Arlong the Fishman!

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After leaving Luffy it took sometime, but the group that left the Sea Restaurant finally were approaching the island with the Fishman, Arlong. It was called Arlong Park. Johnny had explained to them about how Nami was acting after seeing Arlong's wanted posters. "W-We're finally here... Arlong Park!" Johnny was shaking in fear looking over the ships side. It was enormous. Arlong Park was built on the coastline, near the ocean, where a pool of water was linked to the outer seas with a pair of steel gates that kept it closed.
"This is it? The base of the fishman pirate, Arlong, who survived the Grand Line." Usopp has swallowed hard after saying.
"Are you sure Nami is in there?" Iris asked, standing up behind them, looking at the Park.
"Firstly, if Big Sis Nami is really here, then we should be able to find the Going Merry. So shall we check if it's really anchored at this island first?" That was the words of a coward, however, there was a chance that Nami didn't end up at this island.
"Yeah, w-we should." Usopp was just saying that because he was scared, Zoro then got up, getting all of three attentions.
"Prepare to rush in!" Zoro was serious about this. Johnny and Usopp's Eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
"W-Why would we do that?" Johnny screamed at him.
"You moron! We don't know anything about this place!" Usopp screamed.
"Our opponents are fishman!" Johnny shouted, trying to explain it o Zoro, not that it would change his mind.
"We should plan out everything first!"
"Sorry, but I don't do those cowardly things!" Zoro had turned back to the park, ready to drawn his sword. "Luffy has asked me to bring that woman back. I don't care who the opponents are, but I'll surely get her back! Let's go!"
"So, Plan B?" The two of them turned to Iris, who was smiling holding up something. Next thing, Zoro was on the ground unconscious. "That's how you deal with him." She stated throwing the hammer she had used to knocking the man across the head with on over her shoulder. "Now, shall we search for the ship?"
"I really don't want to get in Big Sis Iris's bad side." Johnny whispering to Usopp.
"Why are the woman on our crew so scary?" He had whispered back to him.
"What was that?" Iris know what they were saying but she thought of scare them a little bit.
"Nothing!" And it worked. It wasn't long after going around the island, Usopp had spotted the ship.
"There it is, found it! It's the Going Merry!" He was shouting excited. "But why would it be over there?"
"So Big Sis Nami is definitely Here..." Johnny said.
"What's the meaning of this? Untie me!" Zoro had woken up.
"Oh, good morning Zoro!" Iris had turned around to him, he had been tied up to the door, but then turned back around looking over Johnny's shoulder to the map.
"This part's to the east of Arlong Park, Kokoyashi Village. But this is weird, why would she anchor so far away from the park?" Johnny was confused.
"Untie me, Dammit!" Zoro screamed at us again.
"You got deadly wounds all over you." Usopp had told him, and then place his hand on the guy's chest where the wounds were. "So just sit there quietly and rest!" Zoro looked like he was in pain. "I'll handle the rest. I'll bring that woman back!" Usopp was now laughing loudly.
"Just because we're not Arlong Park, He sure is taking everything in stride..."
"Isn't he cute." Iris smiled with her hand over her cheek.
"Prepare anchor! Head towards the Going Merry!" Johnny changed the ship's direction heading towards the other one. "Now it's time fo me to name my adventure to this uncharted island." Usopp was standing up the front, "The title will be, 'The Great Adventures of Captain Usopp'!"
"But you know, this island isn't uncharted." Iris stated to him. "Hmmm, what's that?" She pointed to standing creatures that she's never seen before standing on the docks by the Going Merry. When Iris pointed them out, Usopp shrieked backing off onto the floor.
"Is everything okay?" Johnny was on the floor in front of Usopp asking.
"Those are fishman?" She stated to them, pointing at the creatures.
"Fishmen!" Johnny broke into screams.
"Full speed ahead!" Usopp whispered .
"Aye, Capt'!" Johnny had whispered back to him.
"Why don't we dock here!" Zoro snapped after they passed, but the three of them 'shh's him.
"Didn't you see?" Usopp had asked him, stating that there were fishman there on the dock. "There were fishmen over there!"
"They must be Arlong's men." Iris said, looking back to where the dock was.
"Yeah! You can't blame me!" He was pissed off at Zoro, till he kicked both his feet that were tied up into Usopp's face.
"You don't have the right to be mad!" Zoro was now the one shouting.
"This area must've already been controlled by Arlong. What should we do?" Johnny asked.
"Yosh, let's just say that we couldn't get Nami back." Iris rolled her eyes at Usopp who was backing down easily.
"Hurry up and untie me, idiot!" Zoro shouted again, but the fishmen that were standing on the docks until two of them jumped into the water.
"Oi, guys, two fishman are coming!" Iris shouted looking at the water.
"Abandon ship!" Usopp stated.
