The Going Merry Gone!?

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It had been days since the crew docked on the sea restaurant and they were sick of being stuck there. That morning the morning was so thick that they could barely see what was on the deck of the restaurant. "Man... it's already been four days." Usopp then started that he was getting sick of it.
"How long do you it'll take before we leave?" Iris was sitting cross legged on the rail of the ship.
"Beats me." Zoro sat on the deck against the rail under her.
"You don't think he'll really be stuck here for a year, do you?" Usopp asked them.
"Why not? We've got free food, a cozy atmosphere..." Nami was explaining.
"You two girls are the only ones!" Zoro reminded her. And it was true, for the last four day, Nami nor Iris didn't pay for anything that Sanji cooked for them.
"Hey, Luffy!" Usopp called out to him, as he came outside holding a huge trash bag. His head stuck out from behind it, after Usopp had called out to him. "What's up with you? Hurry up and get out of this mess!"
"Ah, can't you guys wait just a bit longer? I'll try talking to the boss again." Luffy had been trying over and over for days to make the owner change his mind, but no dice.
"Please do!" Usopp whined. Iris was humming swinging side to side in rhythm to it. But to the suddenly stop.
"What's wrong?" Zoro looked above him to her. He saw that she had a serious look on her face and she was looking out in the distance, trying to look through the fog on the ocean.
"There's a giant pirate ship approaching." Iris titled to the side and gave Zoro a sweet smiling as if nothing was wrong.
"Wha..." Zoro jumped up from sitting, and too saw the ship. Along with the others.
"Hey, we oughta get outta here ourselves!" Usopp shouted panicking.
"That ship's huge!" Nami had pointed out the obvious.
"That's what I call a ship!" Luffy states getting a closer look of it, with Sanji standing next to him. "You think that Gin Guy's here to pay you back?" He was talking about the pirate from four days again, meaning this was the pirate Don Krieg everyone was going on about that day.
"I doubt it. But it's strange..." After saying that, the wind had started to blow causing the fog to clear. Once the fog had clear, the ship was completely battled and torn to bits. It was surprising that the ship was still floating at all.
"Looks like his ship's pretty much had it." Luffy said.
"It's doesn't look like it was attacked by a gunboat or anything..." It was true. Was this from the Grand Line? Was it that dangerous? Iris could just tell this was going to end badly. "But it doesn't look like any human could have done that either."
"A tornado maybe?" Luffy suggested to Sanji. A shadow had appeared from the ship's deck.
"Here he comes." And it belonged to Don Krieg. The crew didn't move as Luffy and Sanji left to go inside, and Iris followed after them, curious about what was about to happen. Inside the restaurant Luffy, Sanji and Patty stood on the stairs, watching the shadow of the captain Don Krieg through the windows of the ship. He must of be wearing some chains, because the sound of chains echoed thought the silent restaurant. Okay, maybe it wasn't silent, but the chains could be heard even over the voices of panicking customers. They could see from inside, that Don Krieg had made it to the door, and were waiting as it opened. Once they were open, Gin was there holding up a man, who must be Don Krieg. Don Krieg was a tall, muscular man, that has short cut gray hair and long sideburns, over his head gauze that was wrapped around. He looked completely weak and lifeless as he was leaning on Gin. Krieg was wearing a fur-lined coat over a yellow vest with black spots-like motifs. Around his there were the chains or chain that I thought he was wearing and it was gold. His pants were grey-purple and shoes and gloves that were black.
"Please... can you give me water... and something to eat?" Don Krieg struggled to asked, he was shaking from weakness as continued to speak. "If it's money, I've got it. As much as you ask. I don't know how long it's been since I've last eaten... please... give me water and something to eat." He had repeated himself. There was something about him that Iris couldn't trust and it wasn't the fact that he was a pirate. Okay maybe a little, but that wasn't what she was thinking about. The way she had grew up Iris knew full well that one's words should never be trusted. Ever! Only actions. "Please."
"What's wrong with him?" A chef with sunglasses on asked, sweating buckets.
"He doesn't look very dreadful to me." Patty stated. "Is this guy really the most dreadful pirate, Don Krieg?" He had asked himself.
"He looks hungry." Luffy said, behind Iris .
"Yeah, and injured." Iris had agreed on that, but still, she didn't trust him and that was that. Sanji had started walking up the stairs to the kitchen, she watched him, but was pulled back to Gin and Don Krieg who started to fall off Gin's arms.
"C-captain!" The both of them collapsed and Don just laid there. "Don Krieg!" Gin shouted down to his captain, "p-please! Please help my captain!" He starter yelling looking up to the customers. "He's starving to death! He hasn't eaten for days... if he doesn't get food soon, he'll die!" But all they did was glare at him. Patty then had started laughing loudly.
"This is great! So this is the notorious bully, Don Krieg?" For someone who was scared a minute ago he seemed proud for some reason.
"We've got money this time! Aren't we customers here!?" Gin tried to tell them but it didn't work.
"Not in your life! Hey, hurry up and call the Marines." Patty had ordered someone.
"What?" Gin was shocked.
"He was weakened, they won't get another chance like this. No food for him! Get him out of here." Although What Patty said was harsh it was also true. The customers then started shouting out agreeing with Patty.
"He might even attack this boat if he gets better! We shouldn't even hand him a glass of water!" The chef at the bottom of the stairs leaning against the wall said.
"I won't... do anything." Don started to push himself of the ground onto all fours. "I won't do anything. I promise, I'll leave after I eat." He was bowing down with his head low. "So please... h-help me..."
"Don't Krieg, please stop! Please don't beg! How can you do such a humble act?" Gin asked shouting, pleading him to stop.
"I promise." But Don didn't listen and bowed even lower, hitting the ground with his head. "Anything... even your leftovers... anything!" Gin's eyes had then started to get watery.
"Heh, you think I'm sympathetic?" Patty had clicked his tongue.
"Outta the way, Patty." Patty was kicked into the wall with his face literally kicked in and he feel over the railing of the stairs onto the ground.
"Sa... Sanji!" Gin looked up to see Sanji holding a blow of fried rice and a bottle of wine in his hands standing on the stairs. Sanji had walked down the stairs and place the blow and wine in front of Don Krieg, not this wasn't going to turn out badly, but no one could have stopped him.
"Take it, Gin. Let him have it." Sanji said.
"Sanji." Gin looked at him completely shocked.
"Thanks!" Don started stuffing his face with the rice, with tears in his eyes.
"Hey, Sanji!" The glasses chef had run down the stairs throwing about chef out of his way, "take away the food! Don't you know what kind of person he is?" Sanji was asked, "he's the King of the East Blue, the sneakiest pirates of 'em all!" The chef had started explaining Don Krieg's past. "It all began in prison. The guy pretended to be one of the marines. he killed the captain of his ship and took over that ship to become a pirate!" He sounded like a bastard, but then again, she did know others who were worse then he was. "Sometimes he'd raise a Marine flag and enter a harbour, then he'd attack the city and other docked ships. Or he'd pretend to surrender, and then make surprise attacks. He'll do anything to win!" And so did most humans. Mostly men, that was Iris opinion anyway. "That's how he got to where he is now!"
"What? So he's a snake, eh?" Luffy, being the honest person he was, stated.
"Yeah, not a devil taking the form of a man." Iris, who had been leaning against the wall said.
"He shouldn't be underestimated, even now! Eat and leave? How can we believe what he says?" The chef continues going on. "We'd be doing the world a favour if we gave this wreath up!" When I heard those words Iris remembered someone saying something like that to her.
"The World would be better if you just die!" True it's wasn't completely similar, but it pretty much was close enough, to she anyways. After the yelling, the wine that had been drunken by Don Krieg was slammed onto the ground, he stood up and before anyone knew it Sanji was down. Don Krieg had attacked Sanji, sending him to the ground. Gin was in total shock at what his captain had done.
"S-Sanji!" With that, the whole place was in mass panic and the customers started running for their lives.
