The Rebellion Begins!

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The sun had began to raise high in the sky over Alubarna as the Rebel was about to begin. Located at the West Gate... "Hey, hey! Look over there! There's so MANY of them!" Was where Mr. 2 was looking out to the distance. "The princess must be a loon to think she can stop them! But is that loon... really going to come? If is she not going to come? Or is she going to come? Or is she not going to come?" He had then looked off in all different directions asking which it seemed to have began to annoy someone. "It's so AMBIGUOUS!"
"Oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi! This is gonna be okay? Gonna be okay? They're really coming right!" That princess and those pirates!" A stout, middle-aged woman with red hair was shining while she was stopping on the ground like a child. She wore a necktie that resembles a Christmas tree which stood for Ms. Merry Christmas, who wore a large pair of purple-lensed sunglasses, a basket strapped to her back, and sandals. "At this rate the Rebel Army will get here first! Didn't they want to stop this battle!? Geez!" She was still shouting.
"There's a good chance they simply won't make it in time." This time a young, slim woman of average height with curly dark-blue hair had spoken. The woman had thick lips, dark green eyes, pale skin and a curvaceous figure that wore a revealing and dark brown in colour, this outfit mainly consisted of a short long-sleeved jacket with beige colored fur brims, a bikini top which had spider web-like pattern across her abdominal area, low-riding pants, and platform sandals. And she was smoking from a long whitish pipe. "They did incur a huge time loss at Rainbase, after all." This woman was Ms. Doublefinger, Mr. 1's patter.
"What, you serious!?" Ms. Merry Christmas was still shouting.
"But, what if the rebellion starts before they get here? What are we going to dooo?" Mr. 2 had turned to the other asking.
"We won't had to dooo anything." Ms. Doublefinger had responded to him saying that once the war started that not even the princess would be able to do anything about it.
"All we have to do is kill the ones we were ordered to kill." This time a tanned man with long, thin limbs and fingers had spoken. He was tall and very muscular and his head was shaven. His most striking feature was probably the black unibrow, right over his round eyes. He had big lips and the archaic Japanese symbol of the number 1 tattooed on his torso. He sported an oriental-looking attire consisting of a sleeveless dark coat with golden edges and white motifs on the front, over very loose beige pants held up by a white sash around the waist, with some light brown fur sprouting from it. His pants were tucked inside some bandages wrapped around his calves and in part around his shoes. "Is that too hard if you, pretty boy?" This was terrifying man was of course Mr. 1
"How about I give you a taste of my kenpo!?" Mr. 2 had taken offence to what he had said.
"Stop it right now, you two." Ms. Doublefinger told them both off.
"Ah! My hip! My hip hurts! Mr. 4, massage!" Ms. Merry Christmas had shouted over to a rather tall and fat, that had big lips, and wore a green shirt that covers most of his body with black pants and gray running shoes. Like all other officer agents, his number was expressed somewhere on his clothing or his person. He has an obscure 4 designed on his shirt.
"T-h-e-y-'r-e c-o-m-i-n-g..." He was slowly saying after he had been looking out to the distance in which Rainbase was located in.
"WHAT!? Why did you say so, you dim witted daruma!" Ms. Merry Christmas had run up to him to rip the binoculars out of his hands and pushed him aside. She looked through the binoculars and could see seven figures riding in ducks right for them. "Spot-billed ducks!"
"Spot-billed ducks?" Ms. Doublefinger had ended up repeated confused at her statement only to ask what it was that Ms. Merry Christmas could see.
"Aren't they too many of them? I see six of them. After scratching Straw Hat off the list, there should only be five left." She was saying as they didn't know about Sanji and thought of Chopper as a pet.
"No, Ms. Merry Christmas. Weren't you listening to Boss?" The Blue hair woman had asked her. "That Mr. Prince is with them." She had added one more then said that even if there were to extras the numbers still worked out.
"No matter how many more there are, we only have to eliminate Vivi. What are you confused about?" Mr. 1 had asked the middle age woman.
