New days🌄 New nights🌌

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Phase 5 Begins...

Neiv's POV:

Mom welcomed me and Chaahat back home in a traditional way.

I settled down on the living room sofa with Mihir, Dad, Karan, Mahir uncle, Maan while mom asked Dishani and Aaru to take 'her' to 'my' room!!

My throat dried up listening to it.
Shit!!! This is really happening 🙄😐

While we had food and drinks served in the garden area. Slowly Malu, Musky, Bela aunty and Maa joined us ..

While I saw Aaru and Dishani came down and 'she' wasn't with them. I wondered where she eyes kept searching for her while I felt heard a soft voice...

'She ain't coming down any sooner lover boy'

And I see Malu trying to control her laugh while Aaru was leaning on Malu's shoulder and trying to control her laughter...

'Mrs Sehgal.. what is exactly soooo funny here'

To which she quickly replied 'Your desperation 😂🤣🤣🤣'

While this time Mihir and Vansh joined them both in a laughter fit...

While I felt a hand on my shoulder
'Heyy why are you teasing our groom here... He's probably waiiiting for someone... Big deaaaaal yaar.. He's I guess nervous' and I looked at Karan who probably has joined the Devil's Clan now 🙄

While I heard Nisha Bhabhi say...
'Neiv...she won't come here... You will have to go upstairs ...'

I looked elsewhere...damn I don't want to blush this is so not me!!!

While mom came to me and said...
'Neiv... what are you doing here??? Your dinner is sent upstairs..go have your meal with Chah... and ya... Be up early tomorrow morning...we have the Kuldevi Ma's pooja... I want you guys downstairs by 7 am...we are travelling to our ancestral temple.'

I nodded. And was about to leave while I heard a bunch of comments...

'All the best Bhai'

'Neiv doesn't need that yaar...he's our lion'

'Oh he's a virgin since years now yaar!!! You never know he may have forgotten how to you know.....ahhem Ahhem'

'Are so what our Chah is a lioness!!!'

'Bhai call me for any suggestions okkk'

'Dont worry Bhai...your room is soundproof'

🙉I literally ran away from there to the living room but somehow...I was quite nervous to walk upstairs...

There's so much happened in these many many years of seperation... Although we were married and glad we were ... equations and dynamics between us had changed!!! It wasn't same as before and somehow I was feeling it all new and I was somehow nervous about this setup...

How should I approach her... what should we talk...however I somehow gathered guts and took steps towards...

Our room...

The minute I stepped into the room my mouth was wide open...

It was dim lighted...full of candles, roses on bed, floor everywhere there were floral decorations and the entire room was filled with fairy miniature lights and balloons...

The room looked like extra cheese overloaded one!!!

I nervously took a few steps inside trying to look for Chaahat... while my eyes fell on the window which faced her balcony...

World's Apart - Devil Vs Witch (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt