Chapter 24, Part 4

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Ariella's P. O. V:

A few hours later, I peer out the tent flaps to see Drake approaching the tent with Logan. The sky has started to dim, and I knew I'd completely missed my wedding.

Uther and daddy are probably losing it by now, and have sent out a search party. I just hope they don't get too mad at Merlin when we get back....

I whisper to Merlin as I step back, "He's coming!"

We stand next to each other as Drake and Logan enter the tent. The silverette glares at me and I smirk as I ask, "Did you receive a migraine after that headbutt?" I ask sarcastically, ignoring Merlin when he nudges my side warningly.

Drake clenches his jaw, but doesn't retort. "Your father has not sent word yet."

"He must be furious that you kidnapped me on my wedding night," I tell him, glaring daggers at him.

"You'll remain here until he responds. Don't you dare try any tricks, Princess," Drake warns me.

I deadpan as I say, "As if we could fight against an entire group of bandits all on our own. Look, I need to use the privy pot." They both stare at me, dumbfounded, while Merlin tries not to snicker.

"You... what?" Drake splitters, blinking his emerald green eyes.

"I really need to relieve myself, as I haven't had the chance to earlier!" I say, making it seem as though I really need to use the privy pot.

Looking uncomfortable, Drake gestures to Logan and he finds out the privy pot, placing it before me. It looks like it hasn't been cleaned too well. Ew!

"You can't expect me, a Princess, to use that?!" I gasp in horror, staring at the pot with wide eyes.

"Forgive us, Princess, but we weren't exactly expecting royal guests. And, you did say you were desperate," Drake says, smirking.

Not desperate enough to use that...

"At least turn around to give me privacy," I mumble, seeing Merlin pretend to look away.

"And give you the chance to escape? I don't think so, Princess," Logan says cockily. "We're prepared for every old trick in the book you might pull."

"Ooohhh, okay! I guess I'll just do it, then," I groan, beginning to get ready to relieve myself. This startles both bandits, and blushes appear on their faces.

"Y-You're not serious?!" Logan gasps, wide eyed.

"How unPrincess-like!" Drake scolds me, raising his hand to shield his vision.

A shadow appears over my eyes as I smirk triumphantly. Before my eyes flash gold and both bandits are sent sailing through the air with cries of surprise.

"It may be the oldest trick in the book, but that's why it's still being used!" I call after them, dropping my skirt. I hear Merlin breathe a sigh of relief. "Come on!" I grab his arm and drag him out of the tent, however Drake and Logan were just getting up and they spot us.

"Stop them! We can't let the Princess escape!" Drake orders, and his men surround us.

I whip out my dagger and clash it against an enemy's sword. He goes to swipe at my side but a block it. After a couple more blows, I plunge my dagger into his stomach, and he collapses. I look at Merlin to see he's fending off another bandit with a sword. They exchange blows until Merlin and the bandit press their weapons against each other.

Merlin mutters as I clash my sword against another bandit, "Heatande." The bandit's sword grows so hot that he drops it, screaming in pain.

Merlin clashes his sword against another's, but they knock it out of his hands. They're about to bring their sword down on Merlin, but I cut down my opponent, and the one after that, before I grab his sword and throw it at the looming bandit. It plunges into his side, killing him.

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