"Aren't you acting different from what you promised, Don Krieg?" Gin had turned to look up to his captain shocked. But to be honest, Iris saw this coming which was why she rolled her eyes. "You promised that you'd never hurt these people, so I took you here. Besides, that man saved out lives!" Don Krieg grabbed onto his crewmen's shoulder.
"Yeah, it was good." And then crushed Gin's shoulder. "I feel re-energised." And finally throw Gin to the ground. "Isn't this a nice restaurant? I'll take it!"
"So..." Sanji has blood dripping out of his mouth as his tried to sit up. "That's why you came..."
"My ship's ruined." Not that it wasn't obvious, Iris had rolled her eyes again. "I want a new one. Leave after you've gotten your things."
"Don Krieg... that's not what you promised..." Gin said holding onto his broken shoulder.
"There's about 100 men still alive on that ship. All of 'em starving and injured. First, prepare food and water for 100 men. Some of 'em have already... starved to death." Just how bad is this Grand Line? "Right away!"
"We'd know better that those pirates will be attacking us later on! We won't aid them!" The chief with Sunnys shouted at Don Krieg, stating that they refused.
"Refuse? Don't misunderstand. I'm not ordering food. I'm giving you an order." Just how arrogant and prideful is this bastard? What makes he think his the king? this guy's just a coward! "Nobody... ever... disobeys me!" This Guy was messed up. Iris saw Sanji then stand up and started handing towards the kitchen.
"Hey, Sanji! Where're ya off to!?" Patty asked him shouting.
"The kitchen. I've gotta prepare food for 100 men." Sanji stated, wiping away the blood from his mouth. To say we were shocked would be an understatement.
"Sanji!" Gin shout. And then Luffy had also called out his name.
"WHAT?!!" All the chefs had yelled at the two of their lungs.
"Yes. That's how it should be." Don Krieg seemed happy, but Sanji on the other hand wasn't so much. Iris didn't know if it was because of Don Krieg or all the weapons the chefs were pointing at him that was pissing him off. However, he seemed very calm as he lit a cigarette.
"You're being Krieg's little puppet, Sanji!" One of the chefs had shouted at him.
"I'll never let you get into the kitchen! I've had enough of you nonsense!" The one beside that chef had also shouted.
"Do it." Sanji said, raising up his arms. The chefs looked at Sanji both confused and surprised. "If you wanna stop me, do so." But none of them moved. "I'm aware. I know that he's a hopeless bully. But that's none of my business. I don't care." Sanji stated that he didn't care what happened after the pirates had the food, not a care in the world. "I'm a chef. Nothing more. When people are hungry, I offer them food. That's all there is to it." Sanji really did sound cool, "for a chef, isn't that enough?" The place once completely silent after Sanji's speech, that was until Sanji gasped in pain and collapsed to the floor.
"Patty!" Patty had punched Sanji across the head.
"Hey, take him outta here!" Patty ordered and then looked down to Sanji, he wasn't unconscious he was just hit extremely hard. "Sanji, you've often given food to the customers that I drove away, haven't you?" Patty had asked, Iris watched him walk towards the stair case. "I don't care who's right or wrong, but I can't allow this to happen. I can't let you do as you please anymore. I'll protect this restaurant." Iris didn't know what was behind the door under the stairs was. "Luckily, there's only one enemy." But Patty was going through it. "What can a lone Don Krieg do to all of us?" Patty then pulled something wrapped in cloth. "Pirates come to this floating restaurant everyday. I'm always prepared for anything."
"That's..." Sanji had noticed was Patty had gotten out, but still, she wasn't sure what it was, since it was wrapped up still. "Did you enjoy your meal, Krieg? How about this..." The cloth was pulled off. "Since you've finished your meal... how about some metal for dessert!?" It was a giant lobster or shrimp it was clear. "Syrup Meatball!" It was a cannon, and a ball came flying out of it after a bright flash. But then was an even bigger flash once it hit Krieg along with an huge explosion. Iris had to cover her face from the wind that was being blown from the impact. She couldn't see anything because of the smoke.
"Don!" But she did hear Gin's voice yelling for his captain.
