Chapter 5, Part 1

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Pic above is Lancelot—->

Ariella's P. O. V:

I was in the forest, picking herbs for Gaius. I had offered to go instead of him as I'd had nothing else to do. So Gaius let me go. The only one I'd ever told about having kissed Merlin yesterday was my brother. He'd been shocked at fires, but then he'd promised not to tell a soul, knowing Merlin would be in big trouble.

Suddenly, a loud screech causes me to jerk my head up, my blue eyes wide. A large, half bird, half lion type of creature charges toward me, wings on its back. I jump to my feet and stagger backward, holding out my hands to use my magic on it. Now I was really wishing I'd brought my sword—or even a dagger.

I end up tripping on a stone and toppling backward with a gasp. I flick my gaze up at the creature as it goes to slash at me with its talons, letting out another furious screech.

"Get away from her!" A man's voice yells, before he jumps in between me and the beast. I drop my hands and stare in numbed shock as my dark haired saviour slashes his sword at the beast. It jerks back, screeching, before knocking the man's sword out of his grip and slashing at his side.

 It jerks back, screeching, before knocking the man's sword out of his grip and slashing at his side

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(Instead of merlin in the gif, just imagine it's Ari)

The man whirls around and shouts as he grabs my arm, "Come on, come on!" He hauls me to my feet and I race after him as we run away from the creature. It pursues us, however.

We see a massive log up ahead, and together, the dark haired man and I leap over it, before pressing our backs against it. The bird like creature takers off into the air above us and flies off.

After a moment of tense silence, I turn to my saviour and smile as I hold out my hand and say, "Thank you! I'm Ari."

"I'm Lancelot..." The man says before his head nods forward and his eyes close.

Confused, I look down to see blood seeping through his pale shirt. Heart pounding, I stare at him fearfully.


When I make it back to Gaius's chambers, I struggle a little to get the door open before I throw it open, startling Gaius and Merlin.

"My Lady! What happened?! Are you alright?!" Gaius asks worriedly as I haul the unconscious man in.

"Help him, Gaius! He got injured severely fighting off a magical beast! Not to mention, he's very heavy!" I exclaim breathlessly. Gaius and Merlin rush over and take Lancelot from me. I straighten as I plead, "Heal him, Gaius! He saved my life."

"Of course, Your Grace. I'll see to him right now." They take Lancelot up to Merlin's room and I linger until Merlin returns.

"Are you sure your not hurt, Ari?" Merlin asks, standing in front of me.

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