"Agreed!" Before Iris had a chance to say something, someone forceful grabbed both her hands and dragged her to the tip of the ship.
"Oi, I cant swim!" She shouted to them.
"Hold on you three!" Zoro shouted, and the two of them froze for one second. The two of them had then released Iris' hands and leaped into the water.
"Farewell!" They just abounded them.
"Hey, at least untie me!" Zoro screamed after them, Iris turned around to him and had started to try and untie him, but it was too late. The two fishmen had jumped onto the ship.
"What? Only two?" The big blue one sounded disappointed.
"Maybe they just drifted here from somewhere." The grey one had said amused on the other hand.
"You can say so..." Zoro laughed annoyed and pissed.
"I see.. I guess the injury came from the crew of this ship torturing you, right miss?" They then turned to Iris
"Yeah, I guess you could say that..." she was smiling nervously at the fishmen.
"Anyways, let's bring them to Arlong before anything else." The next time either of them saw Johnny or Usopp, they were died. After that they had also tied Iris up along side Zoro, then turned the ship around the way they had come back towards Arlong Park.
"Hurry and open the gates! We've found a suspicious man and woman!" The iron gate had opened at his commend and the ship when in.
"I'll ask you once more... what's your purpose here?" They had meet and been asked over and over again by Arlong, the Captain of the fishmen pirates. Arlong, He was large, muscular, light blue saw-shark fishman whose most distinctive trait was his saw-shaped nose. He has long, black hair with a widow's peak reaching down to his shoulders and under a brown ushanka. He has a fin on his nape, surrounded by his hair, and his gills were located on both the sides of his neck. He had Sun tattoo on the left side of his chest, while another one, that looked like the Jolly Roger on the flag was placed on his lower left arm. He had Other notable features such as a thin, fierce light-blue eyes and a long, angular jaw.
"Like I said, we're here to find a woman... you half-fish bastard!" Zoro was really pissed off.
"Zoro, I don't think it's okay to anger the man that can rip you to pieces with his teeth." Iris told him, her smiled becoming even more fake. She looked up at Arlong who was wearing a short-sleeved, unbuttoned yellow shirt decorated by many black lightning-like spots, Bermuda shorts which were green, and a purple sash around the waist and simple sandals. He was also wearing a lot of jewels: such as a golden chain bracelet around his left wrist, two golden bracelets around each ankle, with straw-like decorations hanging from them. There were rings on his hands, or at least they looked like them, decorated by colorful gems. "I do apologise, you know human males, they're all a bunch of idiots."
"Who are you calling an idiot!?" Zoro shouted over me.
"Who do you think? I don't see any other human males here, do you?" She asked him.
"Oh, these low-life humans got guts. I'll let that slip by me this time." Arlong seemed impressed but at the same time, annoyed. "Us fishmen are evolved beings who can breath under water. With these fish abilities, it makes us superior to humans." But the way he was talking kind of pissed Iris off. "With merely the power we behold is proof that we are far better than humans. You better get this in your head, the most superior beings on earth are not humans, but us fishmen! If humans were to go against us, it's be defying the laws of nature!" It was upon hearing that, Which Iris opened up he mouth to say something when
"I have gotten sick and tired of your theory, Arlong!" But she had been cut up by the voice of something they knew.
It belonged to the person who they came in searching for.... Nami, She was standing right in front of Zoro and Iris.
"Why are you so serious, Nami? You're special. You're our greatest cartographer! You never fail to draw the most accurate maps for me." Arlong had told her.
"Our brain compositions are different, so it's obvious why I can." And she insulted him to his face without hesitation.
"Hey Nami! What does he mean by 'our greatest cartographer'?" Zoro had asked her, Confused, but really who wouldn't be in this situation.
"Yeah, and why do you appear to be close with that man?" Iris ended up asking her.
"What? You guys know each other?" Arlong sounded intrigued by this new development.
"Don't be ridiculous! They're just victims." Nami had started walking towards them both, explaining to Arlong. "I gained a lot of loot from them. You don't even realise that you've been decided. And you still come chasing after me. You're both just plain stupid." She was now eye level with them smiling.
"Oi! I admit the guys are idiots, but I refuse to say I am!" Iris whined kicking her feet.
"Shut up, Iris!" Which She did, "So is this your true nature? And to think that you hated pirates..." Zoro's stare was dark and terrifying as he looked at Nami.
"Surprised? Everything was an act. You'll understand better after seeing this..." She had then swung her left arm around, revealing the same tattoo as Arlong. Zoro was completely shunned at what he saw, and Iris watched as he looked up at the top of Arlong Park at the flag. "I am part of this invincible crew... an officer of Arlong's crew!" She was standing up smirking evilly. "See? You're following me now? From the beginning, I've only been using you. You guys aren't too shabby at fighting. You were a real useful bunch."