"I think I broke the door." Patty stated, and all she was thinking was 'ya think!?' Of course it would be broken after that. "The boss will be mad at me for that."
"It's okay. We're protecting this place. It's no major damage." His partner told him.
"What are we gonna do about those people on Krieg's ship?" Sanji had asked.
"I dunno... why don't we just put some butter on their ship and cook it up?" Patty asked back. But as the smock began to clear, I could see someone was standing where Don Krieg was standing.
"That sounds... delicious. Stupid cook." It was Don, he was completely unharmed from the cannonball, which made Patty and the others freak out. "Giving me such an awful dessert... this restaurant!s despicable!" This wasn't good. It turned out that Don Krieg had a golden wootz steel armor, which is fur-lined undress his clothes. The Armor Consists of a chest plate, shoulder guards, and elbow guards. It was loaded with a variety of weapons, and guns that were being pointed towards the chefs. His Jolly Roger is painted on the shoulder guards That had one gun coming out of each one. "DESPICABLE!" He shouted firing the guns
"That Armor..." Luffy and Iris hind behind the brick wall on the stairs.
"It can shoot?" In just a few seconds all the chefs were down, they weren't die but some of them were wounded. The guns were then placed Hidden away and then Don pulled off one of his gloves, revealing a diamond knuckle puncher.
"Do as I say! I'm the strongest man there is! These arms are stronger then anybody's! My super-alloy Armor is tougher than anything! And I've got a diamond punch, which can destroy everything! Am Mary of 5000 men! I've never lost a battle in my life! I'm the perfect person to claim the title of 'Don'!" He Really was pridefully and really loud, it reminded Iris so much of 'him' and she didn't like it.
"Out of the way, Boy. You too, Miss." Iris looked behind her to a voice, and saw a giant bag pushing Luffy down the stairs, she ran down the stairs so that she didn't get caught up as well.
"I ordered you to get the food ready! Now hurry up and do it!" When Iris looked back to Krieg she could see his veins about to pop out of his head. "Nobody disorders me!" He had repeated that about a million times now, and freaky it was just annoying.
"Here's food for 100 men." The Head Chef had been the one carrying the bag down the stairs, he had gone up to Don Krieg and dropped it right in front of him. "Help him get it to the ship."
"Owner Zeff!" The chefs all sounded shocked
"What's the old man doing? Isn't that a little risky?" Luffy asked.
"I guess it would be." Iris told him. She was wondering why the owner would give in to this bastard.
"Z-Zeff is it?" Don's demeanour completely changed wants hearing the owner's name. Without saying anything else, Chef Zeff turned and walked away,
"What's the meaning of this? What are you thinking?" The head chef had been asking. "If his crew gets better, they'll take over the restaurant!" The chefs were yelling.
"Only if they've got the guts." Iris wonder what he meant when he said that. "Isn't that right? Mr. Couldn't-Get-Through-The-Grand-Line?" So that's how it was. So the stories that Gaimon told them were true then.
"N-no way..." the chefs were completely surprised to hear that even Don Krieg couldn't get through. Not that Iris knew anything about him.
"Even the King of the East Blue... with his 50 ship fleet couldn't get through!?" 50!? Wow that was a lot!
"The Grand Line?" Luffy said Confused.
"You..." Don Krieg, who hadn't said a single word seen the owner came out started talking to him, "you're 'Red Foot' Zeff!" Iris turned back to the owner, that nickname must mean he was a pirate, or at least a marine, but then again she doubt he was a marine, "So you're still alive, eh? The cook-cum-captain, one of the greatest pirates in history."
"I'm alive, so what? I'm not your concern." Owner Zeff responses back to Don. "As you see, I make my living as a cook." When he said that, Don started laughing, as if the owner had said something amused.
