wasn't flying everywhere meaning that Crocodile was here. But what of Luffy? There was no way he would be dead. "LUFFY'S ALIVE!" Iris had come to a stop when she heard a voice that she knew well coming from below, where she saw a group gathering.
"Tony!" Vivi was there
"WH-WH-WH-WHAT!?" And Usopp, completely wrapped like a mummy. "Luffy!"
"Vivi's here too!" Chopper was along side him as they were running to them
"S-See!? I told you he was alive! I never doubt it!" Usopp was saying but knowing him it wasn't true,
"I see!" And Chopper believed him.
"You wouldn't think so by the look on your face." Sanji had come up to them saying, with Eyelashes beside him.
"I had no room for doubt." Iris had landing behind Usopp while saying.
"Usopp, Sanji, Iris!" Vivi had looked to them slightly surprised,
"Oh! What happened, Iris, Vivi! You're both hurt?" Sanji was shouting at the two of woman all worried.
"Usopp!" Someone had shouted after sticking Usopp across the head with a blue metal pole.
"Nami, Mr. Bushido..." The last to members joining the group. "Everyone is safe!"
"Who asked you to make a toy for party tricks!?" Nami looked really pissed off and she was covered in dirt with Zoro behind her it if breath.
"I KNEW YOU COULD STAND, DAMN YOU!" Then he had lost it at the girl,
"W-Wait, it has some moves, too..." Usopp was in tears as he had said that.
"I'll deal with you when this is over!" Nami warned him and then tureen to Vivi asking her what was going on and why there was sand swirling everywhere.
"You asshole! How the hell did Nami get hurt!?" Sanji seemed to be upset about nothing really.
"She's fine." Zoro was still trying to catch his breath.
"Chopper, do me a favour. Bury my crying dead body in the vast, untamed wilderness." And Usopp was being over dramatic.
"He's suddenly succumbed to his mortal wounds!" While Chopper believed him so everyone was perfectly fine.
"Sorry, guys." Everyone had turned around to Luffy that had spoken, his arms stretched up to the palace. "I went and lost to him. That's why... that's why... I won't lose again! You guys take care of the rest!"
"Go on, get outta here." Zoro told him.
"If you can't beat him... THEN WHO THE HELL IS SUPPOSED TO!?" They all had faith in our captain, since they knew that once he made up his mind there's no stopping him.
"I'll finish this. All of it!" He glanced back to them saying and of course
"YEAH!" They all cheered for him before he took off
"BASTARD!" This was the finale battle to desired everything, so there was no way that Luffy was going to lose again since it was clear that Luffy figured Crocodile weakness. Sand was weak against... WATER! With Luffy gone to battle Crocodile the crew had all split up running around, or flying to find the bomb that had been planted by Crocodile. Zoro and Usopp had gone one way, Nami and Chopper another, Vivi was with Pell the Falcon and Iris was flying above Sanji that was running at full speed.
"Sanji, if the cannon fires a bomb that has a five-kilometres blasting range, wouldn't it be pretty big?" Iris had spoken down to him
"Wait." He had come to a stop to think about what she had said. Iris had come to a stop in the air as her wings flapped to keep her in the air. "And to shoot something like that out of a cannon... means it's gotta be close to its target." He was about to run back the way they came
"You don't have time for that." But Iris had told him that which had caused him to flip out before charging to the building in front of him. "Wait!" Which he kicked down the wall.
"I'll take a short cut!" He was breaking through the next wall and then the next.
"I...I could have just flown us there..." Iris was a bit taken back by his actions since it would have been less destructive and time consuming that way. She was taken back at this and ended up just flapping there for s few seconds since she was stunned. However, Iris did snap out of it so that she could take to the sky above. There was only a five minutes left, and even when Iris flying around over the buildings close to the placer she couldn't seem to know where the bomb was. She peeked through windows only to see them only have furniture in them. She even had to dodge or reflect a few stray bullets that headed her way. "Damn it! Where is it?" Iris took to the sky again with only three minutes left, only to see a long tall red smoke signal. "Usopp...?" It wasn't all that far from where she was, and without hesitation she flew right for the signal. But when she reached the area the sound of a loud irritating sound caught her attention and that's where she spotted Usopp and Vivi with Barque Works minions in pain as he was clawing a black board. Although, Iris had to wonder where he pulled that out from. "Vivi! Usopp!" Hearing the voice belonging to they friend, they both looked up to find her arms stretched down towards the ground, as she flew to them. "Grab on!" Of course they took one hand each as Iris gripped their wrists as she took off.