"Mr. 1. 'We only have to eliminate Vivi?'" She had repeated what he had said before lowing down the binoculars. "Well then... WHY DON'T YOU TELL ME WHICH ONE IS VIVI!?" The reason she was saying this was because the seven that were riding the ducks all had cloaks over them, hiding their identity.
"They're all wearing the same mantles!" Mr. 2 shouted upon seeing them.
"And those birds are the fastest in Alabasta. The Super Spot-billed Duck Squad!" Ms. Doublefinger fingers shouted since they wouldn't be able to have enough time to catch them as they were.
"Damn you rats...! Which one of you is Vivi!?!" Mr. 2 was asking as if they were going to answer. "IT'S TOO AMBITIOUS!" His voice echoed loudly.
"FIRE, MR. 4!" Ms. Merry Christmas shouted and upon her orders he had fired a hand size cannon at the squad but only a baseball had fallen on the ground before them.
"Get away from it!" The ducks had splitter up as the baseball blow up.
"They dodged it! Those birds are fast!"
"Two of them just broke through to the south!" Ms. Merry Christmas had spotted two splitting off from the others only to run to the south. "They're splitting up! I bet they're going to the South Gate!" It was in that direction that the Rebel Army was heading in which would mean that one of them must be Vivi. "LEAVE THOSE TWO TO US!" Ms. Merry Christmas had jumped down from the bolder she had been standing on and began running after the two. "Move it, Mr. 4!" With him following after him.
"Sure-Kill Gunpowder Star!" One had fired something using a slingshot towards Mr. 1 and the moment it made impact with his hand it exploded. Two more had spilt off heading to the east.
"Mr. 1, two just got by over there! One of them could be Vivi!" Mr. 2 was pointing to them both.
"They're planning to enter the West Gate." Ms. Doublefinger finger had informed them.
"Those bastards..." and Mr. 1 was beginning to snap. "Let's go!" He had then ran after the three that headed to the east. It was then when Mr. 2 had been knocked to the side as another pair came running at him directly.
"Well! We'll be off to the Southwest Gate then!" One of them had said as they took off.
"Of the dive fates into Alubarna, three of them can be entered from the West. They're trying to enter the city separately. It doesn't matter! We'll eliminate them inside!" Ms. Doublefinger was saying as she ran after Mr. 1.
"You won't get away!" Mr. 2's nose was bleeding a lot, almost like a water fall. Each of the gates were guarded but they weren't stopped as they were on the Super Spot-billed Duck Squad, under the Royal Army and were let throw without hesitation. The official agents gotten in through a different path but were still able to follow after them. It was after a while of entering the city the ones that had entered the southwest had both came to a stop and turn around to the chasers.
"I'm so glad you followed me here~!" It was clearly a man's voice trying to act like a girl.
"What?" Mr. 2 that had been the one to chase the two heading to the southwest was confused. Meanwhile, after entering through the West Gate
"Stop! Stop!" The pair had stopped and turned to face both Mr. 1 and Ms. Doublefinger that had pursued them. "I can tell you two are smart! Yea. I am Princess Vivi-" one of them began to say
"What the hell are you bla- T-Talking about? It is I who is the real Vivi." The second one had began to say as a man but then part way through changed to sounding more like a girl. Of course the other two were slightly confused. Then at the same time in the south...
"Perhaps this is a good place to stop~!" The finally pair had come to a stop in some old ruins in front of the gate, with Ms. Merry Christmas and Mr. 4 slowly behind them. "I've had my fun, my dears. Now... Tome to reveal our true forms!" and all at the same time they had all removed their hoods.
"TOO BAD, YOU LOSE!" To only find that none of them were Vivi. Mr. 2 had ended up with Usopp and Eyelashes in the Southwest. In the West was where Zoro and Nami where before Mr. 1 and Ms. Doublefinger and leaving Sanji and Chopper in the ruins before the South Gate with Mr. 4 and Ms. Merry Christmas.
"WHAT!?" Of course they were completely shocked. Where was Iris

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