"That's a nice way of saying it. But from the look of things, it's not that you chose to be a cook, but it's the only thing you're able to do." Don had stated, looking at the peg leg of the owner. "I've heard about 'Red Foot' Zeff. He's an expert at fighting without his hands. His legs are so strong, they can break rocks, or even leave a footprint on iron." Amazing! But Iris had seen better. "He earned the name 'Red Foot' from his shoes, dyed red with blood of his enemies." He had finished up talking 'Red Foot' Zeff. "But it seems that you've lost that ever-so-precious foot of yours. I heard a rumour that you had a accident while sailing... for you, losing a foot means you can no longer do battle."
"Why would I need to fight? I don't need my feet to cook, as long as I have a pair of hands." He explained lifting his hands up showing Don Krieg. "Just cough out what you really want to say."
"'Red Foot' Zeff, I know that you're the only man who's come back alive from the Grand Line." Don Krieg had stayed with a dark grin across his face. "You must have kept a journal of that voyage... hand it over!"
"Not bad old man! So you've been to the Grand Line, too?" Luffy was amazed with that.
"Yeah! That place is dangerous, isn't it?" Iris went along with Luffy, playing along with him.
"Kinda..." Zeff had answered them, "Indeed, I have the journal, but I'm not going to give it to you." The grin that was across Don Krieg's face slipped, "that journal isn't just mine, it's the pride of my entire crew. It's far too valuable for the likes of you."
"Then, I'll have to seize it from you." Don clinched his fist up into a ball. "True, I couldn't get through the Grand Line. But behold, for I am Don Krieg, the greatest!" He had yelled once again, "I was strong enough to make it through. I had enough men, enough ambition... the only thing I lacked was information. That's the only reason why I failed." He refused to emit that he was weak. he refused to emit he failed. Why was it that man were like this? This was something Iris would never understand. "I must have that journal! And organise another pirate fleet to get that One Piece! Then, I'll become the King of the Pirates!" That sounded like what Luffy wanted to become, and by the looks of it, Luffy wasn't going to stand for it.
"Hold on there, bud! The one to be the King of the Pirates, will be me!" Luffy shouted pointing at Don Krieg.
"It's the waiter boy!" Everyone was shocked and surprised by Luffy's comment. And then there was Iris, laughing. like really laughing. She haven't been able to in so long, and it was loud.
"Hey, get out of here waiter boy! You're no match for him!" Patty tried to tell him.
"I can't do that. Leaving things as they are." Luffy said.
"What did you say, boy? I'll pretend that I didn't hear that..." Don Krieg had started to say, before Luffy told him he didn't have to, stating that what he announced was the truth. "This is no game."
"Of course it isn't. I'll be the one who'll get to the Grand Line!" Luffy was just... being Luffy. Iris leant that Luffy was the type that couldn't lie to save his life. He was sweet, funny, kind, and honest, the complete opposite of her.
"That's no funny, brat!! It may have just been a lack of information, but even a fleet of 5000 men was defeated in seven days! What makes you think you can make it!?"
"Sev... seven days!?" Even Iris was shocked to hear that something like that was possible.
"Krieg's men only lasted Seven days?" Carne had repeated, then had asked what could have happened.
"Sorry, but your humour is the kind I hate most. If you insist, shall I kill you off right now?" Krieg had asked Luffy.
"If you think you're up to it." Luffy really was serious despite the giant grin that was across his face.
"What?" Don on the other hand wasn't happy. "Very well Then. You want to be sent to the next world?" When he meant the other world he was implying the after life as the two gun from under his Arma was pointing at Luffy. However he didn't shoot.
"Starting a brawl, Luffy? Need a hand?" Both Iris and Luffy looked up to see Zoro and Usopp stand up on the stairs where Luffy and her had been before. Zoro had asked this with a giant smirk and had his hand in his sword.
"W-we don't have to, y-you know." Usopp in the other hand was shaking in fear trying to act tough.
"Hey guys!" Iris shouted happily at them waving her arms.
"Zoro! Usopp! You dropped by!" Luffy was surprised to see them, "It's okay. Just sit and watch, Like Iris." He started to them.
"Hey, What does that mean!?" Iris shouted pouting at him.
