Chapter 52, Part 3

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Songs used:

Heart By Heart by Demi Lovato from The Mortal Instruments movie

Ariella's P. O. V:

Sometime later, I wake up and find myself in a familiar canopied bed, in a familiar bed chamber.

I feel someone gripping my left, uninsured hand firmly as I realise I'm in my old bed chambers in Domino, especially by the two horse statues at the end of my bed. I turn my head to see Merlin asleep with his head on the edge of the bed, while sitting in the chair next to it, and his hand holding my left one.

I look over for a second to see my right hand has been bandaged.

It all comes back to me, and I feel relief at the sight of my husband.

I see that his arm has been healed up as I use my other hand to gently brush his silky black hair. This causes Merlin to stir and when he blinks his eyes up at me, an expression of immense relief overcomes his features.


"Hey." I smile wearily at him. Merlin leans forward and hugs me tightly, though being careful of my wounds, which are still healing, but are not as painful as before.

"I thought I'd never see you again," Merlin sniffles.

I bury my face in his chest as I say, "I promised you I'd never leave you." We remain like that until Merlin pulls back.

"Why did Morgana kidnap you and the others?" Merlin asks.

"Because she's tired of you and I wrecking her plans, and I almost "stole her throne" once. So she thought she could hurt me enough to get to both you and Arthur, as Morgana knows how much the both of you care about me. She wasn't really targeting Eric, though Morgana thought she could get back at him while hurting me as well."

Merlin strokes my cheek gently as he murmurs, tears welling up in his eyes, "You're safe now. That's all that matters, Fireheart. Amalie says you'll be fine after some rest. You've been out of it for five days."

"Five days?! What time is it?" I look out the window to see that it's dark outside. I look back at the warlock in surprise. "Have you been here all the time I was out?"

"Well, Eric, Oberon and Katherine have taken it in turns to watch you so I could get some sleep and see to Arthur, but, for the most part, yes, I have been," Merlin says, making me sigh.

"Oh, Merlin," I murmur, smiling softly. He starts to lean in to kiss me but is stopped by a knock on the door.

Merlin sighs in annoyance ad calls, "Come in." The door opens as he sits back and we look to see it's Arthur, his own wounds bandaged up.

Arthur smiles in relief as he sees me awake, and come to the right side of the bed, perching himself on it. "I'm glad you're alright, Ari. You've had me worried," He says, hugging me while being careful of my wounds. I was a little surprised by this but huh Arthur back. We pull back and Arthur gazes at me in slight concern. "How are you feeling?"

"Well, I'll live, I suppose," I mutter, giving a light shrug.

"That's good."


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