Chapter 41, Part 1

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Ariella's P. O. V:

The next evening, Merlin was summoned by Agravaine. I was currently heading there myself after he'd sent for me.

Agravaine looks up and smiles when I knock on the door. "Come in, Your Highness!" I shut the door behind me and approach him. "I heard that your daughter, much like yourself, really enjoys reading."

I smile softly at the thought a I reply, "Yes, she does."

Agravaine takes up a small, square shaped box from his desk and opens the lid, revealing a cartoonish drawing of a child with her unicorn companion. "I thought I might buy the little Princess a gift. It's a children's book, perfect for someone of her level of reading."

My smile widens as I say, "I'm sure she'd love it! You didn't have to, Agravaine."

"It's not a problem, really. Perhaps, you would like to read it to her right now?"

"She's probably still asleep..."

"Well, maybe you could sit with her for awhile and read through it yourself? See what you think?" Agravaine suggests.

"I suppose," I murmur, nodding. "Thank you." I take the box with the book in it and take my leave, in the direction of Mira's chambers. When I get there, she is still asleep, so I perch myself in the chair beside the bed with a lit candle, and begin to read "The Princess and Her Unicorn."

After Merlin and I had had our mini anniversary celebration last night, he'd told me when Leon and the other knights had approached him while disguised as Dragoon the Great, he'd asked after me, but Gwaine and Leon had immediately reacted angrily

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After Merlin and I had had our mini anniversary celebration last night, he'd told me when Leon and the other knights had approached him while disguised as Dragoon the Great, he'd asked after me, but Gwaine and Leon had immediately reacted angrily. They'd stated he didn't have the right to speak my name, and reminded him strongly that I was already married.

Gwaine was especially defensive of me against the old sorcerer, and Dragoon just continued to ask them to give me his compliments, which they'd refused. I found the whole thing hilarious, especially because I know it was my husband saying all those nice things about me while in disguise of the sorcerer, and the knights had no clue whatsoever.

Upon hearing Merlin tell me that, I could clearly see it playing out in my head, and I'd just wanted to laugh at the knights.

When I'd bumped into Gwaine earlier today, he'd told me about their encounter with the sorcerer from last year, and I'd replied that he'd needn't have defended me; I wasn't afraid of any sorcerer—especially not an old man. Gwaine had replied he would defend me anyway, especially because he didn't think Merlin would be too pleased when he learns of this.

I'd had to resist the urge to laugh again and tell him that that old sorcerer was my husband.

Not too long after I'd finished the book, I was asleep in my chair when someone is shaking me awake, the faint sound of the warning bell in my ears. "Your Highness?! Your Highness?!"

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