The Horrendous Plan!

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Crocodile began explaining the plan that started wit the kidnapping of the king so that Mr. 2 could pose as him, only to head to Nanohana where the Rebel Army was. They had gone there to have it appear like the king had turned into an evil man attacking and destroying the town. It was hard to believe that he would go so far for such a thing. It was just pure evil and the fact that he can laugh about it as if it was some sort of game was worse. "What do you think? Like my plan? The plan that you helped set up is now full bloom." Vivi's face had gone pale and was covered in sweat after hearing what Crocodile planned. "If you listen carefully, I bet you can hear them shouting throughout Alabasta. And their one thought: 'We will protect Alabasta... We will protect Alabasta... We will protect Alabasta...'"
"STOP IT!" Vivi cried out to him. "How can you be so inhuman...?!"
"Doesn't it move you to tears? The love of the country... is what will destroy the country." He truly was inhuman. It was then when Luffy's sudden outburst had caused tension to snap. He had ran back to the back of the cage only to head right for the front, trying to break through. But only a few seconds later he was losing his strength but it didn't from still trying to break out.
"That's guys an idiot. Didn't he hear what was said?" Smoker was asking, sitting back watching.
"Sure, he's an idiot. But... that's why he's our Captain." Zoro was smirking as he had told him while looking at Luffy.
"Crocodile...! I am going... to kick your ahh~!" Luffy was trying to say.
"I can remember all the hassle I had to go through to get this far. My manoeuvres to incite the town people by destroying their towns... teaching my employees how to carry out abusive acts while pretending to be the Royal Army... and do you know why I want you Kingdom so badly?" Crocodile was saying and then had asked Vivi that.
"How could I understand what's in your rotted head!?" Was all she shouted back at him but she was right.
"You really are a foul-mouthed princess." He had said inn respond and not long after that, Vivi had tilted her chair so that she had fallen onto the ground. This was so that she could push her arms up over the back of the chair as they were tied behind it. "Oi, Oi. What are you doing, Miss Wednesday?
"I'll stop them... I'll stop them...!" Vivi began moving to the exit while laying on the ground. "I can still make it in time! Alubarna is directly east of here! If I can get to Alubarna before the Rebel Army does... Then I can stop them!" Her effort seemed only to cause the man to chuckle. "No matter what, I will not allow your plan to succeed!" It only seemed to cause the blood to boil in a certain Captain.
"What a coincidence. We were just about to head for Alubarna as well. If you'd like to tag along, you're welcome to. Or... will you save them instead?" Crocodile had pulled a key in between his fingers
"That's...!" It was the key for the cage that Luffy and the others were in.
"The key for this cage! Give me that! That key!" Luffy had ordered him and instead of doing so, Crocodile had held it behind himself towards Viv and seeing she tried to break free of her ropes. That was when he had dropped the key that began falling for the floor and when Vivi had finally managed to break free as stretched out her arm but the moment she did the floor had opened up having the key fall right through it.
"I can't tell how long it will be before they start killing each other. Even traveling to Alubarna at your best speed, you still might not make it. If you want to stop the rebellion, I advise you leave right away, Miss Wednesday." Crocodile had given her a piece of advice. "Or, will you Dave them instead? To bad I accidentally dropped the key into the lower chamber... the Bananawani Den." Of course it wasn't 'accidental' as he had did it all on purpose.
"The Bananawani...!" Vivi had shouted looking into the hole.
"Bananawani?" Luffy didn't know what that was.
"She means that." That was until Iris had pointed to the glass where a Bananawani was swimming path.
"What is that!? There's a crocodile growing out of that banana!" Although, it was probably the other way around from what Luffy was saying,
"What are those monstrous crocodile!?" Nami began to asked scared.
"Does That mean...this room is underwater!?" Usopp was not shouting.
"You guys only just now notice?" Iris was looking at them asking sine it was the first thing she noticed when they landed in the cage.
"Mystery Bananas..." Luffy was saying his normal thing when he didn't understand.
"Dumbass, look carefully! The bananas are growing out of the crocodiles." Usopp tried to tell him, saying that they were weird crocodiles. That's when Vivi's panicked voice snapped them to her.
"Oi, what's wrong, Vivi?"
"One of the Banana Gator swallowed the key!" She had told them.
"WHAT!? GO AFTER HIM AND MAKE HIM SPIT IT OUT!!" Luffy was being completely unreasonable.
"There's no way I could. The Banana Gator is a ferocious creature; they even prey on Sea Kings!" She had explained to him, and since Sea Kings were giant monsters themselves it would mean that the Bananawanis would eat her the second she approached it.
"I'm sorry I handled the key so carelessly. And what's more, I don't think you'll even be able to tell which one swallowed it." He was saying like an ass.
"What!?" Luffy was in shock as they all looked exactly the same, at least to them.
"What a prick!" Nami could only say in anger,
"Shit, if we could open the case, I'd take care of those freakin' reptiles." Zoro had pulled up his Wado Ichimonji that was still in its sheath.
"If the cage was open there wouldn't be a point in fighting them." Iris looked over to him saying, since they wouldn't need the key anymore.
"I know that!" He was saying awkwardly since he knew she was right.
"Why don't you use your light to destroy to bars?" Usopp ended up asking as he turned to her.
"Can't." She ended up only saying.
"Why not?!"
"I've tried using my light on Sea-Prism Stone before, it didn't work so well." She had explained to him, remembering her past attempts. Even though she could use it in between the bars there wouldn't be muck point as it couldn't help them escape.
"Well, then." Crocodile had headed to the exist but not before turning back to them. "It's about time we were on our way." With the snap of his fingers the door began to open. "One more thing, the room will self-destruct in exactly one hour. The secret basement I used as the Baroque Works Presidential Office is the no further use to me. Water will flood into this room and it will since to the bottom of Rainbase Lake. One million innocent people? Or five measly pirates with no future ahead of them? One of the other." Crocodile was telling her to chose which meant that Vivi was betting with her own feelings, she wanted to save her people but she didn't want her friends to die because of her either. "There are so many idiots in this country that my job was all too easy. Especially those brash young rebels and that old man digging holes in Yuba." When he had said Luffy had shouted out to him asking what him meant by that but it was pretty clear what it meant. "He tries to dig up a long-dead oasis, day after day, with that stern countenance. What a stupid old man. Time and time again the sandstorms come, and he assiduously refuses to give up."
"You..." Luffy was becoming even angrier then he was before.
"Tell me, Straw Hat Luffy. Do you think that sandstorms... always strike the same town over and over again?" It was in that moment that it become clear that the sandstorms were not nature but Crocodile.
"What does that mean?" Vivi didn't seem to understand or that she just wanted him to clearly admit it.
"You... did that?!" Iris could see the aura of Luffy's began to change as he was over come with anger, however, he wasn't the only one.
"I'll kill you." Was the only thing that came out of Vivi's mouth before Crocodile walked off laughing. And just when he did, the water had began to flood into the room.
"Hey! The water's starting to flood in!" Usopp had shouted as more hatches began to open up from the floor to spit water out. "At this rate, the room's going to be completely filled with water! Vivi! Help us! Do something!" He was shouting at her saying that he didn't want This it be the last hour of his life.
"Quit panicking, you moron." Zoro had told him off as he had then picked Iris up into bridal style.
"Idiot Zoro! You jerk! Quite flirting! The water's flooding in!" He had ended up being shouted back at. Usopp was going in about how could he not panic at a time like this? If they didn't think of something, they were all going to die. "Don't you get it!?"
"My country or my friends...!? You have no intention of letting me have either, do you? You'll have me killed even before I get to Alubarna." Vivi was saying as she watched Crocodile leave as he was that type of person. "I know... that nothing will cease unless I kill you! You know nothing... not about the people of this country... not about their history... not about their lives... you don't know anything...!" Vivi had tearing in her eyes as she was filled with so much frustration and anger that even when it looked like she was about to attack him she stopped because even if she did that, it wouldn't change anything.
"Vivi! DO SOMETHING! GET US OUT OF HERE!" Luffy had shouted.
"Ah, are you already begging for you life, Straw Hat Luffy?" But this had caused Crocodile to stop and turn about to face the room along with Miss AllSunday. "That's right. I guess everyone fears death." Before he walked off again But that wasn't it...
"If we... If we die here... WHO'S GONNA KICK HIS ASS!?" It wasn't that Luffy feared death, it was that he didn't see it as a problem.
"Dint get ahead of yourself, little man." Crocodile had glared smiling back.
"You're the little one." While Luffy had a glare that if could kill would. That seemed to have angered Crocodile as he had snapped his fingers that had opened up a large hatch only to not have water spitting out but a Banana Gator.
"If you're going to abandon them, now's the time, Miss Wednesday. You want to stop the rebellion after all." The Banana Gator took a step towards Vivi and it was giant.
"It's so big..." She ended up taking a step back,
"Yosh! Beat it up, Vivi!" Luffy was shouting at her but on,y got shouted at by Usopp telling him to not be ridiculous as that thing was huge.
"Vivi! Run for it! You can't fight it! But... save us!" Now he was the one being ridiculous.
"Wait, look! Outside the window!" Nami had pulled all their attention out to the water where they saw...
"They're All lining up to feed!" A long line of Banana Gators lining up outside.
"They think we're their food." Zoro placed out there.
"In an hour we're all going to be in their stomachs!" Usopp was bawling his eyes out.
"It's Okay. I'm sure everything while be fine." Iris was trying to make him feel better by telling him that.
"Peacock..." Vivi stood her ground, with her arms crossed over. However, she was no match as the Banana Gator came at her jaws open. It's jaws had completely ripped through the stone stair case with a giant duct cloud caused by it. Vivi had barely managed to get away from it,
"CRAP! It's too fast! It but off the stair case with in bite!" Usopp was saying once the dust had cleared and the bottom of the stair case was not more.
"SHIT! That monster's completely unbeatable!"
"VIVI, IT'S GOING TO EAT YOU!" Just as it was about to attack once again it had stopped but the sound of a Transponder Snail ringing coming from Crocodile and the Banana Gator ad turned it's head to the hall way that the man and his partner were walking down. They had both came to as stop.
"A message." Miss AllSunday had pulled of a light pink coloured snail that had a white shell with dark pink polkadots on it. "What is it?" She had answered with.
"Hello? Hello? Is this thing working?" A man had spoken from the other side of the line.
"Yes, I can hear you. You're Millions, right?" Miss AllSunday had told him.
"Oi, is this getting through?" He wasn't speaking to her but to someone else. "I ain't even used one of these baby Transponder Snail before..."
"Yes, it's working. Just keep talking into it." Another male voice had spoke from the other side.
"What is it?" Miss AllSunday had repeated into the snail.
"Just spit if out already. What happened?" Crocodile had grew inpatient and asked.
"Ah, now I've heard that voice before." Crocodile seemed a bit confused hearing the person the snail say. "Hey, thanks for calling. This is the Shitty Restaurant." Iris knew she had heard that before.
"The Shitty Restaurant, you say?" But Crocodile seem to remember anything it as well.
"Eh? It sounds like you remember. I'm flattered." Of course he would remember since it was heard from Mr. 3 on Little Garden except it hadn't been Mr. 3 but actually...
"All five of the Straw Hat Pirates should be trapped in the cage." Crocodile was muttering to himself since there was not a sixth person that showed up on Mr. 2's face.
"Hey, you hear that?" Usopp had asked the other whisperer as they heard the voice from the Transponder Snail.
"Shitty Restaurant. That must mean..." Nami knew who it was
"Yep, no doubt about it..." Iris had said after her . They all knew who it was because there was only one person that spoke like that.
"San-!" Luffy was about to shout out to him but Usopp grabbed ahold of his mouth before he could call out Sanji's name.
"Wait, Luffy. They don't know about him yet! That day Mr. 2 came aboard our ship, he never saw him because he was in the galley!" He was whispering to him so that Crocodile and that couldn't hear.
"Sanji... That's right! Sanji and Tony are still outside!" Vivi had finally remembered that there were still two more members outside.
"Punk, who the hell are you?" Crocodile had asked all annoyed,
"Me? I'm... Mr. Prince." Iris was having a hard time seeing him with a straight face saying that or more like she was trying not to laugh herself.
"I see, Mr. Prince. Where are you?" He was asked then.
