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It been a day after leaving Ido and testing the fake Rebel Army and the crew was beginning to reach their limits as they were moving on the sand. At least all but two, who had their wings out while the other was being dragged on a sled. "Oi, stop it-" Usopp screaming at the sand blow. "Look how much you spilled! That's wasteful." He was saying that to Luffy, who was spilling the water he was drinking.
"It's no big deal! Ace gave us a whole barrel full." Luffy didn't understand how bad it was to waste water here. Iris was watching them completely out of it until the feeling of being pulled causing her looked to see Zoro pulling onto a piece of rope that was tried around her waist. Why one might ask, it was because without even realising it Iris fly up higher for her mind is totally melted in this heat.
"Don't you have any sense of self-restraint!?" Usopp was asking him all upset that he continued to chug it down the whole time.
"This guy's gonna drink some, too." Luffy was saying like a child as he looked to Sanji.
"I'm saving this for when Nami says, 'Ah, I'm thirsty...!', and at that time... I'll have it ready right away!" The cook was glowing as hearts was shouting out from him. "NAMI! VIVI! Would you like some water?" He had asked the two girls in the camel.
"You jerk! I'll drink it!" Luffy ran off after him.
"I'm okay for now." Was her response.
"Give it to me!" Luffy had tried to grab the water from his hand which began to spill as they both thought over it.
"You want a drink?" Zoro had turned to Chopper, who he was pulling on a sled.
"Thanks. I'm okay." He had told him.
"What about you, I-" The strength from Iris wings give away and before they knew it, she was on her knees and hands leaning the boiling sand.
"I can't. I hate the desert." She gave up, how can people live in this place!? She liked being as positive as she can but this was her limit
"Get on." Zoro crouching in front, with his back to her.
"No, I'm fine. Just give me a few minutes." Of course she was lying but didn't want to be a burned to him.
"Don't be ridiculous." Before Iris could do anything, she had been thrown onto his back where he began to walk off. It wasn't bad. Iris was telling herself that while leaning her head on his shoulder but for some reason her eyes felt really heavy. Maybe closing them for a bit won't be so bad... It wasn't long before the sound of slow soft breathing entered Zoro's ears. It sent shivers down his spin and when he looked to Iris, he found her fast asleep. He though she looked extremely beautiful sleeping and would watch her for hours on end. However, it had to come to an end when a something pocked out of the sand.
"Huh? What's that?" Luffy was asking all curious like as he moved around. "What is this thing?" And of course he had the mind of a child, he picked up a stick and began to poke it. Iris' eyes had shot open the moment a duct cloud covered over Luffy but when it cleared, a giant scorpion was beneath him.
"IT'S HUGE!" Usopp, of course, was freaking out.
"Pretty interesting." Iris was saying, with her chin placed on Zoro's shoulder.
"Wow!" Luffy was completely impressed and the moment it tried to attack him, Zoro, Iris, Sanji and Chopper all sprung into action along with Luffy, as Usopp was still freaking out. Of course, while all that was happening, Nami and Vivi continued their path as Vivi continued her story. It was there were Nami found out the name of the lead of the Rebel Army, Kohza, Vivi's childhood friend.
"NAMI! Nami, would you care to try some?" Sanji had interrupted them, running over with the claw of the scorpion they had just killed. Seeing that, both woman were in shock.
"This desert-shrimp is tasty!" Luffy was saying with his face full.
"Lu, it is a scorpion, not a shrimp. They do not even appear on land." Iris had explained to him, as she was also eating it.
"I can't eat any more!" He had then fallen over the top of the shell left behind from the scorpion.
"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS! QUIT SCREWING AROUND!" Nami had completely snapped at them. "Eyelashes! We're leaving NOW!" They had taken off again.
"What's she so pissed about?" Luffy had asked them all.
"Who knows..." even though the guys said that, Iris knew exactly why she was but couldn't bring herself to say anything since this was why she enjoyed being with them so much. Time moved on, day and night both passed again and the crew had gathered at an out cropping where Sanji had began to make us lunch. Everyone was happily eating away but that was when Iris had looked off into the distance
"Is something wrong?" Zoro had asked, causing her to turn back around to look down to his face, since she was sitting on a small rock beside him.
"I don't know, I feel like someone is watching us." She had stated, with her hand placed softly on cheek as she was confused. However, she didn't say like that for long.
"Is that all the food?" Usopp was shouting, causing her to look over to him and Luffy who were both having a fit,
"Seconds! Where's my seconds?!" The captain was banging his spoon and plate together over and over again. However, doing that had caused Sanji to kick them both in the face.
"Enough of your greedy bullshit." He had told them both, but it was more pointed at Luffy who had them stolen some of Zoro's food.
"Oi! Luffy, you jerk!" He ended up snapping. "Don't take other people's food!" He was now glaring down at Luffy after getting up,
"Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" Usopp was kicking Sanji over and over again.
"You've already had enough!" But he was sent flying by a kick of Sanji's.
"Don't worry about it." Luffy said with his face stuff.
"Now, now. Calm down Zoro." Iris had gotten in between them. "Now, Luffy..." anytime she called him by his actual name, it was followed by a lecture. "Even if you are hungry, it is impolite to take food that someone is yet to finish. It is fine if they say their full, however, beyond that you should not. Do you understand?" She really was like a mother.
"Yes..." He was pouting.
"That's good." Iris was patting him on the head gently.
"YOU GOT TO STOP SPOILING HIM!!" Zoro, Usopp and even Sanji had snapped at her.
"Why does every meal turn out this way?" This whole time, Vivi and Nami had been watching from above.
"Don't look at them." Nami was telling the girl.
"Look. Ace has finished eating and he's cleaning his fork and plate." Vivi had pulled her and Nami's attentional the shirtless man on a tall bolder, wiping his fork with a cloth.
"Hey, you're right, he sure is different..." Nami was saying.
"Either! Give me back my food!" Zoro was pulling Luffy Face.
"Make me!"
"Guys..." Iris was trying to pull them apart.
"...than his nincompoop brother." Nami was saying watching them. "But, with his good manners, you'd never suspect... that he has such an incredible bounty on his head."
"Ace has a bounty?" Vivi was a bit surprised to hear that.
"I think someone said it was enough to make bounty hunters the world over drool." Nami had began to explained that Ace was a member of the Whitebeard Pirates and by hearing either one of these names would cause pirates to tremble in fear.
"Since Ace is searching for him so seriously, this Blackbeard must be quite a vicious character." Vivi had pointed out.
"Blackbeard... a comrade-murdering traitor. It looks like he plans to hunt him to the end of the world." It was a given, since even among pirates there are certain things that you do not do, of course there are those that kill their comrades, however, other pirates don't see them a true pirates. "Alright, let's get going." Nami had jumped down the rock, placing sand on the fire. "Today is..." She was then going to explained what would happen, however, Zoro and Luffy were still fight and of course Iris was still trying to stop them. It would be easy for her, however, she didn't want to resort to violence. "Will you two... QUIT IT!" Unlike a certain someone. "Now help clean up! We're ready to head off to Yuba!" Nami had ordered them.
"Sometimes, I wonder who the captain is." Iris was saying to herself. But then she felt someone from behind and when she looked, she saw floating meat and she wasn't the only one.
"W-wow! That's so cool!" Luffy was completely flipping out with excitement.
"Oh no! He saw us!"
"Hurry, bro'!" Two child like voices were speaking.
"The meat is talking!" That was the first conclusion that Luffy came to.
"What? Luffy, what's wrong?" Nami didn't understand what he was going on about.
"The meat! The meat's running away! Hold on meat!" He was shouting as it was disappearing off into the distance, but he wasn't going to let to get away from he, so Luffy chanced after it.
"Lu!" Iris called out to try and stop him, but once Luffy had started running there was no force in this world that would stop him. The fact was that the meat wasn't moving or talking it was two children that was doing all of it with a fishline. The eldest one had brown hair and eyes, and was wearing a light blue jacket (buttoned) with a red shirt underneath. As for the other one he had on a green shirt with indigo suspenders with blonde and
"Wait, Wait, Wait, meat!" Luffy was still chasing after them, leaping from one rock to another, completely missing both those boys. "Which way? This way!"
"We pulled it off, bro'!" The youngest one had said after Luffy was gone and the eldest had given him the meat.
"Is it good, Chip? Our first meal in ten days." He asked his little brother.
"We can finally have some meat... here, bro'." The little one, Chip, handed it to his brother.
"We never had any meat in the Badlands."
