Chapter 36, Part 2

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Ariella's P. O. V:

I hold Mira against my side tightly as Lancelot helps Gaius to lay my husband on his side of our bed, and tuck the three layers of blankets around his shoulders tightly.

"What happened?" Lancelot demands, flickering his dark eyes from Gaius to me.

I reply, "I don't know. I've never felt anyone so cold before. He'd felt like death itself." I shudder at the memory.

Lancelot asks Gaius, "Will he be alright?"

"We need hawthorn to improve the blood flow," Gaius tells him. "And blankets!" He calls after Lancelot as he leaves. "Lots of blankets!"

I set Mira on the floor as Gaius looks back at his nephew, and I squat in front of my daughter, resting my hands on her shoulders. "Are you alright, darling? You looked pale back in the banquet hall."

"I'm alright now, mother. But, back there... I felt this strange but very strong magic power come over me, and I thought I would faint from it. It was so strong."

I glance over my shoulder to see Gaius gazing at Mira in astonishment. Miran and I go over to the bed and she takes Luna into her arms, the cat being just a few inches bigger than her body. Luna lets out a small "Meow" at having been woken up, pink tongue licking her jaws. Mira gazes at her father worriedly.

Just this June, on the 26th, Mira had gained a cousin named Dorian, Katherine's and Eric's son. Merlin, Naomi, Yue, Mira and I had visited them not long after his birth, and we already love him!

Lancelot returns with the hawthorn and a huge pile of blankets. After Gaius and I tuck Merlin into more blankets for extra warmth, I pull Lancelot aside, seeing Mira set Luna right next to her father's side, as though for extra warmth, and the black Maine Coon immediately curls up next to him.

"Thank you for your help, Lancelot," I say gratefully, looking back at him.

"Anything for my friend, Ari," He murmurs.

I gaze back at my husband with tears welling up in my eyes. I swipe them away with the heels of my palms as I say, sniffling, "I'm so worried about him, Lancelot! He's just.... so cold! I can't... I can't bear to lose him...!"

"Hey, it's going to be alright," Lancelot says, pulling me into a tight hug and I return it, burying my face in his strong chest. "He will get better. You know he will." I sniffle as I nod my head. "If there's anything you need, just ask, Your Grace."

After a moment or two, I pull back and wipe away more tears, sniffling again. Looking to my daughter who is hugging the warlock, Gaius resting a hand on her shoulder comfortingly, I ask Lancelot, returning my gaze to him, "Can you escort Mira back to her chambers for me? I'm sure Yue is worried about her."

Lancelot smiles as he responds, "Of course, Ari."

I hug my dear friend once more before we pull back and go to the young Princess, who turns to face us. "Lancelot will take you to bed, Mira. I need to stay and watch over your father."

"Can't I stay?" Mira sniffles.

I squat in front of her and rest a hand on Mira's shoulder, saying, "You have to go to bed. It wouldn't be good for you to stay up all night like this. I'll send for you the second your father wakes up. I promise." I give Mira a reassuring smile.

She gazes at her father worriedly for a long moment, before Mira looks back at me and nods. She says, "Okay, mummy. Come get me as soon as daddy wakes up!" I chuckle slightly at her demanding tone and hug Mira tightly. When we pull back, I kiss her cheek.

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