"You were blindly deceived, weren't you?" Arlong laughed asking them that. "She can even forget her mother's death for the sake of money. This woman's a cold blooded witch." As Arlong said that, Iris couldn't help turned to Nami, which her face reminded her of something she've seen before. Arlong things she forget but the expression on her face told Iris a completely different story. "You shouldn't have underestimated her."
"I get the picture now..." Iris looked over to Zoro that was smirking after closing his eyes. "I never did trust her from the beginning. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a murderer even." Iris seemed to have flinch when he said that.
"If you understand, just get lost already! You're both eyesores!"
"Now, now. I think we need to calm down." Iris tried to tell them, however, Zoro had then smirked and next then they knew he was under water.
"Why? Why did he jump in the pool all a sudden?" A fishman was asking confused.
"Did anyone say a bad joke?" That was a really dumb question.
"Nope, it's not like he slipped in because of one."
"Then, he must be trying to escape!" Was Zoro an idiot!? Not only was he injured but he was tied up too! There is no way in heave, hell, or earth he could swim.
"No way. His arms and legs are all tied up. Also, he left the woman behind. How can he swim? I bet it's suicide." Suicide?
"Looks like another one committed suicide."
"Who cares, all I need is Iris and that is all."
"Forget him." Iris turned around to Arlong who had said that. She looked over up at Nami, seeing her face go completely pale looking at the water where Zoro had jumped in.
"Never imagined that he'd commit suicide." The fishmen had began to laugh and mock Zoro.
"He looked too good to just give up that easily."
"Should we teach how to value life?" Like hell they have room to talk. They kill innocent people because they think they're superior. But then Nami ran to the water ripping off her shoes and dove right in. Iris wasn't the only one confused, she looked around seeing that the fishmen pirates were looking at the water after Nami confused. But... the reason Iris was surprised was different from them. This entire time, Iris knew Nami was lying and the way her face changed when Arlong had spoken about her betraying her family, it was off. It reminded her... it reminded her of herself. Which meant, there must be a valid reason she was doing this. So, to save Zoro would cause the fishmen to become suspicious of her. Meaning that what she is trying to do will be ruined because of this action. Finally, after a few seconds after going under, Nami shot out from the water gasping along with Zoro.
"She's got him!"
"Hey! What are you doing, Nami?"
"What do you think you're doing?" Nami was hissing huffing deeply. Before Zoro answered her he was coughing up the water.
"Same to you, what do you think you're doing? You can't even let one person die in front of you..." Iris could only remain silent as she watched the two of them. "Quit the act already. Help me here, idiot! I thought I was a goner there."
"Stop messing with me!" Nami screamed stomping on his stomach and held him up by the throat. "If you get involved with me anymore, you'll die!" Her words were more of a warning then a threat.
"I wonder about that..." Zoro didn't seem to be taking anything seriously.
"Wonderful bandage you got there."
"I can't afford new clothes. This is a substitute." With saying that, Zoro earned himself a punch where he was wounded.
"That's enough, Nami." Iris move in front of him looking up at Nami who had stopped her foot just before it reached her.
"Whatever." She said back to Iris as she turned to walk off.
"Hey, Nami. What are you planning for them?" Arlong asked her, amused at the whole thing.
"Lock them up. I'll take care of it." Nami had shouted back to him.
"Arlong! Arlong!" A fishman ran into the park panicked.
"What's wrong, bud?" Arlong had asked him.
"Sorry. There was a long-nosed guy who was with them, but I failed to capture him." Both Zoro and Iris looked over to the fishman, realised that he was talking about Usopp. They were bathing thinking that he was a completely idiot, he abandoned them and got discovered anyway!
"I think he fled into Cocoyashi Village, But..." the fishman explained to his captain.
"Cocoyashi Village? Good timing. I got some errands there. Shall I pay them a visit?" Iris could help but notice Nami becoming aggravated like the time she saw Arlong's wanted poster. After the whole thing, the fishmen locked Zoro and Iris in a ceil under ground.
"You so deserved that." Iris had looked at Zoro in disbelief and annoyance as he groaned loudly in pain.
"Oh, shut up." He had said back to her.
"You know, this is a really bad situation." Stating this, Iris looked around the ceil and then to the ground. Before Zoro knew what hit him, Iris had Leaped into his lap screaming loudly.
"WHAT THE HELL!!" He had snapped at her from the pain.
"DON'T YELL AT ME!!." She had snapped at him, "I hate dirt, Okay!! Do you have a problem!?"
"Yes, when you hit me in the ribs!"
"Well I'm sorry! I didn't know you were such a delicate maiden!" For some reason the two of them were bickering despite their situation.
"Who are you calling delicate!?"
"Oh, I wonder!"
"Well, at least I'm not afraid of dirt!" When Zoro screamed that, Iris looked down at the ground with an expression Zoro had seen before.
