Go With the Flow!

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The three ships had left the island of Jaya behind them and were sailing south with the help of the Southbird. "Listen! It's now 7AM! We'll probably arrive at our destination around 11AM! Just like Pops said... The location of the Knock-Up Stream is different every time! So wee need to get there before it happens and determine its exact location!" This explanation was being shut it down to the Merry by Masira.
"Watch this, watch this!" However, it appeared that some of them weren't listening, as Luffy turned the Southbird's head to the side.
"We're a little bit behind schedule— OI! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!?" It appeared that Masira noticed the behaviour of those on the Merry.
"See, see, see, he turned back again!" Luffy had release its head and the moment it was free it shot right back to south in an instant. He found completely amusing.
"Man, this is one strange bird." Usopp had his arms cross as he said that.
"He really can't face any way but south! He's like a compass! It's funny!" The captain couldn't help but laugh at this. But this seemed to have upset the bird as it began saying something.
"What'd he say?" This question was directed to the doctor/reindeer.
"'I'll look some way other than south and throw you jerks off course!'" Which then had been answer.
"I dare you!" This caused Luffy to laugh even harder along with Usopp. But then the bird turned his head behind him like it was nothing. "He's facing north!" The three of them looked a bit stunned. However, the bird began sweating and looked extremely uncomfortable before its head turned back to south. "He's not comfortable unless he faces south." Now the trio bursted into laugher at this.
"OI, YOU GUYS! DON'T MAKE BIG BOSS MAD!" Having watch them caused the men of Shojo to shout down at them, since they weren't listening and playing around.
"Never mind , never mind! My heart's all a putter-patter when they ignore me!" However, it appeared that the ape man didn't care all that much as he spoke to his men.
"Why? What's wrong?" Luffy had heard and came to ask with his attention now pointed up. "C'mon, it's too hard to go around worrying about everything! We'll just take it easy!" He then came to say, laughing afterwards.
"And who was it that made us late again?" This was being said by Sanji, as he was trying to reminded his captain that it had been him.
"There's really not much point saying that." Iris spoken up to the cook, while sitting beside Zoro. She was saying this because Luffy had already forgotten about it.
"But he's right! We can't sail tensed-up for four hours!" However, it appeared that Masira was in an agreement with what had been said by the rubber man.
"Good point." And it seemed that Shojou had also agreed. "Alright, boys, everyone slow down and relax at full speed!" This strange order had been given to all.
"Nice weather!" Luffy was the first to relax, which show had been followed by Masira, Shojou and all their men.
"You sure about this?" Though, there was some doubts about all this as they didn't seem worried about already being late.

