Chapter 2, Part 1

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Songs used:

If only by Dove Cameron from Disney's Descendants

Ariella's P. O. V:

I sit in a boulder beside Eric, who is standing, his arms crossed over his strong chest, as we watch Merlin train with Arthur. It was his first day as the princes' man servant, and I wanted to be here for him. Eric simply tagged along, also hoping to get in some training, along with myself.

I'd visited Arthur in his chambers last night after he'd almost been killed by the witch, and he'd spent a good hour complaining about Merlin being his new man servant, until I reminded him that Merlin had literally just saved his life, and that he should be grateful to him and never forget it.

Eric tilts as Merlin sheathes his sword on the left side of his waist, and Arthur asks, "Ready?"

"Would it make any difference if I said no?" Merlin asks.

"No," Eric, Arthur and I answer in unison, as the prince turns around and swings his sword. Arthur faces Merlin and gets into a ready stance as Merlin takes out his sword.

I say, "Please go easy on him, Arthur!"

"Body." Arthur strikes for Merlin's stomach. The ravenette raises his sword to block but it was sloppy and slow. "Shield." Arthur strikes Merlin's shield. He repeats the process as Merlin retreats backwards. "Body. Shield. Shield."

"Shield," Merlin echoes.

"Head!" Arthur calls, striking Merlin's helmeted head.

"Head?!" Merlin exclaims in surprise. "Ow!"

I call, "Not bad, Arthur! Merlin, you're being brilliant!"

Merlin asks, "Really?"

Eric comments, "I'm just amazed he can keep up with Arthur like this."

"Come on, Merlin! You're not even trying!" Arthur says as they circle each other, Merlin righting his helmet.

"I am!"

Arthur's sword hits Merlin's behind, making him cry out again, and I wince.

Arthur slashes Merlin's shield as he says, "To the left. To the right. To the left. Head!"

I hear a clanging as Arthur's sword makes contact with Merlin's helmet. "Ow!" The ravenette cries as he manages to catch his footing.

"Come on, Merlin! I've got a tournament to win!" Arthur snaps as they circle each other again.

"Can we stop now, please?" Merlin asks.

"Shield! Body! Shield! Shield!"

I turn my head to Arthur as I say, "Why don't we take a break? I want to do some training, too."

Eric says, "So do I. Especially since I'm also entering in the tournament, and I'd like a training partner."

"As if you could ever beat me anyway, Eric," Arthur scoffs. "You haven't in the previous years."

"This year will be different," Eric promises him.

"Come on, Arthur! Please! For me?" I give Arthur my best puppy dog eyed look which no one can resist.

He sighs. "Alright. Well, you and Eric are far better fighters than Merlin. At least the two of you could easily keep up with me."

"I think I clearly remember kicking you so strongly last time that you doubled over from the pain," I remind Arthur.

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