"You make it sound like I want to be afraid." With saying that, Iris moved back onto the dirt filled floor looking down at her hands that were now dirt and shaking. That's when the iron door had started creaking opening, both Iris and Zoro looked up seeing Nami standing in front of them with a knife in hand. She had headed to the door after using the knife.
"Leave quickly. Before Arlong gets back." She said looking over her shoulder and then left to being back Zoro and Iris' swords. But not long after she left...
"Did you really thing this was a good idea?" Iris stood behind Zoro as he was sitting in the beach chair Arlong had been seating on. She looked around at the ground where the fishmen were all laying.
"It's fine. Besides, you got into it too." Zoro started throwing his hands behind his head. "She told us to escape, but the only thing we have to do lies here."
"I guess." She grinned down at him, "Besides, we did promise Luffy to get Nami back."
"Exactly. now then, what should we do? Things are getting complicated." He said to Iris.
"That's true." Iris knew this was going to be war. A bit of time had passed and there was still no sign of Arlong, Nami or Luffy.
"Too slow." And Zoro was becoming restless. "When's Luffy gonna come? If doesn't come in the next 5 minuets, I'm going to die of boredom!"
"You know Zoro, I think your asking a bit much." Iris had told him, smiling at him.
"No I'm not!" Zoro shouted back at me.
"Oooh oooh Oh! This one's awesome!" And looked up from him hearing someone yelling loudly. "Even I, a member of Arlong's elite, Hachi-Hatchan can't pull it up. It must be a super great fish!" She didn't quite understand what was going on as she felt a sweat drop falling down her face confused. "I don't know from here you've come but your gusto is East Blue's best..." not long after, she saw someone wearing a striped one piece's bottom being pulled but a fishing line. "W... What the? What? Oh it was myself." This time her sweat drop was at his stupidity, the only person Iris can see being hooked by their own fishing hook would be Luffy. "Truly, my gusto is East Blue's best. Anything strange?"
"Definitely strange."
"Truly strange." Zoro and Iris had walked over to the brick wall and looked over the wall. He was definitely an octopus fishman, with six arms and two legs plus an octopus-like face. His skin was pink and grey hair styled with five spikes. He had a muscular build and has suction cups on its six arms. However, what caught Iris eye was the tattoo in the shape of a sun on his forehead, She didn't know why, but she've seen it somewhere.
"Huh! Who the heck are you guys?" His six arms then pointed to himself tilting his head. "M-Me? I'm Hatchan. Call me Hachi." He was posing proudly.
"Are you a fishman too?" It was clear that this guy was one, so why was Zoro asking him.
"Of course! Of course! I'm a charming octopus Fishman. Do I look like a human?" He said as he was wiggling his tentacles.
"We guess not." Iris and Zoro said back to him.
"Are you guys with the Marines or just guests?" He didn't know they were prisoners.
"Guest?" Zoro looking back at the mess they made. "Yeah, we're guests." He answered him.
"But you know, Arlong's not here right now, right?" The fishman, Hachi told them, which they already knew.
"We know, do you know where he went?" Iris asked leaning her arms over the wall.
"I heard that there was a long nosed stranger that was trying to run away. They say another two was caught and held here though. He went to Cocoyashi Village to catch him." He was back fishing.
"Usopp, huh?"
"I guess we need to save him." Iris whispered into Zoro's ear so the Hachi guy couldn't hear.
"That Cocoyashi Village, how do we get there?" As he asked that, they both climbed onto the wall and jumped off on the other side.
"Get in." Hachi pointed to a huge vase floating in the water. "Guests, right? I'll take you two there, swordsman and swordswoman." After getting into the vase and it wasn't long before they were at a peer that they had been before. "We've arrived. Cocoyashi Village. Arlong should be here, in this Village." Hachi told them while they stepped onto the dock.
"Yeah, Thanks." Zoro said back.
"Don't mention it, later." Hachi dove into the water. "Oh! I didn't ask you guys your names!" Zoro had tensed up and Iris looked around to Hachi. "Me? You want to hear my name again? It's Hatchan. Come again!" He had waved and left.
"Strange Guy..." Zoro smirked.
"You can say that again." Iris agreed with him and then they ran off towards the direction Hachi had pointed. They need to save Usopp, but they were already too late.
"What was that?" Zoro shouted slamming his hand onto the wall pinning a man against it.
"What do you mean Usopp was captured!?" Iris scream at the man.
"He was just taken to Arlong Park." That man had panicked as he answered.
"That man was brave enough to go again Arlong. I'm sure he's been killed already!" Another man had told them.
"Shit." Zoro stood back. "So in other words, he was caught while we were killing time."
"That isn't the issue! If he isn't dead now, after the two of our time killing he will be their time killer!" She screamed loudly and with that we had started running back towards the park. "We're coming Usopp!"
"Usopp! Stay alive!"

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