A few hours had passed and one was able to see that the sky a far ahead the ships were getting darker. "Boss! We've got a problem!" Seeing this had caused the man on watch to shout.
"What is it!?" Masira dash to the side of the man asking in a panic.
"Night approaching from the south west! It's a Cumuloregalis cloud!" This had been informed as he was looking through the pair of binoculars he had.
"Really!? What time is it?" This had been asked to someone else.
"10AM! Much earlier than we had predicted!" Had been the answer, which was an hour before they expected.
"This is bad... Shojou, can you make it!?" Masira called out to the other ship, asking his brother.
"Wootan Divers, get into the water! Find that current!" The ape shouted to his men, ordering them. A moment later, men in the wet suit dove into the water.
"So that's a Cumuloregalis cloud..." Nami was looking ahead in amusement.
"What is it!? What's going on!?" At this moment, the straw hats had began gathering after they heard all the shouting while they were inside.
"The Cumuloregalis cloud showed up earlier than they expected!" This information was coming from their Navigator, who had been on deck the entire time watching the weather. "And we still don't know where the current is going to be!" As she was explaining, Shojou began to release a sonic wave through his mic that was traveling under the see.
"Echo confirmed!" One of his men had shot out from the water shouting. "Strong ocean current at 12 o'clock!" The tension had began to raise among the straw hats.
"Large creature detected at 9 o'clock! It might be a Sea King!" Another one of the men had resurfaced.
"Wave opposing the current flow confirmed at 10 o'clock! It could be a whirlpool!" That was when another had resurfaced from the ocean and shouted that.
"THAT'S IT! All ships change heading to 10 o'clock!" Masira pointed off in the direction that was spoken of. "That's where the explosion will happen! Find the whirlpool and don't back out!" Soon the Going Merry and the other two ships were also pointing in that direction.
"What the...!?" It wasn't long until the ocean began to go wild, causing those on the Merry to lose their footing if not that, they grabbed onto something.
"The waves are getting rougher!" It appeared that way as they were getting closer to the target.
"WE'RE GONNA SINK!" Usopp had began to freak out like always.
"THE EXPLOSION'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN! STAY ALERT!" The crew was bing shouted at.
"E-EXPLOSION!?" But hearing this began to frighten Chopper now as well.
"Miss Navigator! What does the Log Pose say?" Robin had called out to Nami, asking her which had been why she looked down to her wrist with the Log Pose on it.
"It's pointing straight at that cloud!" Had been the answer after seeing the needle pointing right up.
"So Sky Island is right above us?" Iris was asking while looking up the large cloud above them. Her eyes seemed to be sparkling with excitement.
"The direction of the wind is dead on. The Cumuloregalis cloud will head straight door the center of the whirlpool!" Nami began to inform the others while they watched the cloud moving along with them.
"Oi, what whirlpool? Where is it?" Luffy asked since he was unable to see it.
"Looks like we were right on the mark this time, Brother!" Masira was grinning ear to ear as he spoke that.
"Yeah, and it looks like we won't have to worry about the size of the explosion either!" Shojou was shouting back to him.
"We're gonna make it!?" It appeared that the captain was a little worried about not making it.
"Yeah, you are!" But then Masira's ship had pulled out in front of them, before firing off some rope that had claws at the end and grabbed ahold of the Going Merry's front railing.
"Huh?" Though, Luffy was a little confused.
"We're taking you into the whirlpool's current!" This information was shouted down to them.
"And then? What do we do!?" Nami wanted to know what they were supposed to do after that.
"Go with the flow!" Had been the short answer. "Get as close as you can to the centre of the whirlpool and don't back out!" But Masira explained a bit more as they were soon able to see a giant whirlpool off the Port side of the ship.
"This giant whirlpool!?" The crew looked on in shock as they stared down at a giant whirlpool which one was unable to see the bottom as it was black inside. And it was needless to say that... "WE'RE GETTING SUCK IN..."
"He never said we had to go INTO it!" Nami began to freak up the information and sight.
"Don't worry, Nami, Iris, Robin! I'll protect you!" Sanji called out to the three woman.
"I've never seen a whirlpool this large." Even Robin was stun looking at the size of it. There was still someone that appeared to be imagining things far more differently then how it was going to end up.
"STOP! STOP IT! LET'S GO BACK!" The cowardly Usopp was once again in tears as she was crying out.
"Even if you say that..." Iris' attention was pulled to the front.
"One of us is already riding high." Zoro pulled the long nose attention to the one they were speaking of.
"LET'S GO TO SKY ISLAND!!" Luffy was ready and filled with excitement. However, all stop upon the suddenness of a large Sea King that shot out from the ocean began them, about to attack the ship. But then it was pulled away from them by something. As the crew stood in silence they watched as the Sea King was being pulled by the current of the whirlpool. The current had been so strong that it was able to pull down one of the Kings of the Ocean.
"Okay, guys! You'll have to handle yourselves from here on in!" Masira was shouting, now from a distance with Shojou.
"Yeah, thanks for bring us here!" Luffy seemed completely unfazed by what they just witnessed,
"NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT A GIANT WHIRLPOOL! THIS IS FRAUD I TELL YOU! FRAUD!" But of course it had caused Usopp, Nami. and Chopper to lose their nerve.
"AHH! IT'S NIGHT!"However, it was already too late as night had fallen upon them.
"THE WHIRLPOOL'S PULL IS GETTING STRONGER!" And the Going Merry was moving a lot faster then before.
"We gotta pull out, Luffy! We can still make it! You understand, right?! This whirlpool alone is enough to kill us!" Usopp was in tears as he was trying to get Luffy to change his mind. "Sky Island's just a dream within a dream!"
"A dream within a dream?" The captain repeated the last part. "I guess so..."
"That's right, Luffy! I don't thing I can do this either!" Nami was pleading with him for them to go back.
"An island from a dream within a dream?" But they noticed something was off as Luffy repeated that phrase once again. "I could never pass up a great adventure like this!" The captain was far too excited to let them just leave.
"He... He's having fun..." seeing this only caused Usopp and Nami to cry even more, as they know once Luffy is like this there was no way out. On the other hand, Chopper had stopped and was looking at him with amazement.
"Hey. While you guys were wasting you time whining..." Zoro spoken up, causing the three to turn towards the swordsman.
"What? What now?" Had been asked, since they didn't noticed it at all. But then Zoro had pointed ahead of them, where they were forced to look and realised it was too late. "We've entered the whirlpool." The Merry had began to head over the edge of the whirlpool.
"Now, Nami, press yourself against my chest!" Sanji thought about taking advantage of the situation but the ship had taken off the side and they could feel the weight shifting.
"WE'RE FALLING!" Screaming erupted, however it only lasted a moment as everyone was back to standing on their feet as the Merry was no longer falling.
"Where did the whirlpool go?" Iris questioned as she and the others began looking around. The giant whirlpool they were about to enter was no longer in sight. In fact, the ocean had returned to being calm like it had been before.
"What happened?"Needless to say they were all confused.
"T-That giant whirlpool... what's going on?" They thought it had completely disappeared, but one person had noticed it.
"No..." Nami was looking down at the deck, her eyes widen in shock and fear. "It's already started." She was telling them. "The bottom of the whirlpool was stopped by the sea floor." Nami explains that the main event is about to occur. But this caused a silence tension to appear as they were standing waiting for something to happen.
"You don't mean..." There was only one thing that could happen.

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