"Oh, you two came from the Badlands?" A male voice had caused them to look up, to find Ace crouching down on the boulder behind the eldest. "Out there in the wild." And he looked a little threatening.
"Who are you!?" The eldest had used his on body to shield his younger brother.
"We won't give you back to food!" Chip was telling him.
"Why hello and who might you two be?" Both boys had flinch upon hearing someone from behind them. They both shot around and found Iris there bending down to be eye level with them, smiling like she always did. That was when the eldest had pulled out a gun to her.
"One move and you're a dead man!" He was threatening her, but she didn't seem all bothered by it and continued to smile at both the boys and it only seemed to make Ace chuckle.
"Dangerous things like that won't frighten her." He had told both boys,
"Bro, have you real shot it before?" The youngest was asking him panicked.
"H-How would I know!?" But not as much as his brother. "W-Wait, I'll just..."
"Stop!" Chip had tried to stop his brother from firing but it was too late, the loud bang echoed as the bullet headed right for Iris. Just as the bullet was about to hit her, it's projector changed and it landing in the sand.
"What just happened?"
"Children should not being playing with such dangerous things." Iris had told them, her cheeks puffed up acting like she was mad.
"H-how did she redirected it?" Dip was still completely confused.
"How? This." Iris had her index finger up and a small light appeared above it. She had used one to redirected the bullet.
"A devil fruit!"
"I've never seen such an incredible person!" Chip was grabbing tightly onto his brother frightened. That was when Nami and the others had ended up joining them.
"Who're they?" Usopp was asking spotting the two boys but then the eldest had grabbed onto Iris' hands
"We have something to ask of you!" He sounded desperate. "We need you to find and capture a man!" She was taken back by the sudden request. 'Catch hum and we'll give you a 1,000,000 berries rewards!"
"1,000,000 berries?" Nami had a bit surprised by hearing that.
"I... can't afford to pay you right now... but once I grow home I promise I'll pay you! Find this man!" He was telling her, holding up a picture of a middle aged man, with brown hair and a beard holding a pitchfork. He had an arrowed-heart tattoo on his forehead while wearing a pair of sunglasses. It wasn long until the others, excluded Luffy, had all gathered around the two boys who they found out were Dip and Chip who had began to explained what was going on and why they were here. "Following him, my brother and I have journeyed all the way from the Badlands."
"So? Who is this guy?" Usopp had asked them both.
"Scorpion. A bounty hunter." They had answered, but that only raised more questions. Why were sweet children that looked no older the ten looking for a bounty hunter?
"A bounty hunter?" Zoro echoes after them surprised.
"What are you boys doing following a bounty hunter?" Nami had asked them both,
"Well..." But it became clear that didn't know how or want to answer it. But looking at their body language it wasn't because of hatred or anger but more of worry.
"I have business with this guy as well." Ace had spoken up, causing all to turn to look at him, as he was staring at the picture of the man. "The man who defeated Blackbeard in Yuba... his name was Scorpion. The reason I'm going to Yuba is to meet him." He had explained but
"Eh? He defeated Blackbeard?" None of the others believed hearing that. Iris wouldn't be able to tell how strong he was unless she saw him herself since one can never judge a book by its cover.
"This man? But, Ace... do you really think this Scorpion guy defeated Blackbeard." Usopp was asking making sure he hear the right thing.
"I dunno. I can't tell unless I meet him." Ace had responded to him.
"Ace? The real one?" Chip had asked, knowing about,"Fire Fist Ace?" At that moment, Iris felt something was approaching from ahead. Looking up she had seen something heading their way, and she wasn't the only one that noticed it...
"What's wrong, Iris? Ace?" Usopp was asking both them.
"There are two... no, three...." Iris had stated, after getting a better look.
"Two men... and a bird." Ace had stated what they were and that's when Chopper sounded surprised.
"What is it?" Nami had asked noticing his reaction.
"They're coming." Vivi was confused, not understanding who they meant, however, the sound of running in caused everyone to look ahead of them at a small sand hill which later had someone riding an ostrich. It was a large, flightless bird which was wearing a helmet and goggles. He also had on a saddle and saddlebags.
"There you are, Fire Fist Ace!" The man riding the ostrich shouted.
"Huh?" Was the first thing that came out of everyone's mouth when they saw the exact same man from the photo.
