Season 3: Episode 12-14 - Lets get Dangerous Part 1

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Episode 12-14 - Lets get Dangerous Part 1

(2 months ago & 2 months after Moonvasion)

We go to the metropolis-like City of Saint Canard as it was 2 after the Moonvasion where Drake Mallard AKA Darkwing Duck had relocated too to fight crime and truly make a difference since this city is the home of super crime and the worst kind of criminals. It's nighttime and the city lights illuminates through the darkness as Darkwing narrates.

Darkwing: This is the city of Saint Canard! Like every other city metropolis it has its problems with the criminal element! Luckily, a certain purple clad hero being me has moved here to cleanse that element and strike fear into the heart of villains.

On the tip of a building away from the lights is the silhouette of Darkwing Duck himself. He has his cape closed around him, his hat covering his eyes as he grins and watches over the city. The traffic, the street lights, the multitude of people, he watches it all while keeping a sharp eye out for crime of any sort and sure enough he found it when saw 10 thugs of different sizes break into a bank. He reveals the thrill and determination on his face.

Darkwing: Let's get dangerous!

With a leap of faith, Darkwing divebombs down the structure before spreading and bringing down his cape just as he learned during the Moonvasion for the wind to kick in. He glides above the multitude of buildings towards the bank, intent on stopping this robbery.

The inside of the bank is dark and the shutters have been engaged. The Bank robbers are inside with crowbars and the classic robbery tools, taking whatever money they could find and crosstalking as they do. They felt they hit the jackpot until a stray robber gets underneath a chandelier where a silhouette secretly emerges. At that moment someone drops down hanging via a rope, muzzling the thug and bringing him up the air faster than the blink of an eye.

All the thugs have gathered together counting up their money, until one of them voices that one of them is missing. They look around for him until he drops down in between them, tied up in ropes and hanging right above the floor, comically knocked out and surprising the other 9. They quickly bring out guns and quickly search around for whoever did this. At that moment a smoke bomb is throw, engulfing the crooks in purple smoke. More smoke bombs are thrown and the entire room is now covered in smoke. The robbers are all in fear because they know who's here, purple smoke can only mean one thing.

Darkwing: I am the Terror that flaps in the night!

They fire bullets in a random direction above out of fear.

Darkwing: I am the phantom that will haunt your nightmares!

The silhouette above runs on the beams hanging from the ceiling. They then turn to the chandelier where a purple burst of smoke occurs and a purple figure is revealed to have his cape closed around him.

Darkwing: I...Am...DARKWING DUCK!

Darkwing makes his dramatic entrance and revelation. The crooks fire their guns but he disappears in another purple burst of smoke, doding the bullets. While the bigger thugs try to look for him, the rest bring out TNT dynamites and run over to the wall. The 4 big thugs look around for any sign of Darkwing and he lands on a desk right near the two of them. They fire but the bullets miss the dark-clad hero as he flips up, landing in between the two thug to jump and deliver a split kick to both their faces. Darkwing gives off an excited laughter.

The other two thugs fire multiple shots that Darkwing runs around to dodge before rolling on the floor and throwing two discs that knock out the fire arms. One of the thugs tackle him to the floor and holds him up in a bear hug with for his compatriot to attack him but Darkwing gets the thug off him, slides beanth and tugs onto his overalls which he uses as a slingshot, sending him flying into the other thug, knocking them both out and he gives a pose.

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