Just a Firecracker🧨 or Volcano 🌋

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Neiv's POV:

She kept swaying and my eyes kept popping out at her every move..

Her little chic golden dress and it's tingling accessories kept touching her skin with her hair being flicked at the guys who drooled around her...but she didn't give them A F!!!


While the song switched and she jumped from the table to the floor while next thing she was hugging a tall man!!!

I stood in my corner observing her every move.

She was laughing loudly...

That's when I noticed she gets a dimple when she smiles wide...


Girls like my dimple! And I liked hers...

.Dimple!! 🙃

Soon the man gave her stilettos to her and she balanced her body on his to wear them...

My one eyebrow raised automatically 🤨 when I noticed that man's hand on her waist!!!

Next second he kissed her cheek and waved her a bye...

Soon she was joined by a girl who looked quite familiar to me...

I rubbed my eye's properly to notice Aarya...

Aarya knows her 🤨

Soon I saw Aarya dancing with her while I noticed Mihir getting drinks for them both 🤨

Aarya is drinking 😠

I quickly went to her and pulled the glass from her hand.

'What the hell huhhh??? Alcohol??? From when are you having this??? And that too from this Mihir??? How much do you know him...Bloody hell...And you are here with him??? Is this even safe???'

And I pulled her behind me...

She was going to explain me something...

While I just stared at her...

She pushed her glasses from her nose to her eyes again and looked down..

'You daaaaare not Aaru...you sneaked out of the house... day before yesterday at my party you had to study huhhh??? Now??? You can come with him here huhh?'

'And you Mr Sehgal...how dare you??? How daaaaare you????' I approached Mihir...

While next second she was standing between me and Mihir!!!

She was staring straight into my eyes!!!

While I was raging!!!

I was clenching my fist and I took a step towards her...

But she didn't budge!!

Her black brown golden orbs were straight staring into my eyes without a blink!

Such sharply that after a minute I looked elsewhere...

'Move!!!' I said...

'I won't!!!' She said folding her hands against her chest...

'Look...She is like my sister!!!' I said angrily

'And he is my brother!!!' she roared like a lioness...

The tone that changed actually shook me a bit and she began taking steps one after other towards...

While I nervously kept taking steps behind...

'Ba...Ba... brother???'

She nodded and I gulped in...

I never knew Mahir uncle had another daughter!!!

World's Apart - Devil Vs Witch (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن