Chapter 6, Part 1

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Ariella's P. O. V:

I enter the library of the palace and spot Geoffrey at the desk, doing some sort of paperwork. "Hello, Geoffrey!" I greet brightly, causing him to look up at me. A small smile tugs at his lips.

"Ah. Hello, Princess. Come to borrow more books?"

I nod as I say, "Yup!"

"You must've read all the books in the library by now."

"Oh, no. That would take me much longer," I scoff.

"Not with how fast you read, Princess," He says. He then gestures to the many bookshelves behind me. "Go on, then."

Grinning, I say, "Thank you, Geoffrey!" After browsing the shelves for a few minutes, I find a couple of books before heading for the door. "Have a good day!" I call back.

"Likewise, Princess," He responds.

I immediately open one of the fantasy books I got and start to read as I walk.

I was walking down the corridor from the castle library after borrowing a couple of books. I was pretty close with Geoffrey because I didn't make such ruckus in the library, and even when I first came here ten years ago, I would borrow books as often as I could.

I have my nose in one of the books as I walk. I've nearly bumped into a couple of servants as I headed back to my chambers.

"Oh, Ari! Watch out!" I look up to see Gwen in front of me, carrying a large bouquet of white flowers. I gasp but thankfully manage to stop myself from colliding with her.

"Oops! Sorry, Gwen! I didn't see you," I apologise with a sheepish smile.

"No wonder," She says, nodding to the books in my arms. I blush with slight embarrassment.

I then take another look at the flowers. "Such beautiful flowers. Who are they for?"

"Lady Morgana," She responds.

"Oh? Who sent them to her?"

"I don't know. There's no name, or anything,"

"Then, it would seem as though the Lady Morgana has a secret admirer!" I say excitedly, feeling my eyes sparkle.

Gwen asks, "You don't suppose your brother sent them, do you?"

Before I could reply, a male voice cuts in, "You don't suppose that I sent, what, exactly?" We turn to see Eric striding down the corridor toward us, wearing a casual long sleeved blue shirt with a darker blue jacket and pants, boots on his feet.

"The Lady Morgana has received flowers from a secret admirer," I tell him, gesturing to the bouquet. Eric flicks his brown eyes to it and they widen slightly.

"Sh-She did?" He asks in slight sadness, but mostly surprise.

I smirk, knowing how he has a crush on her. "Oh, yes. She did."

Gene asks him, "Did you send them, Your Highness?"

Eric shakes his head as he replies, "No. I don't recall sending her flowers."

I sigh sadly. "I guess we'll never know who did it, then."

"I guess," Mutters Gwen. Eric wanders off as I go with Gwen to Morgana's room, as I was headed for my chambers, anyway.

The dark haired woman was looking through a jewellery box as Gwen and I enter. Smiling, Gwen says, "Look what's just arrived for you!"

"Who are they from?" Morgana asks as she looks at them in curiosity.

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