Foolish Dreams!

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What had caused Iris to shout out for her captain was Bellamy that gripped onto the back of Luffy's head and smashes it down into the bar table, completely spitting it in half. Everyone was in shock, all but those with Bellamy that seemed to find it amusing. "I wasn't sure what Bellamy was doing!" Especially Sarquiss who was laughing away.
"What are you doing, Underlings?" This had been asked by Bellamy, who had two swords to his neck from both front and back.  Zoro had pulled out his sword and had it directly in front of Bellamy, while Iris had appeared from behind without anyone noticing her sword also at his neck.
"That's a question you should answer." Zoro had started back with eyes that were ready to kill.
"I agree, how dare you do that." But Iris' was far worse since she really would kill him.
"Zoro! Iris too! Wait a minute!" Nami had come to shout at them, a bit shocked at Iris' reaction a bit. "We still haven't gotten any information yet, and—!"
"Shut up!" However, she had been cut up by Zoro. "This guy asked for a fight and we're giving it to him!"
"Although, I'm just doing this because he touched Lu." Iris didn't care if they were trying to start a fight, she only cared that this man tried to take advantage of Luffy's trusting nature and hurt him. Of course, she knew her captain and the fact that he wouldn't have been completely harmed by that.
"So you can still stand, huh?" Which was why Luffy had stood out, rubbing his face of the drink that spilled all over his face.
"Okay then. I hope you've prepared yourself." And now he was pissed off a bit and ready to fight. "Iris..." He looked to the woman that still standing behind Bellamy with her sword to his throat.
"Understood." He didn't seem to say anything else but she appeared to understand what he was thinking. Her sword had been lowed while her lips had titled up to smiling again and then she moved over to where she had been before, beside Nami.
"Oh! Looks like that guy's gonna take on Bellamy!" This seemed to have excited the crowd still left in the bar.
"Do it! Do it!" They were cheering loudly for a fight.
"This wont be a fight, it'll be a test!" Bellamy was laughing before shouting that. "Come on! Show me what kind of power you've got!"
"Luffy, wait!" However, once again Nami shouted at him. "Hey old man, we came seeking information on Sky Island! Do you know anything about it?" She turned to the bar keeper asking, and this had caused everything to go quiet in an instant.
"What did.. that woman just say?" They appeared to be in shock.
"She's kidding, right?" It had been when the others came to notice this strange silence hovering over the room.
"Because if you know the way to Sky Island..." but then out of nowhere it erupted into laugher.
"Sky island?!"
"Give me a break!"
"What? But the Log Pose is pointing directly at the sky!" Nami tried to defend her, showing the Log on her wrist that was pointing up.
"Ohh noo, the Log Pose is pointing at the skyyy~!" However, the people continue to laugh even loud, while mocking her.
"Log Poses go haywire all the time, you know!" Iris had come to stand in front of Nami, who look like she was about to cry or something due to the embarrassment she was feeling at the moment.
"Oi, oi, come on now." Bellamy had come to sit back down, laughing as well. "You guys believe that old cock and bull story about there being an island in the sky?" He seemed to be completely having a ball listening. "Man, what era are you living in? there are many unique seas currents on the Grand Line. One of 'em's called the Knock Up Stream. I'm guessing you've never heard of it. Ships that fall victim to that current... are blasted high into the sky, only to fall straight back down into the ocean. A bunch of ignorant sailors from long ago so ships falling down from it, and imagining an island in the sky. 'There must be another world up in the sky!'" He only bursted into laughter once again after saying that. "What a load! Even crazy stuff like that has a rational explanation! All dreams can be explained!" Luffy just stand there, not saying a word as they listened. "What a shock. I was going to let you into my crew id you passed the test of the New Era, but you're a lost cause." Not like they would have joined even if they passed. "Listen up! The age where pirates dream is OVER! The City of Gold? The Emerald City? The great treasure, One Piece!? Fools with their eyes on dream treasures don't notice the REAL treasure all around them! In this era of the sea, the very men who are able to cross it all side chasing after illusions like those! And what do they say about those men? 'He always lived happily for the sake of his dream!' The words of a loser!" He also mocks the people who die while chasing their dreams. "Looking at dream chasing idiots like you... really makes my stomach turn!" Luffy who had his fist clenched released it when he hears Bellamy's statement and even goes as far as allowing Bellamy to punch him.
"Luffy!" Nami was shocked at he didn't do anything but stand there.
"It's because of weaklings like you that the rest of us real pirates get a bad reputation." Bellamy made it sound like they had a good reputation to begin with, which was quite ironic. A glass cup had been throw at Luffy as he was laying down, it had been one of the bystanders that had been terrified before and now acting cocky.
"Get out, you little maggots! You're making my rum taste bad."
"Its exactly like Bellamy says!"
"Get out, moron!" It was then when they began throw all the glass cups and bottles in they direction.
"Get out of this town!" Nami was standing behind Iris, hold her own head in fear of being hit, while the angle and swordsman stood there not moving.
"Bellamy! Looks like the folks here want a show!" Sarquiss had told his captain and then his had turned to the group.
"Well now that's an easy request."
"Luffy! Zoro! Iris! Forget about the promise! Beat the crap out of these guys already!" Nami had taken back the words h she had told them before entering town.
"Zoro. Iris." Luffy had come to sit up. "We aren't going to fight."

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