The Adventures of Merlin: Series 1: Prologue

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This chapter is dedicated to mxreska for having made the beautiful cover!


"No young man—no matter how great—can know his destiny. He cannot glimpse his part in the great story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, he must live and learn. And, so it will be for the young Warlock arriving at the gates of Camelot. A boy, that will in time, father a legend. His name—Merlin."

Ariella's P. O. V:

Ten years ago...

"Ariella... Ariella..." I try my best to ignore the voice echoing in my head as I try to fall asleep. The voice disappears for a time, and I start to drift off to sleep once more.

"Ariella...!" My eyes snap open at the same voice resonating in my mind, and I sit bolt upright, gazing around my bedchamber. It was dark, the moonlight pouring through my window blocked by the red velvety curtains. But there was no one here.

Still, I swing my legs out of bed, and grab my blue cloak, before throwing it over my shoulders. Pulling the hood up over my head, hiding my long, white blonde hair that reaches my slender waist, I quietly make my way out of the castle and to the dungeon. I was currently staying in the castle of Camelot for the summer with my brother, Eric, because I'm supposed to be getting to know Prince Arthur Pendragon before I'm due to marry him. I really only see Arthur as a brother more than a lover, but I knew my strict yet kind father would never let me marry anyone who isn't royal or noble.

I see a couple of guards playing a board game with dice. I mutter a spell and feel my eyes turn gold. The dice suddenly fly off the board, causing the guards to blink their eyes in surprise. As they get up to try and grab the dice, the dice would roll away. Until they disappear into a cell. I head for a metal gate opposite the cell. I mutter a spell to unlock it as my eyes glow and grab the torch on my way in. I hold it to the bigger brazier and it lights up as I take it away.

I continue on my way down the stairs. I soon reach a ledge that looks over a large, cavernous area, a huge pillar of rock situated in the centre. On the cave floor, far below, is a stream or river. I wave the torch in front of me, trying to find the owner of the voice.

"Hello?!" I call. Just then, I jump when the sound of large wings beating through the air reaches my ears, but my blue eyes jerk wide when a massive creature lands on the pillar of rock—a dragon. It has gold scales and a shackle wrapped around his neck, a chain attaching to the pillar of rock he's standing on.

I stare for a moment, trying to process exactly what it is I'm seeing.

"Y-You're a... a dragon?" I finally stammer out.

"How very perceptive of you, Princess Ariella," The dragon says, causing me to glare sharply at his tone.

"How very perceptive of you, Princess Ariella," The dragon says, causing me to glare sharply at his tone

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"How do you know who I am?" I ask, my voice cold.

"I've known you would be coming to Camelot for a long time," He replies.

I say, a hint of sarcasm in my voice, as I hold my free, right palm out, a dark eyebrow quirked, "Okay. So you know who I am, but I don't know who you are. It's rude to not give your own name in return, you know."

The dragon chuckles as he replies, "My name is Kilgarrah. You are a part of a prophecy, which is how I know you. You are to meet the world's most powerful warlock when he eventually arrives in Camelot. His destiny is to protect Arthur from enemies, until he has become king. When that happens, he will unite the land that will be known as Albion—and you are to help Merlin protect Arthur with your own magic, and teach him that his gifts are not to be feared. For you are a part of his destiny."

My blue eyes are wide by the end. "You must be mistaken," I say at last, shaking my head. "I'm supposed to be marrying Arthur when the time is right. So doesn't that mean I'm supposed to unite the land of Albion with him?"

Kilgarrah doesn't say anything to that.

I sigh in exasperation. "Answer me!"

"You'll understand all in time, Cordelia, but now is not the time," Says Kilgarrah mysteriously. I furrow my brows at the name.

I question, "What did you just call me? I'm pretty sure my name is Ariella."

"Cordelia is the name the druids know you by," He states. "It is your True Name."

I gaze at Kilgarrah as I let the information sink in. I ask, "How will I know I've met Merlin? Can I tell him of this?"

"No. You have to let him discover his destiny on his own. Help him to accept it. You'll know him when you see him," Kilgarrah answers vaguely. Then, the great dragon bends his knees and spreads his wings, before he takes off.

"Wait! I-I need to know more!" I shout, but the dragon was already gone.

I remain standing there, unable to quite believe what had just happened.

I turn and leave the cavern, to return to my bedchamber for the night.

And, every night since, until I had to return home to my kingdom, Domino, I would visit the dragon, Kilgarrah, as I eagerly awaited the fateful day I would meet Merlin.


What did you guys think of the prologue? The next chapter will be longer.

Fun fact: the word domino is derived from the Latin word dominus, to subdue, or to tame. As a word, domino means master, ruler, lord or, as a greeting, sir.

(This information was taken from the Winx Club wiki page, and I was inspired to name the kingdom from Winx Club.)

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