Chapter 10, Part 2

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Ariella's P. O. V:

As we return to the Physician's Quarters, Gaius explains to us, "Tristan de Bois was the brother of Ygraine, Uther's wife."

"Arthur's mother," I say as Merlin and I follow Gaius to a bookshelf.

"Ygraine died at child birth. He blamed Uther, and came to the gates of Camelot and challenged him." Gaius takes a book and brings it over to the bench.

Merlin utters, "To single combat."

"Uther won," Gaius continues as he places the book on the table. "But with his dying breath, Tristan cursed Camelot to one day suffer his return. I thought it was the rumblings of a dying man."

As Gaius flips through the pages, I say, "If we find out what rose from the dead, we can find out who they are."

Gaius murmurs as he pauses on a page with a picture of a skeletal body holding a shield, the bottom half of its body covered with a cloth. "It's my guess we're dealing with a wraith."

Merlin asks, "A wraith?"

"A spirit of a dead man conjured from the grave," Gaius explains.

"This is the work of a sorcerer?" I ask, my brows furrowing. Gaius nods his head.

Gaius says, "Powerful magic can harness the grief and rage of a soul, and make it live again."

"How do we stop it?" Merlin questions, glancing between the two of us.

"We can't," Says Gaius. "Because it's not alive, no mortal weapon can kill it."

"Surely there must be something," Merlin says.

"Nothing can stop it—until it has achieved what it came for."

"And what's that?"


"On Camelot?" I whisper. The old physician nods his head.


"What does it mean for Sir Pellinore?" Asks Merlin in a worried tone.

All Gaius says is, "I'm afraid it doesn't look good."

I stand next to Merlin and Gaius at the entrance to the arena as Sir Pellinore's match with Tristan de Bois commences, wearing a sleeveless black dress.

The Black Knight brings his sword down on Pellinore's shield a few times, forcing him back. Pellinore makes a swing at Tristan, but is blocked. Their swords swipe and slash at each other, with Pellinore hitting the side of the wraith's head with his shield.

"That's it!!" I cheer just as the crowd bursts into applause, feeling as though the dark skinned knight will actually win.

Beside me, Merlin is grinning as Pellinore and Trustan slash and stab at each other, their blades connecting and shoving against one another. Trustan goes to slash at Pellinore's stomach, but he manages to narrowly dodge it by leaping back.

I don't know these knights personally, but from what I've seen of Sir Pellinore whenever I'd visit during tournaments to cheer on my brother, I know Pellinore is an incredible fighter.

He'll win this match for sure!

Merlin says to his uncle, "Maybe you're wrong."

Gaius utters, "I hope so."

The two knights slash at each other again, and Tristan brings his sword down on Pellinore. Pellinore blocks it with his shield. Their swords connect again, and the two knights shove against the other's blade. Tristan manages to eventually push his sword forward, causing Pellinore to lean backwards. He was able to knock the Black Knight back a little, making the crowd cheer.

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