"Their getting away!" Of course the Barque Works minions weren't going to allow this. "Aim!" Those that had pistols pulled and pointed at where Iris was flying off in. "Fire!" And the they began to fire them.
"Iris, look out!" Vivi shouted at the bullets were flying right at them.
"It's fine." But upon saying that, even though she dodged almost all of them, Iris had suddenly screamed in agony. It was there when they began falling towards the ground and hit it pretty hard due to the high.
"Iris?!" Vivi pushed herself off the ground first and turned to the blonde hair woman that was on her knees. She was clinging onto her right wing that's pure white feathers had began to turn red. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, just run!" Iris shouted at her. But she wasn't, since she was healing like normal as she seemed to have used a lot of energy to fight before.
"That's right! Run! Keep running Vivi!" Usopp had gotten up shouting as the Barque Works minions were running right for them.
"Iris, Usopp, I can't..." But she didn't know if she could run anymore. However, to their surprised, the sudden screaming and groaning had caused the three to turn around. It was where they saw Tashigi and a few marines standing over the unconscious bodies that had just been chasing them.
"T-Th-Thank..." Usopp was completely surprised at this, but he wasn't the only one.
"We'll cover you! Please stop the bombing! Now, hurry!" Tashigi shouted at them.
"Thank you." Vivi had told the woman
"Do you think you can walk, Iris?" Usopp asked her, as he bent down beside her.
"Yeah, it was my wings. So I should be able to run." Saying this, Iris stood up with her wings slowly closing but they weren't going back to hide. "Let's hurry!" And then they ran off following Vivi.
"Hurry... HURRY!" Usopp was having difficulties breathing due to all the running.
"We've lost so much time!" Vivi was right about that.
"I'm a bit confused on what just happened, however, I'm glad the marines saved us." Iris stared as they were a bit confused on that fact as they were heading for a tall building ahead, that had a tall tower with a clock face on it.  The battle was still going on as they ran and they had just watched as one of the rebels had been shot, but there were people collapsed all over the place and it seemed to have caused Vivi distress.
"Dummy, stay focused!" Usopp shouted at her, so that she would snap out of it. "There's gonna be more victims than that if we don't stop the bomb!"
"Waiting on a miracle won't stop this bomb!" Iris told her as well, knowing completely well that those things don't happen unless one does something for it. "We only have two minutes... two minutes before we die or live and save everyone."
"EVERYONE TOGETHER!" Usopp shouted.
"RIGHT!" They were still running at full speed.
"Vivi, Iris, Usopp!" That was until they heard the voice of Nami and turned back to see her riding on Chopper.
"Nami! Tony!"
"What's going on?" Nami jumped off of him before running over to join them. "The marines helped us find you!" She had explained which was what happened to them before,
"Did you find the bombers?" Chopper asked them.
"We haven't confirmed it yet, but I know I'm right!" Vivi was saying with complete confidence. "We've been looking at it the whole time, but it was obscured from us! The bombers must be in there!" She pointed up to the building they were before, right up to the clock tower.
"The clock tower..." They were all stunned that they didn't think of this before.
"I get it! It would be easy to aim at the Square from up there!" Chopper was right about that
"If only Pell were here, he could stop the bombing." Vivi was staying but
"What about Iris?" Nami was looking to her saying but she shock her head.
"I wish." She showed off her wings that were injured due to the bullets that had been fired earlier.
"What happened to him?" Vivi asked as there was no sign of Pell anywhere, which was odd since Usopp fired that signal. "I don't see Pell..."
"Hey, Vivi. Even if we know where it is, there's no way we can get there in a minute!" Nami explained as she was right about that fact, if Iris wasn't injured then she could have gotten up there in seconds but as her wings had been shot, she couldn't.
"Peel, where are you? Hurry!" Vivi was praying for him to show up.
"We're going to have to try ourselves!" Chopper said as that would be the only way as this point in time.