"Oh, Okay... that's too bad then... if you don't need us, there's nothing we can do about that." Usopp was still shaking saying that he'll help Luffy, if he needed it. "G-good luck!" Zoro had ended up elbowing Usopp to shut him up and of course, Usopp would be pissed off at it. "What the hell was that for, Zoro!?"
"Shut up and stay still." Zoro only said to him.
"His right, you're annoying when you talk." Iris stated smiling.
"What was that Iris!?" Usopp shouted doesn't to her. She then had turned back around hearing annoying laughter coming from Don.
"Are these your men? Are they all you've got with you?" Don asked Luffy.
"What're you talking about? There are two more!" Luffy gave him two fingers up.
"Hey, why do you keep counting me in?" Sanji had instantly knew Luffy was talking about him. He still hadn't given up on Sanji being the cook, has he?
"I'll take care of you guys later." Don had his Armor back down. "Right now, I need to feed my men." Picking up and throwing over the bag of food overhauls shoulder, "for those who don't wish to die, you'd better not be here when I return. The only things I want are the journal, and this ship." Don had started walking out the door but then stop once more not turning his back to us, "however, if you really want to throw your lives away," this time he looked over his shoulder, "I'll have to go out of my way, but I'll be happy to send you to the bottom of the ocean! Keep that in mind." He stated, finally leaving for his ship. It was silent after Don left.
"I'm sorry, Sanji." Gin who had been left on the ground clinging to his shoulder his captain a injured was the one who broke the silence. "I never would've imagined things to turn out this way..."
"I don't need an apology from the likes of you, fool!" Everyone was shocked at hearing the Head Chef, Zeff say that. "We are but cooks in this establishment. We'll feed anybody who comes along." Zeff had stated to Gin.
"Owner! Why are you siding with Sanji?" Patty shouted confused and angry then asked what was going on. With that all the other chefs were agreeing with Patty and blaming it on Sanji. Iris could see why they would blame him, but with all honest, did they have a right.
"Shut the hell up, you stupid eggplants!!" With Zeff shouting, everyone had gone completely quiet as they looked at the old man. "Have you ever had the experience of starving to death?" When Iris heard that her eyes widen and she swung her head towards Sanji. "Can you imagine how horrible it is?" He had gone through that, this is why he gave food to Gin. "Having no food and water in this vast ocean?"
"W-what do you mean, Owner?" Patty still didn't understand what Zeff was trying to tell them.
"The difference between all of you and Sanji is that he knows that feeling." This only confused the chefs as they looked at one another asking what did he mean and what did Sanji know about.
"Rather than just standing with petty talk, you'd all better leave this place now!" Zeff had then shouted at the lot of them.
"I'm staying right here to fight! I can't simply let them trample over me!" Patty shouted standing his ground.
"Me too! This is where I work!" One of the chef shouted standing along side Patty.
"I have no place to go to anyway." Another had stated and with that all the chefs started to raise their weapons smirking. Gin on the other hand was looking around shocked at what they were doing.
"What are you doing!?" He had snapped, slamming his hands on to the floor gaining everyone's attention. "Didn't you seen haw strange clouds our leader is?"
"Hey, Gin." Sanji had called out to him as he walked towards Gin. "Feeding the hungry is what being a cook is all about." Sanji had stood on a leg of a table that had fallen. "However..." saying that the table flung up in the air and landed on all fours, causing Sanji to now sit on it. "Now that your captain's all filled up, he's nothing more that a plunderer. Whatever I do to your pals, don't come bitchin' at me. I'll kill anybody who tries to take this restaurant! Even you! Got that?" And Iris knew he meant ever word of it.
"Heh! You saved his life just to kill him off? You're so thoughtful, Sanji." Patty stated sarcastically.
"Shut up, you fat-ass cook! Sanji placed his cigarette back into his mouth annoyed.
"Didn't I tell you he was something?" Luffy proudly said pointing towards sanji as he spoke to the other three.
"Who cares about him now? Let's just get the hell out of here!" Usopp was freaking out like always.
"Calm down. Even though he's Krieg, he's all battered up." What Zoro said was true but people Like Krieg, Iris knew, didn't play fair. Thinking this she clinched her shirt over her right chest. Yes, she knew that all too well.
