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A few moments later, Luffy was given the chance to have a go on the Waver. "W-W-W-Why's it shaking so much?!" He had began screaming as the speed of the Waver was incredible. He appeared to be unable to control it. "It's won't stop!!" Then not a second later he had been thrown off the thing and fell into the ocean.
"Oh my! I hope he's not hurt!" Conis was shock as she was watching in concerned.
"What a tragedy! I'm sorry for lending him my Waver!" While Pagaya was apologetic.
"Come to think of it, what happens to people with abilities in this sea?" Sanji came to ask.
"Oh yeah. But it should be different, right?" Zoro says this since they saw Iris dive in fine before. "Maybe he can handle it." Chopper was looking between the pair in shock as they just stood there watching as Luffy was sinking below. "He sank. No good, eh?" But then it didn't explain why Iris was able to go in without issues.
"OH NO!" The doctor dashed off into the ocean in order to save Luffy, completely forgetting about his situation.
"I am sorry for letting a beginner borrow it." Pagaya was once again apologising to the crew while explaining that the Waver was very light and the smallest waves could move the rudder. "Unless you know the sea well, you cannot expect to be able to ride. I'm sorry."
"I only recently became good enough to use it." Conis informed Chopper as he was sitting on the ground after being pulled out form the ocean.
"Is it that hard?" He was asking her, as someone was doing something that shouldn't be possible.
"With practice, it takes about 10 years."
"Holy crap!"
"SHE'S RIDING IT!" Usopp shouted in shock...
"This is the greatest!" Upon spotting Nami in the distance on the Waver, riding around like she had been doing it for years.
"Nami! You're the greatest~!" Seeing this caused Sanji to fall into puppy mode.
"Oh my! That is quite extraordinary! I can hardly believe it!" Pagaya stated as he was surprised seeing this himself.
"How can she ride that thing!?" While Luffy was standing beside him in shock.
"This thing does take a lot to control! It's so delicate it would be impossible for you, Luffy!" The navigator had shouted this to the captain.
"Oi, Nami! Were going to the old man's house! Get off now!" Hearing he say that had upset him, causing him to shout at he to get off. "YOU DORK!"
"Don't say that to her!" However, he ended up being stepped on by Sanji since he didn't like him talking that way to her.
"Go on ahead!" But Nami told the group this. "Pagaya, can I ride on it a little longer?" She was now asking the owner of the Waver.
"Yes, take care!" And he had no problems in the slightest. It was then when Conis and Pagaya began heading towards the stair case, which had the crew following in response. All but one that was...
"Iris, you coming?" Zoro turned around towards the blonde woman looking out at Nami.
"Hmm..." She began to think for a moment. "I don't think so."
"What?" The others had stopped to turn around after hearing her answer.
"I think I going with Nami." Iris was now looking over her shoulders smiling at her friends.
"I'm sorry, we only have one Waver." Pagaya stated this fact to her, since she would need a Waver as well.
"I don't need one." Upon saying that, Iris wings had appeared from her back.
"Wings!?" The father and daughter pair became stunned upon seeing this. Before, Conis had been too busy playing her music that she didn't see Iris fly to the island.
"I want to go!" Chopper ended up running towards the young woman.
"Me too!" Along with Luffy and Usopp, their eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Leave her alone." Only to then be grabbed by the back of their clothing and pulled away. "She fly around with you guys enough already." Zoro had been the one to do this, as he reminded them that they always ask Iris to take them flying when they were bored.
"You're only saying that because you're jealous." Usopp said back to him, since this was slightly true.
"Yeah! Jealous! Jealous! Jealous!" The other two were repeating over and over around. But that only caused them to be buried in the sand.

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