Chapter 19, Part 3

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Ariella's P. O. V:

After changing into my light blue dress, I go and stand with Eric, Merlin and Gaius in the council chambers as we all wait for the king and Catrina to arrive.

When they do, the doors open and we bow our heads respectfully, except for Arthur, Morgana, Eric and I as they walk in, the woman's hand held in Uther's. When they reach the throne, Uther and Catrina stop and turn to face us.

"Thank you all for coming," Uther begins. "You're no doubt wondering why I gathered you here today. Though, we live in dark times, today, I bring you light." I eye Catrina wearily as she smiles at the king. "And love." I notice Arthur rolling his eyes at this, and Eric and I do the same. "It gives me the greatest pleasure to inform you that the houses of Tregor and Pendragon are to be united in the closest bond of all: I am to marry Lady Catrina of Tregor!"

I would've gaped so wide at this that my jaw hits the floor, but instead I could just whip a stunned expression to my brother, Gaius and Merlin. They look just as shocked, and I look back to see that Arthur does as well.

Uther... is going to marry a troll?!?!?!

I feel like I'm going to faint at the horrible thought of being related to a troll, but I force myself to clap anyway.

Catrina then leans into Uther and whispers, something. Uther faces us again as he announces, "I am to marry Lady Catrina tomorrow!"

I would've definitely fainted had it not been for Eric holding me up with his left arm. Once he was sure I wasn't going to faint from shock, Eric pretends to clap happily for Uther.

 Once he was sure I wasn't going to faint from shock, Eric pretends to clap happily for Uther

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"Ari! It's time!" Merlin tells me mentally. I jerk my stunned face to him and sympathy washes over Gaius's faces. I sneak to the side of the room, however, and pinch my elbow, making me wince as I force myself back into focus.

Uther says as he holds up one hand, and I entwine mine with Merlin's, "This union heralds a new dawn for the kingdom! A new beginning!"

Merlin and I begin chanting under our breathes, "Hierste þæt íecen sóna."

Catrina's brown eyes widen as she no doubt feels herself starting to change as Uther adds, "And a new queen for all, here in Camelot!"

Merlin and I repeat the spell, our voices firmer, "Hierste þæt íecen sóna."

"I could not hope to have made a better match," Uther was saying as Catrina's flesh begins to bubble, but it still doesn't revert to its natural form.

"Hierste þæt íecen sóna," We chant the spell once more, in an effort to change Catrina.

"I hope you will all share in our joy!" Uther says, and the crowd claps as Merlin and I gasp in exhaustion. Catrina still hasn't reverted to her natural form; she really is a powerful troll!

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