"The stairs are out only choice! The entrance..."
"Oi!" Someone from above had cut Usopp off and they all looked up. "Nami~ swan! Iris~ sweet! Vivi~ dear!" They found themselves looking up to the third floor where Sanji had poked out from.
"Oh, so that's where he ended up from?" Iris was surprised as she had completely lost him before.
"WHY ARE YOU UP THERE?!" Usopp shouted up to him out of annoyance.
"Why?! Because you left a freakin' message for me!" Sanji was shouting down to them answering. "It said 'Clock Tower', so I started making my way up. What do you want me to do?" He was asking them where the bombers were.
"They're at the top! The top!" Usopp was pointing above them, to the face of the clock. "Get uonto The too and kick their asses!" While He was shouting that,
"Hey, isn't that..." Iris noticed someone up even further then Sanji. This had caused the others, even Sanji to look up to where she was pointing.
"Yo! I've been looking for you guys!" And there Zoro was standing, completely dirty, even more then before.
"ZORO! YOU'RE HERE TOO!?' Sanji was shouting this out of annoyance.
"What are you guys doing all the way over there?" But Zoro, as he had no sense of direction, thinking it was the others at fault.
"That's what I want to know!"
"I dunno! The marines kept saying 'Go north! Go north!'... so I went up this building!" Iris really didn't see how the two were related at all.
"Anyway, good for both of you! Just keep climbing and beat up whoever's going to fire the cannon!" Usopp was now shouting up to them but
"They can't!"
"They can't get into the tower from where they are." Vivi explained that other than flying to enter from the sky, the only other path was a entrance on the first floor.
"But... What if we had Zoro break through a wall and..." This was coming from Usopp but
"That could set the bomb to explode do to the shock waves." Iris explained to him, since there were many bombs that would have done it.
"As we thought, the stairs are the only way..." Vivi took of running
"Wait, Vivi." But when Nami told her that she had an idea all had come to a stop. However, in that moment, the face of the clock began to open up and inside of there were two weirdly dressed pair.
"Hey, listen, Mr. 7! This is our final order! Gero, Gero, Gero~!" The first was a strangely dress woman. She had purple hair, with a long, thin widow's peak. Over her hair she had a frog styled hat, with appendages jutting out with white balls on the end. She wore a purple shirt with pink dots that shows off her belly with a yellow button up shirt underneath, and a blue tie. She had frog styled sleeves at the end of her shoulders, and white gloves. She wore a purple skirt with pink dots on it, and a frog styled decoration with white balls on the end. She also had frog themed boots, that go up to the middle of her shins.
"That's about the size of it! I'd size it as being about 30 seconds from now!" The other one was a man covered with sevens, including his eyebrows, and shoes. He had puffy blueish-white hair, that was styled similar to a helmet. He sported a purple coat that goes down to his ankles, with yellow frills on the shoulders, in of the sleeves, and in the middle part. The coat also had parallel sevens on each side of the chest. Under the coat he wore a dark blue shirt with pink lines on it, and a light blue neckerchief. He wore black trousers with long white socks, and yellow shoes in the shape of sevens. He also had square yellow sunglasses with red lenses. They were definitely a pair of weirdos since they were laughing even though they were about to die.
"Who are they?" Nami could only asked as Usopp and Chopper seemed completely shocked.
"Mr. 7! Miss Fathersday!" But of course they were members of Barque Works. But the crew didn't have time for this as there was 15 seconds.
"Oi Nami! What the hell are you planning!?" Usopp had shouted at her all panicked. "We don't have time for stunts like this! If we screw up, we're dead!"
"I know that!just stay still!" She was shouting at him all annoyed. "I'm making some calculations!"
"Stay still? I don't even know why we're standing like this!" It would make sense as he was standing there, hunched over with Chopper on his back and on the reindeers back was Vivi. "What the hell are you going to do!?"
"You'll see when I do it!"
"Are you sure this will work?" Iris stood along side Nami asking as she kind of understood what the girl was planning.
"Who knows." Was how she responded with her new weapons in hand. "Warning for... Typhoon!" She placed the weapon into a X above her. There was only 13 seconds left. "Cyclone Tenpo!"

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