"I am Scorpion! The indomitable hero! I have traveled from afar to challenge you! This will be a true battle!" He was shouted, Iris was the only one that noticed it but the boys had hid themselves.
"So he's Scorpion..." Vivi was whispering.
"Yo! Is everyone here?" That was when Luffy had pocked his head out from behind him.
"L-Luffy!?" Everyone, but Iris and Ace, had called out his name either in shock or anger because once again he had gotten himself into trouble.
"What the hell are you doing over there?" Sanji was asking him pissed off. There was then a silent pause as the man Scorpion was just sitting there sweating. But it was to be expected since he wasn't strong at all and seeing the sight of Ace was freaking him out.
"What's wrong, old guy?" Luffy had asked him, never picking up on others feelings.
"Eh? Oh, nothing... too bad for him! I'm lucky in a fight!" He was clearly lying. "You're days of roaring bravely on the seas end today!" He was laughing as he spoke to Ace,
"He's an idiot... a completely idiot..." Dip was saying causing more confusion. But now Iris understood what was going on and glancing over to Ace, he did too.
"I'm getting excited! Ace! A true battle! Don't back out!" Luffy was shouting to his brother like a kid.
"Like I'd back out!" He ended up snapping at him. "Well, there's something I have to ask him too. Get out of the way, Luffy!" Ace had told him.
"Here I come, Fire Fist Ace!" Scorpion had sudden shouted having the ostrich charging for the group and Ace also did the same thing but was running himself. Scorpion had pulled out some strange gun, "Eat this!" And had fried a net. To had covered over Ace but it didn't matter because the moment it did the net had been blown away by a pillar of fire. "AH! W-W-W-W-What!?" He was shocked, but it was known that Ace ate the Flame-Flame Fruit. But then again, maybe he reason he was shocked was because the net came flying at him.
"He deflected the iron net back at him!" Usopp didn't sound like he could believe. Scorpion was smocking from his burnt clothing.
"Looks like you plan on continuing." Ace seemed a bit excited.
"The Fight of hell starts now! Popo! My Prescorraci Rifle!" The ostrich had ran with something in its beck dropping it in front of his master before running on. The yellow holder was then thrown on his back and he had on his hand a small like bazooka, maybe a flame thrower. "Pressurised Corrosive Acid Rifle!"
"W-What?" Zoro was in shocked at seeing it.
"Corrosive acid!" Sanji seemed just as shocked.
"With this, I'll shoot pressurised acid into your body!" Scorpion was saying changing with a battle cry and when he fired the thing, Ace leaped into the air and the pressurised acid pierced right throw solid rock. But even in the air when he fired he missed. Ace had landed on the ground and began running towards the old man pulling back his fist back, slightly move to the sides as Scorpion fired again and again until finally, Ace had strike in the solar plexus. That had got to hurt.
"Sorry, but this isn't much of a fight." Usopp was completely disappointed.
"This outcome was expected, but... the story about you defeating Blackbeard was a lie, wasn't it?" Ace had asked, but it was already clear what the answer was. "You knew if you spread Blackbeard's name around I'd come to you. Something like that?"
"Exactly. Not a bad plan, don't you think?" He was right about that, it did bring Ace all the way here. "We've been evenly match until now. It's time for me to get serious!" It was kind of bad for him, it'll take years for him to be able to fight Ace not using his Devil Fruit abilities and even then he'll still be beat.
"That's enough! That's enough, Dad!" Dip was crying out to him.
"Dad?" The others were stunned to hear that but
"Wait, you guys didn't figure it out?" Iris was actually surprised that they didn't, it was pretty obvious. Since the picture was a dead give away. It was a personal one, something that a stranger wouldn't be able to get their hands on. There was also the way they acted. These two didn't hate him nor were scared to travel through the Badlands to find him.
"D-Dad?" Scorpion's voiced sound shocked,
"Stop it!" The two boys had ran off sliding down the step sand their father had gone down.
"D-Dip! Chip!"
"Dad!" The two boys' voiced cried out. "You're no match for him! That's Fire Fist Ace!"
"What are you doing here? When did you leave the Badlands?"
"It's too much, this greatest fight in the world! We came to get you, Dad!"
"What are you saying? Your dad is now the world's greatest bounty hunter. Two-Pistol Danny, Hell-Battler Ruth, and all the villains I faced begged for their lives..."
