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Nami had shouted out and swung her weapon like a bat, and the X detaches from the Pole and flew spinning towards Usopp and that. "Oi! Cyclone Tenpo is just a boomerang game for parties!" He was shouting at her as the X was heading right for him.
"I'm aiming for the clock tower!" But she ignored him. When the X hits, and the moment it hit him (in between the legs) something had began to change. Besides the painful expression he had on. The dust began to swell around them and before they knew it, a massive wind had seemed to appear out of nowhere sending them flying up.
"That's amazing." Iris was completely amazed by what she saw.
"Chopper! Jump up to Sanji!" Nami had instructed him.
"WHAT!?" But it wasn't just him that was shocked, Vivi had been as well.
"Does that mean... the plan... is to keep flying the whole way up!?" She was asking completely shocked at all of this.
"Sanji! You know what to do, right!?" But it appeared that Nami wasn't listening as she asked the male blonde that. There wasn't much time left.
"I think I get the idea." Sanji began to lean out the window. "Yosh! Nothing to do but give it a shot!"
"We don't have time to think about this! Please, Tony!"
"Yosh! Hold on tight, Vivi!" And with that being said, Chopper had pushed off of Usopp, up to Sanji.
"Chopper! Jump onto my right leg!" Sanji was telling him, as he was out of the window.
"Right!" Chopper was onto of his right leg with 12 seconds left.
"HERE THEY COME, ZORO!" Sanji kicked them up.
"Yes! This might work!" Iris was all excited as they gotten up to Zoro, that pulled out two of his swords.
"Yosh, Leave it to me!" He leaped off the building and shifted his body.
"Idiot, don't be scared! I'm using the back of the blades! Now get a good footing!" Chopper was now onto of the swords with 9 seconds. "Be careful, Vivi! There's some real weirdos up there!" Zoro warned her but of course she knew that and them. But it was then when they noticed them
"Miss Wednesday!" Mr. 7 was looking down
"Gero, gero, gero! I remember her! She betrayed the organisation!" Along with Miss Fathersday.
"This was bad, as they had been spotted." Iris stated at seeing the two weirdos.
"They saw them!" Nami screamed
"WHAT!?" Which seemed to cause Usopp to wake up.
"Hold on! We're aiming in mid-air. If they shoot at us...!" Zoro was saying, but he probably jinxed himself.
"Adjust! Gero Gero Gun!" Miss Fathersday had pointed her gun down at them. "Well this is an unexpected bonus!"
"Adjust! Yellow Gun!" Mr. 7 had asked pointed his down before laughing. "It's great! It's great! They're as good as dead!"
"Bastards! Pointing your guns a Viv-" Sanji had been cut short as he was now falling.
"We have to do something! They're a sniper pair!" Vivi was panicking while explainedijg.
"Chopper! I'm gonna launch you up there!" Zoro was now shouting also panicked, telling the little guy to do what he can afterwards.
"Me!?" But he didn't seem all that confident about that.
"Seven seconds left!" Nami shouted up to them so that they would know.
"DO something, damnit!"
"You can do it!" Iris shouted words of encouragement.
"Ready!? Let's do this, Chopper, Vivi!"
"Right!" They both nodded.
"Lady...Smash!" Both agents fired their guns together and Zoro pushed both Chopper and Vivi up just afterwards.
"Hey, listen to this! Our guns..."
"...are sized to explode when they collide!" That had explained seconds before they collided together before hitting Zoro.
"Zoro!" The sound echoed into Iris' ears.
"That Idiot! He took a direct...!" Even Sanji was panicked at that fact. But there was little time left.
"Here we go, Vivi!" Chopper had taken his human form, and she was on his right arm.
"Give it all you've got, Tony!" And That Vivi had been thrown with five seconds left.
"Gero, gero! Running away..."
"... is flute!"
"SMASH!" The two had fired their guns onto to see Chopper was the only one. "Who...?" He had shrunk to avoid the bullets. "Eh?" It was there, with the little energy that she had left, Iris stretched her arms in front of her to where three guys were falling. It was as if a floor of light had appeared stretching across the sky below them. They landed upon it, which had reduced the impact of hitting the ground. Sanji from there had jumped down.
"Peacock String!" Vivi had appeared from above. 3 seconds.
"GOOO!!" Nami, Usopp and Iris shouted at the top of their lungs and she made inside and kicked both agents out. But there was nothing after wards as the others were looking up waiting.
"Did she stop it?" Usopp had asked as they hadn't exploded yet. Zoro come falling down as the floor made of light disappeared as Iris couldn't keep it up any longer. When he hit the ground he coughed which meant he was a live.
"What? Are you still alive?" Sanji sounded a bit disappointed.
"T-The explosion...?" That had been asked since clearly they weren't dead yet. They were all looking up at the clock tower, as nothing had happened.
"What happened?" Chopper come up to them from where he had landed.
Something funny's going on up there." Zoro was the one to answer.
"What about these two?" Iris then came to ask looking down at Mr. 7 and Miss Fathersday that were in the ground before them unconscious.
"Just leave them." And the swordsman didn't care along with the others.
"Vivi... hasn't come out..." Nami came to say as she hadn't pulled her eyes away from the top as they were waiting.
"HELP! EVERYONE!" Vivi soon came shouting down to the ground all panicked. "The bomb has a timer! IT'S STILL GOING TO EXPLODE!" All six of them had come to be shocked upon hearing this.
"WHAAAT!?" Usopp had been the only one to scream that out. But it was what they were all thinking.
"Shit! This can't be happening! Even though we stopped the firing, the bomb..." Sanji was completely frustrated.
"...Has a timer!" But he wasn't the only one.
"The blast's gonna be five kilometres wide... The Square and the city are going ti be completely destroyed!" And there was nothing that they could do.
"WHAT'S GOING ON!? You mean stopping the Square bombing... was impossible from the very beginning!?"
"That bastard...!" Iris could only think that thus was clearly Crocoidle's way of mocking Vivi's efforts. He had told her before that she will not succeed in saving her beloved country no matter what she does. But that was the crew came to notice something in the sky.
"Was that..."
"The bird guy..." They came to notice him flying towards and into the tower. They couldn't see or hear anything. However, it was then when something began coming out from the tower. It was large and a spare that was being carried to the sky by the large bird man. He had taken the the time bomb and fly up towards the sky with it. Then the crew watched as the time bomb blows up, clearing the sky with it.
"No way..."

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