Desperate Situation!

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There truly didn't seem like there was anything they could do but stand in silence. How were they going to escape this place? How were they supposed to find their missing friends? But thinking of this had been interrupted as suddenly everyone held their weight shift. "What the...!" The Going Merry had began to rock wildly out of nowhere. "Ahhh! Guys, grab onto something!" Usopp came to shout to everyone, who began to find something.
"What the hell is that!?" But Zoro's question had caused everyone to look at what it was he spoke of, and it looked a giant pumpkin that appeared out of nowhere from the mist.
"It's the Rainbow Tower!" Henzo came to shout upon seeing this and it had everyone run to the side of the Merry to get a better look at the giant pumpkin. The giant pumpkin, or tower, started opening wide. "Whetton... I knew you'd come." With that being said, a large amount of small Engine boats began to pour out into the water and had separated in different directions. It didn't take long for them to return with large amounts of treasure which was placed onto the device of the tower. It all began moving on its own, deeper into the tower. Before long the men from Whetton's group even tried boarding Merry,
"Charge!" However, the children had attacked, preventing such a thing.
"You guys!" Zoro sounded worried turning to the kids.
"Don't overdo it!" Usopp shouted to them.
"This is the Pumpkin Pirates' property!" Akibi yelled back, as the others started climbing off the ship. "Until Rapanui comes back, we'll defend this place!" It appeared that the Professor was going to join as he was ran towards the ladder with them, sword in hand and a battle cry.
"Professor!" Robin yelled at him concerned, since he was an old man.
"I'm a part of the Pumpkin Pirates too! I'm going to fight with you!" Henzo yelled to the children. The Going Merry was completely surrounded by Whetton's men but this time.
"I'll help you too, Old man!" Usopp said. But then out of nowhere, Professor Henzo began screaming in pain due to electricity.
"Professor!" Causing Robin to shout for him as he fell off the side of the ship, into the small power boat below.
"You imbeciles. How can you let these little brats push you around!?" A man wearing a strange thing over his body, it was Lake.
"Whetton!" However, one of the kids shouted a different name.
"He hasn't changed since he was young!" Pukau was disbelief.
"No, you see, I'm Whetton's Grandson, Lake." Lake had spoke up, clearing the misunderstanding. "Are we that much alike?" Before he moved onto asking this, as if it wasn't the first time someone said the same thing.
"Yeah, almost identical!" Rongo sound amazed, as he replied.
"Oh, is that right? So Grandpa was this handsome back then." It appeared that all were side track by all of this.
"What's up with him?" Usopp ask as he, Nami, Iris and Robin were looking down below at them.
"What a strange person..." Robin said with no emotion.
"Hand over the treasure right now! Or I'll use this electric suit to burn you to ashes!" He seemed mad, he really did hear them.
"Zoro, be careful. He uses electricity." Iris had been the one to warn Zoro, as he landed on the boat Lake was one, with his swords already out.
"Electricity, huh? I was standing there, patiently waiting to let loose." He looked like he was having fun. "If all you've got is electricity, I'll use my swords... and cut it in half!"
"Um, electricity isn't like that..." Nami waved her hand along with Usopp and Iris dismissing what the swordsman said.
"Sounds like fun. Try me!" Lake seemed to amused by this.
"I've been looking forward to this." It was then when Zoro had began his assault, however, much to his effort, much like Sanji, he appeared to be unable to get close enough without being electrocuted.
"My electric suit is invincible." Lake was shouting all proud of himself as Zoro was stumbled back.
"Get away? Who's doing that? I said that I'd cut your electricity!" That was shouted back to him.
"C'mon, What the heck do you mean by 'cutting' the electricity!?" Usopp asked him.
"Actually, cutting it isn't impossible." Iris came to say that out of nowhere.
"Eat this!" Lake pulled back the arms of the Machine. "Rolling Thunder!" When he put them back together creating a large call of electricity that was sent at Zoro...
..."Huh?" Or that was what should have happened. "What's going on!?" Lake started throwing a tantrum, stomping his feet.
"Well, I though that since it was attached to that odd thing, it was its power source." Iris began to speak. "If I cut the wires it would stop." She came to expect with the light now floating above her hand before it disappeared.
"If you cut out the power source, it's useless, isn't it?" Robin was smiling as she spoke, as she was looking at the wires that had been sliced through thanks to Iris' light.
"Dammit! Why'd you do that!?" Lake was shouting up at the Angel. "Damn you, bitch!" He shouted over again, and then he ended up falling in the water. "Hey, a little help here? I'm sinking! Sinking!"
"Just shut up!" Zoro had told the man, annoyed by both his shouting and the fact that he wasn't able to do anything. Just as that had happened, out of nowhere and explosion echoed throughout the mist, and once again the ship was sent rocking widely. "What now?" Where the tower had been was a large amount of smoke and flames.
"He left us to die... Whetton, you bastard! He's no captain of mine!" It was Ian, and he was caring Phillip. But no far in front of them, someone else had emerged from the water.
"Lu!" Iris came to shout as she spotted the rubber boy ...
