Chapter 25, Part 1

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So, it turns out I don't really need the Sweet Dreams episode, so we're just moving on to The Last Dragon Lord.

Ariella's P. O. V:

The stench of blood wafts up my nose as I make my rounds between cots, wearing my sleeveless blue dress with my matching cloak thrown over it, and my hair tied back in a braid.

The stench of blood wafts up my nose as I make my rounds between cots, wearing my sleeveless blue dress with my matching cloak thrown over it, and my hair tied back in a braid

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After Merlin and I had freed Kilgarrah, he had immediately started attacking Camelot. Eric, Ryder and Simon had left for Domino after the meeting with the dignitaries of the six kingdoms, and Gwen had come to me saying she'd accidentally walked in on Eric and Morgana kissing as he was saying goodbye—considering he loves her, but will most likely be married to a Princess soon.

Gwen had sworn to Eric, Morgana and I that she wouldn't tell a soul, and I wouldn't either. Eric and Morgana had also confessed their true feelings for one another before my brother left.

Gwen comes hurrying in and hands Gaius the blankets as she says, "I don't think the people can suffer a third night of this."

I go over as Gaius turns to the maid and says, "You must trust in Arthur."

"I do. Even he has little chance," She says.

"A very slim chance, if you ask me," I mutter.

Gaius says to me sternly, "My Lady, you need to rest."

Gwen looks at me in concern as I go to say something, but then feel heat rise up in my throat, causing me to hold up a finger, as though to pause as I attempt to keep from vomiting. Gaius looks at me questioningly, but Gwen thinks faster. She turns and hurriedly fetches a bucket sitting nearby, and once it was pressed into my hands, I vomit into it, making her and Gaius grimace.

It's been about six weeks since Merlin and I got married. Only a week ago, did we find out I was pregnant. When Merlin found out, he'd become very overprotective of me, and would freak out over every little thing that could possibly hurt me. I love that he cares so much, but sometimes it can be a bit too much. The only time I really get to myself was when Merlin was called to do chores for Arthur, who seems to sympathise with me. We seem to have less arguments and are much closer since Merlin and I got married. Though, we do still have our moments. I'd also moved into the Physician's Quarters to live with my husband, but Naomi lives in the servant's quarters now. She still works as my maid, though.

Whenever Merlin wasn't with me or in the castle, he'd have someone like Sir Leon guarding me. He may just be a servant, but even some of the knights are a bit scared of Merlin being an overprotective father. I was allowed to train still, but Arthur and the knights know to be careful, lest they face my husband's wrath. Or my father's.

We'd also received a visit from King Bayard of Mercia, who'd wanted to congratulate me and my husband on our marriage. It was kind of awkward, considering the last time they met, Merlin had claimed Bayard had poisoned Arthur's goblet and believed it to be fine. Bayard had tried to kill him afterwards, but Merlin had actually been poisoned.

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