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Chapter 200 – Demon Sect Leader (2)

Yan Jing Ze looked at Shadow One, his heart throbbed, but Shadow One said, "Please punish me, Master."

When there was no memory of the original owner before, Yan Jing Ze thought this person had just been tossed by him all night and he would be able to get up and work casually because he was not injured. He even wondered if he didn't work hard enough. But now it's different.

It's not that this person was not injured, but that he didn't take the injury seriously.

Not to mention, in the original historical trajectory, how many injuries and incidents this person will suffer. For example, this person has suffered countless injuries before today, but even if he was about to die, he did not say a word.

"Get up and lie down next to me," Yan Jing Ze said, and then saw the kneeling Shadow One stand up, come to him, and lie down beside him, motionless like a wooden stake.

Yan Jing Ze hugged him, his body trembling uncontrollably.

He remembered the Demon Sect's method of training shadow guards.

All children under five years old with good roots are taken from various places by the sect to train them as shadow guards.

After these children are brought to Demon Sect, there will be special personnel to train them. And the first thing these people do is to completely enslave them.

To eat, they have to kneel and eat, and before they eat, they have to say "thank you for the gift, Master".

You have to lie in a cage when you sleep, and you may be beaten if you change your posture. Before going to bed, you should also say "thank you for the gift, Master".

You must go to the toilet regularly, and don't even think about bathing, there will be no such good conditions at all.

In addition, they are not allowed to communicate with each other, and no one talks to them.

Except for martial arts practice, they are kept in cages and stay alone for the rest of the day.

Only when their owner visits them can they get out of the cage and get a bit of delicious food.

This master, of course, is the Leader of the Demon Sect.

For example, Shadow One and the others were brought up by the former leader after the original owner was born. The original owner would visit them from time to time from a very young age, and this group of children about the same age as the original owner would kneel in front of the original owner, call the original owner Master, and the original owner would give them some good food...

Raising these children in Demon Sect is no different from raising livestock, and when these children are raised in this way, they naturally feel like livestock.

For them, their life is only for the "Master", they are born for the master, but also die for the Master.

For example, a shadow guard who recognizes the previous leader as the Master will basically commit su*cide after the death of the previous leader.

The object of his love at first sight was a shadow guard.

Yan Jing Ze only wanted to ruin this damn Demon Sect at this moment.

When Shadow One was young, he must have been an innocent child. But what happened? The Demon Sect people took him away from his parents and trained him to be like this...

Yan Jing Ze took a deep breath and looked at Shadow One again.

Shadow One's body was tight, he didn't move since he lay down.

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