"That's what you're planning."
"So you knew... yeah, your old man's a worthless bragger." This was starting to get depressing. "But, one part of it was true. No matter what small, insignificant man you may be, if the feeling hits you, you can challenge even the greatest men in the world! I wanted to show you... I wanted to show you two a huge dream! A man must have a dream burning in his chest. Don't give up enduring everyday! Fight against it! Laugh and live on! As long as you challenge the impossible, any lifestyle is paradise! I have to show that, even if I must risk my life. Yeah, if you keep fighting against it, the way will open!"
"So you've seen your dad's invincible soul!" Scorpion was shouting, "What? I won't lose! As long as my supreme dream burns inside my chest! Popo! My bazooka." The ostrich had ran down the sand with a bazooka in mouth. "Fire Fist Ace! This is the end!"
"Dad! Stop! Please stop!" The sound of the boys crying out for him to stop echoed.
"Dip! Chip!"
"I understand what you wanted to tell us! But we planned to fight against it, too! To live everyday with everything we had! As long as you're there, we have the courage!" Dip was screaming,
"I'm sorry for complaining! I don't really care about food! I'm happy as long as you're with us!" Chip had cried out.
"I love you, dad!"
"I love you, too!" After a while the only thing that was heard was the sound of the boys crying when
"Dip! Chip!"
"Dad!" It seemed to be a happy ending, however,the bazooka had been fired and a strange shape thing had attached itself to the rocks above and not even a second later it exploded. The explosion had ceased the tall giant rock to break off the top which began to fall down towards where Scorpion and his sons were.
"Ierá..." Iris had began to gather light together.
"Gum Gum..." Luffy was running to save them.
"I'll handle it!" But Ace had stopped them both . "Fire Fist!" The same attack he had used on Baroque Works was heading right for the rocks that were falling. He had blasted them away, along with the hole pillar like rock. There was no need for my help. The lights had disappeared at that thought. With everything now done and over with, Ace told the crew that he would be leaving them.
"Are you really leaving, Ace?" Chopper had asked him to make sure that he really was leaving.
"Yeah. Blackbeard isn't in Alabasta. There's no reason for me to stay in this country." He had explained to not just the little guy but the rest of the crew.
"Oh." Was all Luffy had said in response to his brother.
"Where are you planning to go next?" Sanji had asked him.
"Scorpion told me some guy in the West saw him. I'm gonna try looking there." Ace had answered pulling something out of his pockets and then had throw it to Luffy. "Luffy. Keep it with you, always." He had told him.
"What? It's just a scrap of paper." He had said looking at it side way, but so did the others.
"That scrap of paper will let us meet again." Ace had explained to him and he had opened up the paper that had nothing on it. "Don't want it?"
"No, I do." Luffy had instantly answered. Ace had then turned to Iris, causing her to tilt her head to the side a bit.
"I don't know why but it's really nice being around you." Ace said which and caused Zoro to become angry, he was about to step forward to stop him, but was stopped by Nami.
"It's strange, but I kind of feel the same." Iris had told him.
"Then would you come with me?" His eyes were sincere as he asked her.
"Oi! Iris is a member of my crew!" Luffy was shouting but he had been grabbed from behind by Sanji, who covered his mouth. That was when Iris shook her head.
"I don't think I will." She had answered smiling up at him, "After all, I have all I need right here." Was her answer and hearing that, of course, was disappearing to him as he sighed. However, he ended up smiling.
"I see. Well, if you very change your mind just tell me next time we meet." He had then turned back to everyone. "Having a younger brother who's a bit on the slow side makes his older brother worry. He's probably going to keep burning you hands, too." Ace was right about that. "Take care of him for me." He had bowed to them and then looked at Luffy seriously, "Luffy, the next time we meet will be at the Pirate's Summit."
"Come to the top." He had smiled at his little brother.
"OI!" Everyone's head had turned around to where Scorpion, Dip and Chip were off in.
"OI!" Luffy was waving with both his hands to them as they began to leave. "Huh? Where's Ace?" Luffy had caused everyone to look back to where Ace was supposed to be in.
"He's gone." Zoro was a little bit happy about that.
"Fire Fist Ace..."
"We'll see him again." Luffy was saying with complete confidence.
"Yep, I'm sure of it." Nami had agreed with him happily.

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