"Now I cant tell you that. If I did, you'd come to kill me." Sanji had responded with and then and said that whether or not Crocodile can kill him or not was yet to be seen. It sounded to Iris that he was purposely trying to anger the Warlord. "I'm not foolish enough to let information carelessly slip out. Unlike you, Mr. O."
"MR. PRINCE! SAVE US!" Usopp was shouting over to Crocodile and that so that Sanji could hear him. "WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT~!"
"SAVE ME TOOO!" Luffy was also not shouting
"Sounds like they're right there with you. My crew." Sanji was chuckling from the other end after hearing the two idiots shouting. "Well, I guess I'll head over-" A gun had been fired on the other end causing to cut Sanji off. The others had gone quite after hearing that as well.
"Pesky bastard... Hello? We got him. What should we do with this weirdo?" The other man from before had spoken into the Device."
"Sanji... No...!" Vivi was in shock hearing what was happening.
"Where are you? Report you location!" Crocodile was ordering him to do so,
"We're in Rainbase at the front gate to the Rain Dinner Casino."
"That useless idiot got caught!" Zoro had lost it shouting that Sanji better be still alive.
"SANJIII!" Luffy had completely lost it as well shouting in shock. Then there was Usopp who was screaming as he spun around and around.
"Our last hope..." Nami was in tears with her hands together as if she were praying. Iris on the other hand didn't seem all that worried
"All is well." Crocodile had said to then turn back to the exit. "Let's go to the front gate."
"Are you sure? The Millions still don't know who their Boss is." Miss AllSunday was asking him and reminding him at the same time.
"I'm not going as the Boss. We haven't revealed ourselves to anyone but the Number Agents. Crocodile, the casino owner, coming to his front door to see what's going on. What's so odd about that?" He was asking her and he was right, it wouldn't look so odd, even if he killed them. While everyone was distracted but the call, Vivi had taken this opinion to dash to the destroyed stairs but the Banana Gator noticed and attacked.
"VIVI!" Luffy screamed but they noticed that she was climbing up to the part of the stone stairs that hadn't been chewed up. "What are you doing, Vivi!?" He had asked her.
"We still have some time before this room fills! I'm going outside to get help!" She had explained to them all shouting.
"Yeah! Sanji can't be dead yet! If Vivi can free him somehow..." Usopp began saying
"And Chopper's still outside too!" Nami added on as well. "It just might work..." just when Vivi had gotten up a pile of sand was heading right for her.
"LOOK OUT, VIVI!" It was because Crocodile had come back into the room and sent his hook at her, that wrapped around her neck and pulled her off the stairs into the air. It was then she had came crashing to the floor.
"Don't try anything stupid." He had told her as she now laid unconscious on the ground due to the impacted, which had caused Crocodile to move.
"Ahh! Come on, Vivi! Get us out! Vivi!"
Vivi, wake up! Stupid! Vivi! Save us!" Both Luffy and Usopp were shouting over and over again
"If you love your friend that much, go ahead and die with them." Crocodile was saying as he had stood on top of the stair case. "Immediately after the water fills the Crocodiles' feeding ears, this room will begin to sink. I think I'll bring that cocky punk Mr. Prince here too... as a corpse, that is!" He was saying laughing as both her and Miss AllSunday.
"DAMMIT!" Luffy had snapped at the man left but their attention were pulled back to Vivi, that was still lying with now the Banana Gator looking down at her growling.
"Until now, they've always protected and looked after me." She had woken up and began lifting up her body. "I cant just abandon them and let them die!" The Gator attacked, however, in an instant it backed away in pain. It was because Vivi used one of her Peacock Slashers and swung. With that being down, she had leaped onto it's back and over onto the stair case.
"That's good, Vivi!" Iris had shouted over to her but that's when the Banana Gator had attacked again
"The glass broke and the water's flowing in faster!" It might have been to that, the windows had all smashed, causing more water to flow in.
"If this continues, it'll be at least 20 minutes before we head for a watery grave." Iris had said, as if nothing bad was happening.
"VIVI! ARE YIU HURT!?" Luffy was shouting since they couldn't see her.
"Everyone!" Vivi was completely fine, well at least she wasn't eaten. "Just hang on a little longer! I'm going to get Help! I will absolutely not let you die!" She was tell them.

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