Chapter 56, Part 1

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Ariella's P. O. V:

A week has passed since The Dark Tower incident.

Arthur had been poisoned and Merlin had his suspicions that it was Gwen, knowing that something was off about her since we'd returned. He'd asked me about it, but I'd just told Merlin I had no idea what Morgana did to Gwen in the tower. I only heard her screams.

I'd shuddered at the memory and Merlin had only held me, saying he'd just wanted ask if I knew as he's worried for Gwen. It turns out, he's right; as Gwen had been the one to try and poison Arthur. Gwaine and I had been chasing something through the trees in the forest outside the city while on patrol, when we were both suddenly thrown from our horses and wounded. He, Merlin, Gaius and I had suspected that it was Morgana, meeting someone so close to Camelot, though we had no idea who. Merlin had been framed for it and thrown in jail, but used his disguise as Dragoon to escape in order to heal Arthur.

Mira had been there after Gaius had given Merlin the potion, and had pulled at his beard, despite the guard's futile attempt to "rescue her." Dragoon had been kind to Mira, much to the disbelief of the guards, and Merlin had walked away with Mira but had urged her to go back to Gaius the second he'd spotted me and the other knights. After I'd found out where Merlin was hiding, I'd used my magic secretly to make the flames go out, distracting the knights scattered in the courtyard, and that had allowed my husband to get to Arthur's chambers. By climbing the wall and through the window.

He managed to save the King and Gwen's plan was thwarted. But she'd gotten away with it by placing the blame on the seller of the poison. Who'd revealed that Morgana was the buyer, but that he'd had no idea who the poison was intended for.

Gwaine had married Yue as well. Yue has now moved into Gwaine's chambers.

I sit in my bed in my pink nightgown, reading my latest fantasy book, Luna curled up in my lap, while I wait for my husband to return from work.

I look up when I hear the door open, and Merlin enters, face looking serious.

"Merlin. Did Arthur keep you back late again?" I ask with a soft smile.

Merlin starts changing into his pyjamas as he says, "Yes, but that's not the whole reason."

When he didn't elaborate, I close my book and ask, "Merlin, what is it? Is something troubling you?"

"When I was getting Gwen's bath, a Druid boy came to see me," Merlin explains as he climbs into bed beside me. "He wants me to help him heal his sister who has the sweating sickness. I didn't want to go at first, but I told him I'd meet him in The Darkling Woods at first light."

Merlin gazes at me as I say, "I'm glad you've decided to help the boy. I know I would've."

"I know," Merlin murmurs, caressing my cheek. "I just thought you ought to know."

I place my handover Merlin's as I smile and say, "Thank you for letting me know, Merlin."

"Now that I'm finished with Arthur, it's just you and me," He murmurs, making me giggle as Merlin sets my book on the table and Luna scurries off my lap as Merlin gently pushes me down onto the bed, his lips immediately capturing mine as his hands roam my body, legs straddling my waist.

After Merlin kisses me a few more times, he blows out the candle and wraps his arms around me before burying his face into my chest, a content smile on his face, my chin resting atop his head, as we go to sleep.

The next morning, I was still wearing my pink nightgown as I help Merlin pack food supplies after he'd gone to get the medical ones.

"I know I said I'm glad you're helping him but are you sure about this, Merlin?"

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