Season 1: Episode 20 - The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck Part 1

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Episode 20 – The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck Part 1

Lena Le Strange wakes up and gasps to find herself standing in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing but darkness, pure darkness, no sound, no light, no anything. She fearfully looks around and steps back as though she's waiting for someone to save.

Lena: Where am I? How'd I get here!? What is this place!? Aunt Magica if this is your idea of a joke, because I'm not laughing.

No response. Either this is her aunt's doing or she's in some sort of nightmare. She could only think of 8 names who was hoping was here with her so she wouldn't be alone.

Lena: Louie, Webby… Dewey, Huey, Donald, Scrooge! Mrs B! LP! Is anybody there!? HELLO! There's still nothing, no one is there. She's in a cruel dark void all on her own. Okay…this is weird, even by my standards.

She senses two presences behind her. She looks behind to see Webby and Louie blankly staring at her. When she turns around she exclaims with delight to see the both of them.

Lena: Webby! Louie!

Instead of responding the both of them turn around and walk away from as though they were ignoring her out of hatred much to her shock and horror.

Lena: Where are you guys going!? Louie and Webby say nothing and Lena chases after them with her hand desperately reached out. Louie, Webby, please don't leave me! I don't wanna be alone in this place! Please!

She catches up and leaps towards them but to her absolute horror she phases through as though they were ghost. She lands on the invisible floor with a grunt and twists her body to see that there's nothing to see. Her friends aren't there and now she's more afraid than ever before.

Suddenly she hears an eerie sound behind her. She turns around to see Scrooge's Number One Dime floating a couple of metres away from her in the black nothingness of this void. She doesn't know why but out of instinct she slowly steps forward to grab it as though she was drawn by its presence and significance to gaining her freedom. When she gets within range she slowly reaches out for the dime and the moment she touches it red electricity pours fourth from it and she becomes engulfed in it. Lena screams and writhes in pain and she looks down to notices the floor actually beginning to swallow her up. She frantically struggles to get free but it's no use and she shouts from tripping onto the floor. Now it's beginning to swallow up her whole body like quick sand and wraps around her like ooze. Lena continues screaming as she feels herself sinking more and more.


She screams when the ooze reaches her face. She could only hold up the dime and look at it as her screams for help muffles, her face is soon covered in ooze and she could no longer see. She could feel nothing anymore as she sinks down in what appears to be a bottomless dark ocean with no hope of escape until she hears two familiar voices.

Webby: Lena!

Louie: Lena! Wake up! Lena!

Her eyes slowly begin to move.

In reality she is having a nightmare on the living room couch writhing and screaming. The kids are all standing by her side desperately trying to wake her up.

Huey: Lena, wake up!

Dewey: We're here! everything is gonna be fine!

Then suddenly, Lena jolts awake and lifts herself up with shout. Her eyes are fearfully wide open as she pants and sweats after her horrifying nightmare. She feels Webby compassionately patting her hand.

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