Chapter 8, Part 2

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I did not make the picture above. All credit goes to the rightful creator—->

Ariella's P. O. V:

Our horse's hooves thunder across the cobble stones as we return to the castle, Hugo's lead rope in my hand. As we stop the horses before the palace steps, a few guards came to hold them. The one holding Aurelia's bridle takes the lead rope from me.

Arthur dismounts and comes over to help me off my horse. I swing my right leg over the mare's withers and Arthur grips my slim waist as I brace my hands on his shoulders. He gracefully pulls me off Aurelia and carefully sets me on my feet.

I give Aurelia a reassuring pat on her neck, to let the mare know everything will be alright, before Arthur puts an arm around my waist and leads me inside to the throne room, leaving the guards to put the horses away as Merlin follows behind us.

"Arthur, I'm fine! I can walk on my own," I insist.

"Are you sure?" Arthur asks, looking at me in concern. I give the prince an exasperated expression and he hesitantly releases me. But he and Merlin stay close to me to make sure I don't collapse.

On the way, Arthur has asked a guard to inform his father that they've found me, and the guard went to summon the court. When we get to the throne room, Uther is chatting with a couple of knights as Morgana sits in her chair beside him. Gaius was the first to notice us, and he looks immensely relieved to see that I'm alright. Merlin goes up to the physician. Uther looks up and sees me, before he gestures for the knight to be quiet, causing him to follow his gaze.

"We've found her, father," Arthur announces. "She was unconscious by the river, with both hers and Eric's horses, but there'd appeared to be no sign of any other injury, or anyone else around, for that matter."

"My dear, are you alright?! What happened to you? And where's your brother?" Uther asks in concern as he rushes up to me and grasps my hands in his, giving them a gentle squeeze.

"I am alright, Your Majesty," I reply, before flicking my blue gaze to Morgana, who looks back at me in both relief and worry. Worry for my brother, no doubt. "As for what happened... Eric and I were out riding today, when we were attacked by someone."

"Who?" Uther demands to know.

I hesitate for a long moment before I answer, "A powerful sorcerer assassin. Kieran." At this, the king's eyes flare wide, along with Gaius's, and murmurs of shock and fear ripple through the room.

"Kieran? Are you certain?" Uther asks, tone filled with recognition as he releases my hands. I nod my head in confirmation.

"Do you know him?" I ask, flickering my eyes from Uther to Gaius, before looking back at the king. Uther nods his head.

Arthur questions, "Who is this... Kieran...?"

"He is a feared assassin who uses magic to kill his targets," Uther answers. I see Merlin's eyes widen at this piece of information. He no doubt remembers the night I told him about my mother's death. "I am grateful that you were alright when Arthur found you. But, where's your brother?"

I see Morgana looking worried as I say, "Kieran... he... he took him! He took Eric! He wants me to find him to finish what he started seventeen years ago. He'll keep Eric alive just long enough for me to get to him."

"And, where is Kieran now?" Uther questions.

"He says to come to the caves near where the Mortaeous flower lies. That's about two days' journey from Camelot."

Uther turns to Arthur as he orders, "When will your men be ready?"

"By dawn, at the earliest, father," Arthur replies.

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