Whiskey Peak!

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It was really hard to understand the weather of the Grand Line. It was due to the fact that they had just left the Twin Capes and were heading to Whiskey Peak but it was snowing shortly after. Not that any of them were really complaining. Iris

was looking up at the sky, her hands stretched out, catching the snow that fell onto her hand

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was looking up at the sky, her hands stretched out, catching the snow that fell onto her hand. But it melted right away due to her body heat. "Okay! It's done!" She had been pulled around at hearing Luffy' excitement. She found him standing in front of a snow man. "The man that came from the shy, Mr. Snowman!" The snowman's face was crooked instead of a carrot for its nose it had a giant stick sticking out of it. The snowman had a great cape on and a barrel on its head for a hat. The thing was the same hight as Luffy, who hadn't put anything warm on.
"Nice one!" Iris was clapping as she was impressed for the fact that it was done. By Luffy's standards.
"I've never seen such inferior snowcrafting." Usopp was laughing all smugged with himself. But it was understandable with what was standing never to him. "Behold! The art of my soul! The Snow Queen."
"She's so beautiful!" Iris walked over to the snow woman Usopp had created, she was so realistic and pretty. And was the spitting image of Kaya. But Iris didn't know that.
"WOW! AWESOME!" Luffy was just as impressive with it, when... "Snowman Punch!!" The Head of the Snow Queen was gone. It took Usopp a bit to realise what had happened and when he did, he wasn't all that happy about it.
"I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!" He this time had token the head belonging to the snowman and kicked it.
"AGH! MR. SNOWMAN!" Luffy head butted Usopp in the stomach, yelling he would get him for that.
"Here! Take that!" Usopp began throwing snow balls.
"Now it's my turn!" Luffy was chasing him with a giant snow ball rolling it.
"You bastard! I'm gonna..." now Usopp and the snow ball over his head after being crushed by the thing and they were now just throwing insults at each other. When...
"OI! WHO DID THAT!?" They had both been hit by a snow ball.
"You two let down your guard." Iris told them both throwing a snow ball up and down in her hand.
"IRIS!" They had began a giant snow ball fight running around on the low deck amused with themselves. Who cares how old they were, this is so much fun!
"Nami! How long shall I continue my Snow Shoving of Love~?" Sanji with a shovel that had snow on it.
"Until it stops snowing, Sanji."
"Yes, Nami~!" Poor Guy, he was just being used. Snow had hit Iris' face as she was watching the blond hair man,
"Hah! It was you who let your guard down this time, Iris!" Usopp had hit her, all proud of himself since she kept dodging they're attacks and got them a bunch of times.
"Oh yeah?" Iris had pulled out her swords.
"W-What are you doing!?" Usopp was asking all scared.
"This!" She throw up a bunch of snow into the air, "Ieró Chióni Ntous!" (Holy Snow Shower, Greek) And began whacking the snow that had smashed into both Luffy and Usopp like a media shower which both of them continued getting hit by them before they were covered in snow. "Looks like I win!" The sky then lit up and there was thunder in the sky along with black clouds. The wind had then began to blow extremely hard. Why was there a sudden storm all of a sudden? And then there was Nami's screaming to worry about.
"W-What is it?" Usopp was asking as we were having a round two.
"What's wrong?" Luffy and Iris also asked her.
"What happened, Nami?" As did Sanji, because when she screams it couldn't be too good of them.
"No way!" She was freaking out looking down at the Log Pose but she was. "Turn the ship around 180!" She had shouted out of nowhere telling them to hurry.
"180? Why are we turning back?" Usopp was asking confused, but he wasn't the only one, they all were.
"You forget something?" Luffy was asking.
"The ship reversed direction and we're heading the wrong way!" Nami had explained, but it just made them even more confused, they would have noticed if the ship turned back around.
"Are you really a navigator?" Miss Wednesday had asked inside the kitchen. "On this ocean... the wind, the sky, the waves, the clouds... you can't trust any of it. The only thing you can trust is the direction the Log Pose's needle points. Get it now?"
"QUIT LECTURING AND GET OUT THERE AND HELP!!" Nami was screaming from the kitchen where Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday came out of. Knowing her temper she kicked the both out. "Turn the braceyard! Catch the wind coming from starboard! Turn the ship 180 to port!" They began running around deck following Nami's instructors. The first was Usopp to take the aft sail which he ran off to do. Then Nami told Sanji to take the helm which of course he was glad to do since she was the one ordering him. She was shouting at Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday who were pulling ropes telling them to kept it up.
"Hey wait, the winds changing!" Usopp had told her which Nami couldn't believe. But then it got warmer.
"The first sign of spring!" Mr. 9 was happy saying at a gentle wind blow.
"Zoro, Wake up don't sleep with snow all over you." Iris ran over to him shoving the snow of of Zoro and pulled off her coat

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