"Hm? Gin! You said once before that you knew nothing about the Grand Line, right?" Luffy pulled all attention to him. "But you have been there, haven't you?" The entire room went quiet when he pointed that out. Luffy was right, if he went there how was it that he It didn't know anything about it.
"The truth is I don't know anything. What happened at the Grand Line on the seventh day..." Iris could hear Gin's breathing from all the way from here. "Was it a dream...? Or Reality..?" He started sounding weird and She didn't even know what it was supposed to mean. Was the Grand Line really that terrifying or something? "It's still fresh in my mind... it was unbelievable... just one man... destroyed a whole fleet of 50 ships!" As that even possible!? There was no way only one man could have done that! No ones that strong can exist! There's just no way! "WHAT?!!" But despite that, Iris didn't seem all that surprised at hearing that.
"It all happened so suddenly. He showed up out of nowhere and started sinking our ships, one after the other. If a storm hadn't come along, our maiden ship would've been destroyed too. I have no idea how many of my mate's ships survived. But it was too scary for me to accept it all." It would make sense as one man doing all of that to 50 ships single handily would be terrifying. "I don't want to even think about what had happened! That man... his stare pierces through you, like the eyes of a hawk!" Iris eyes widen at that detail.
"What?" Then she looked up at hearing Zoro. "What did you say?" His face was sweating and his eyes looked like they were in shock.
"That guy....he must be the man known as Hawk Eyes." Zeff said, causing her to look back in front of her. "The fact that you noticed his eyes, leads me to believe that it was him." At hearing that, Iris looked back at Zoro who still had the same face but this time he was trembling. "It all sounds like something he would do."
"The Hawk Eyes Man!" Zoro said.
"Eh, you know that guy, Zoro?" Luffy had noticed and asked him.
"Could it be... his the man you're looking for?" Iris had completely turned around asking that when the look on his face said it all.
"Yes. I sailed across the oceans in search of him." Was he crazy?! That man destroyed 50 battle ships.
"Maybe he had some kind of grudge to settle with you guys." Sanji pointed that suggested to Gin.
"Not that I know of." Gin told him.
"Perhaps you disturbed his nap." When Zeff said that.
"Stop the bullshit! Why in the world would he destroy our fleet just for that?" He was shouting.
"Don't get so worked up. I'm just making assumptions. Stuff like that happens at the Grand Line." That had been said.
"Just what kind of place is that?" Usopp was starting getting scarier,
"A place where anything can happen." Zoro didn't seemed fazed about that.
"Hey Luffy! Stop this right now! We can't go there! Luffy!?" As Usopp was yelling to him, Iris turned to Luffy, at that her eyes had widening. Luffy was shaking, but it was in fear, the smile on his face was anything back fear. "Hey, Luffy?"
"Gah! I'm so pumped up!" It was pure excitement! "I was hoping the Grand Line would have all this!"
"Can't you be more concerned about your safety?" Usopp had snapped.
"But with all this talk, now my destination will really be the Grand Line." Iris was starting to think she joined the wrong crew to travel with, they were insane. "That man... I can definitely meet him there!" Zoro was smirking at thought.
"What about you, Iris!?" Iris turned back to Luffy who's grin did not fade. "It's exciting, isn't it?" She smiled as a response.
"Are you morons?" Sanji was saying up to the group. "You must be those who are eager to die."
"That's right. But it's none of your business. When I decided to become the greatest swordsman in the world, I threw away the rest of my life. I'm the only one who can say that I'm an idiot." Zoro, Iris realised was one of those cool guys that won't afraid of anything. He was more cool then a moron is what she thought anyway.
"Me too! Me too!" Luffy cheered raising he arm night above is head.
"As a man of the sea, same here!" Usopp was lying as always.
"Cut the lying." Zoro had told him. Sanji looked at the three men that said those things and then looked away, calling them fools.
"You might be right, but death is something that can be better then living." Hearing someone say that, Sanji turned his head the cigarette in his mouth slipped out and fell. Iris's face had become dark with her head down.

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