"Rapanui!" On the back of a tanned boy that posed large lips and white/silver hair.
"It's Rapanui!" The kids were all happy at the sight of the boy.
"He's back." Not to mention relieved.
"That guy sure knows how to make me worry." Usopp was starting to tear up as he spoke of Luffy.
"Jeez, this guy is troublesome." Zoro had began to pull both Luffy and Rapanui on to the boat he was one, with Akibi and Rongo. However, this was only the beginning. Everything back trembling all around, and it was as if even the air itself was shaking as well.
"W-What was that?" Henzo was looking around asking himself. "Could it be..."
"What is it, professor?" Iris asked him as she could feel the trembling.
"Ape's Concert's existence rests on a delicate balance." As Luna was saying that, she was looking up to the mist. "Since that giant explosion occurred, there's no telling what could happen!"
"Well, that might explain that." Iris had pulled everyone's attention above where the mist had turned into the ocean. It had caused all the shocked or terrified at the sight above.
"What the hell is that!?" Zoro was shouting.
"The distortion of the space is being magnified! At this rate, we'll all be drawn in and killed!" The professor was explained all panicked.
"What!?" Usopp began panicking the most upon this news. Excluding Sanji and Chopper, who were located outside the mist, the whole crew and the children had once again gathered upon the Going Merry, where they were looking up at the sky above.
"The sky is falling... we don't have anytime! Probably less than an hour!" Professor Henzo ended up informing everyone.
"We're in trouble! We've gotta get out of here!" Usopp shout something they didn't already know.
"But... how?" Nami asked.
"This book's author made it out of Ape's Concert once." Robin began flicking through the book, "There must be a way out written in here." She then gasped.
"What is the matter, Robin?" Iris was asking her, since it was unusual.
"'To be continues in the final volume...'" this had been said as the book was slammed shut.
"Where is that?" Usopp had come up to her asked, but she only shook her head in response. "YOU DON'T HAVE IT!?" This had sent him into hysterics.
"There!" The boy, Rapanui was shouting while at the front of the ship, looking ahead where he could see a light.
"What's up?" Luffy had gotten up, finally recovering from the sea water.
"Luffy, that light!" His attention had been drawn to what Rapanui was speaking of. "It's sunlight!"
"Sunset!?" Usopp asked, a bit shocked.
"Yeah, there's a tear in the space... we ran towards that light and made it out!" This was being explained by the boy.
"R-really?" The long nose asked making sure.
"Hurry! That light could disappear at any moment!" Henzo was telling them all and once it was gone, they would be trapped forever.
"Unfurl the sail! Everyone row the oars with all you've got!" Nami began shouting orders to everyone.
"Aye!" That's when they all ran off.
"Everyone, come on up!" Iris had come to shout down to Whetton's men that had been left behind.
"Yeah, Give us a hand! We're getting out of here!" Zoro was shouting as he informed them.
"Okay..." The men had pulled out the oars and Nami stood the guys, blowing a whistle to signal them to row. What it wasn't working out, they were just going in circles.
"Oi, What the hell're you doing!? Just row!" Zoro snapped at Lake, as he pulled back the oar.
"I am, Dammit!" Lake had snapped back at him, as did he. But when They thought they were making progress one of the oars had been caught in some ship remains and snapped. To make things worse then same thing happened to the second oar as well.
"Ah, they broke!" This had sent most of the men into panicked mood.
"What are you doing!?" Nami shouted at them.
"Shit, we're in trouble!" Zoro shouted.
"Everyone, the light! It's disappearing!" Iris shouted, as she was standing at the front of ship.
"Is this the end...?" Professor Henzo asked, as there was no wind.
"You guys jump in and push." But that had then be said by Zoro to Whetton's men.
"Are you nuts!?" Which only got that as a response from Phillip.
"If you all push together, then maybe..." but Luffy was serious.
"YOU MORON!" All of the men shouted,
"If there was only a strong wind..." Nami was looking back to the sail.
"You need the wind to blow?" Rapanui had asked this to himself more then Nami. Then before anyone knew it, the boy had leaped into the water.
"Hey! What are you doing!?" Nami shouted down to him.
"I'm gonna blow up our ship!" He informed them, then swam for the Marines warship. "It's a Marine ship, after all. There's a whole load of cannonballs. If I light them on fire, they'll generate a really rig wind!"
"Wait, Rapanui! If you do that, then you'll... what'll happen to you!?" Professor Henzo shouted to his friend.
"Rapanui!" Before anyone could do anything, the other kids jumped of the Going Merry after Rapanui.
"Hey, where are you going!? Come back!" Usopp shouted down to them.
"Kids! Stop!" Iris shouted panicked at this sight.
"We're the Pumpkin Pirates!" Pukau shouted, before swimming off with Rongo and Isok.
"We swore to stay together with our friends until death!" Akibi then swam after them.
"Rapanui dove in to save you guys! Don't waste his bravery! You'll only die with him!" Henzo shouted to them.
"We won't die! Henzo, we'll come back! No matter how many years it takes, we'll came back to Luluka!"

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