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With what just happen, Nami was angered beyond point as they were still walking through the town. "Honestly, what's wrong with this town?!" She was shouting as she didn't understand anything that was happening.
"C'Mon, don't be mad, Nami." Luffy didn't seemed at all like he almost died.
"Lu, you were almost killed without a reason." Iris could kind of understand Nami's anger, as she didn't want harm to happen to any of her friends with or without a reason.
"Well, it happens." Though, he seemed completely fine with that.
"And that's FINE, is it?!" Which only seem to cause their navigator to boil, until the sound of laughing came from above. The four of them came to a stop and looked to where it was from, only to find a large man wearing a wrestling mask over his face while standing on the building. Nami had no interest in such a thing, nor Iris, so the two of them were back to walking. Which had Luffy and Zoro following close behind them.
"He's at it again?" And it appeared that this wasn't the first time this strange man had done this, as the girls were passing some people to hear them speaking.
"How many victims does that make now?" But it appeared to be more then just standing on the roof of buildings and laughing like a crazy person. "And its not like that guy's got a bounty on his head... Who is he, anyway?"
"No thanks, I don't wanna know. It's best to stay away from... that wrestling champion." This seemed to have strike something.
"CHAMPION?" Luffy and Zoro seemed pissed and ready to fight this 'Champion' for his title.
"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO COMPETITIVE?!" But Nami was screaming at them for their stupidity.
"Do you think we'll be able to find anything about Sky island here?" Iris came to ask since it didn't matter where she looked there is nothing but Pirates or thugs. And none of them appeared to be intelligent at all. However, regardless they continued on until the four of them come to the end of the town, which had a large resort called the 'Tropical Hotel' placed at it.
"How about here?" Zoro came to ask since it was completely different from the town.
"Huh, looks like nothing's going on." However, Luffy didn't seem to like that fact.
"You can say that again. This place is wonderful!" While it was the opposite for Nami, who was already sick of the town.
"Compared to the town, this place is quite lovely." Iris didn't mind the town but it was hard for her to believe that a place like this was in the town.
"There's a house floating on the ocean." Zoro pointed this out, since this was the first time he show something like this.
"Its not floating." Iris came to inform him. "The building is being held you by the pillars that extend down to the ground of the ocean."
"But there's nobody around! I smell some good food though..." Although, soon after Luffy had said that
"Oh, sirs!" Someone had come running over to them, rubbing their hands together and finding behind objects. "Sirs, doing this is a problem! You must not barge in here by yourselves!" Which might explain why it was completely different from outside. The four of them had began moving towards the man, clearly the owner. "A-At the moment, the T-Tropical Hotel is being rented out by the Bellamy Party!" This had been said to them and it was clear he was quite nervous. "And because of this, we must respectfully decile any other guests!"
"Oh, so this is a hotel." Zoro seemed generally surprised by this.
"Did you not read the sign?" Which caused Iris to ask him that. As it was obvious.
"I-If Master Bellamy say you here, matters would be terrible! So we must ask that you, somehow, please—!" They were pretty much being kicked out.
"Oh come on. We can at least take a look inside." Although, Luffy didn't seem to be able to read the room.
"Who's this Bellamy anyway?" As Nami was upset that she wasn't able to stay in the resort for a while.
"Hey, what's up?" They had turned their attention to the entrance of the resort as a pair of people were walking in. The owner began freaking out greatly. "Where'd these grubby little kids come from?" One of them was a man with wavy, shoulder-length blue hair and wearing a purple-tinted visor over his eyes. He also wore a white-furred coat over his bare chest in addition to golden chains that was either a necklace or a clasp. He had red-and-white striped gloves and pants with the same pattern alongside a gold belt. On Sarquiss' bare chest is a tattoo of a Jolly Roger: a smiley with a cancel symbol. He also had the symbol on his belt.
"MASTER SARQUISS!" The owner was far worse then before as she shouted the man's name. "Welcome back! You've returned safely!"
"Whatever just kic them out already!" The other person was a woman that was blonde wearing a red bandana, sunglasses, and a white shirt that exposes her cleavage. She had an hourglass figure that is fairly developed, and had the man's, Sarquiss arm over her shoulder. Her sleeves were blue fur that lay downwards which do not seem to go with the rest of her outfit. "How much do you think we paid to rent this place out?"
"That's right. Hey, go home, you little shit." Sarquiss was glaring at Luffy, who he stood in front of.
"Oi! Is it okay if I kick his ass?" Which had the captain turning around asking, wanting Nami's permission.
"NO!" But not only did she shout that at him, the owner did as well.
"Kick my ass?" It appeared that Sarquiss found this hilarious. "We got a funny guy here. You kids look pretty shabby." He went onto insulting the group. "Here." And came to throw some money on the floor before them. "Go buy yourselves some nice clothes or somethin'."
"Sarquiss, you're just wasting it on a lot like them." The woman had told her companion not even noticing the expressions of Zoro, Nami, and even Iris.
"Maybe it would be more good if i threw it in a ditch." The three of them looked like they were ready to lose it. Or more like kill the two of them in Zoro and Iris' case.
"Huh? We can have it?" On the other hand, Luffy didn't seem to realise that they were being insulted and was about to grab the money.
"We're leaving. This is degrading!" However, he had been stopped by Nami who was pulling him by his face at they were heading to the exist.
"Hey, hey, i can walk on my own!" Luffy was trying to break free of her grip but of course was failing. Both Zoro and Iris were following after them.
"What, you don't want it?" The man was asking after them smirking in amusement.
"Sarquiss, Lily. You don't have to tease them so much." A tall, blond man with a tan complexion had called out from within the resort after Luffy and that left. He wore a pair glasses and a long black and white jacket with a white t-shirt underneath. He also wears a Log Pose, which most likely meant he was a navigator.
"Oh, so there you are." The two of them had noticed the group sitting in the open restaurant of the hotel and began heading over there.
"They've managed to get this far on their own." This was being said by a tall man with a good physique and a woman under his arm as the other was holding up Luffy's wanted poster. He wore a white hat with long ear-flaps, a dark-red V-neck shirt with grey trousers and brown boots. As for them woman she had curly-haired, dark-skinned with thick lips and dark colored eyes. She sported a long sleeve white collar shirt decorated with blue feathers, dark purple pants and sandals. "Check it out!"
"But compared to you and Bellamy, they're still just trash." Another young woman had taken the poster from him to look at it. She had long pink hair tied up in a chignon, with one tuft going down. She was wearing a tight-fitting, cleavage revealing yellow outfit with a zipper running down the middle and boots decorated with crosses. She also had a tiny mole or freckle under her left eye.
"Still, they're pretty good for ordinary people." The poster was handed over to Sarquiss.
"Well, whatever. They won't last long once the New Era begins." The group of them had large amounts of egos among themselves.
"But... 30,000,000? For that little squirt?" Sarquiss seemed to find that doubtful while looking at the poster. "We should let Bellamy see this."

Angel's True Face (One Piece)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz