Season 3: Episode 9 - What Ever Happened to Della Duck! Part 3

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Episode 9 – What Ever Happened to Della Duck! Part 3

Della in her incomplete true power state looks at the ginourmous Darkside Heartless which gets up after being tossed by her effortlessly despite taking a bone-breaking beating. The Heartless looks down on her as she flexes her gleaming back muscles, 10 pack abs and ripped biceps but is as calm as the wind and breathes while her bruised and bleeding body is engulfed in a fiery brown aura and her eyes continue to glow.

Della: I can feel it…my strength keeps increasing each second. Her back muscles become a little more ripped. I'm getting stronger…now…let's test it out.

Darkside brings up its fist and attempts to crush Della only for her to dodge to the right so fast it was like seeing double and it didn't look like she moved her feet. The Heartless gets its fist off the ground to see her nowhere in sight and looks around.

Della: I'm right here big boy.

It turns its body to see Della was behind her standing tall with a smirk. She looks down and using concentration she slowly gets her feet off the ground and floats in the air like Donald can in his true power form incomplete or complete. She arrives at the level higher than its face and now she's the one looking down on the giant. It attempts to blast her with an energy ball but Della moves so fast she vanishes and reappears in front of its forehead. With a shout she brings up her metal leg beneath her shoe and trouser before delivering a drop kick with it. The attack explodes and Darkside reels back in pain.

Della slowly drops back down to the ground as the giant heartless recovers. She then slowly begins walking towards it smirking and chuckling beneath her beak. The Darkside Heartless sends out a massive dark ball of energy that Della easily catches with just one hand. She effortlessly holds it up before returning to sender with an effortless grunt and it explodes. A giant fist flies through the smoke but Della reels back her own fist and thrusts it forward to meet the giant's. It only pushes her back slightly and she growls in slight pain before giving off another cocky smile.

Della: What's wrong giant? Having a hard time crushing little old Della Duck?

With a growl she pushes forward and the giant heartless becomes off-balance allowing Della to fly up and deliver a punch to the chest. Della smiles sadistically as she twists her fists and makes blood spill out.

Della: Does it hurt? I'm gonna make you suffer worse than what you did to me!

She follows it up with a punch to the chin and then delivers vicious blows to face that sends it reeling back in pain. With a loud shout she clasps both hands together, brings them up and smacks them in the forehead, sending the heartless down to its knees and causes a big rumble. It attacks with its tentacles, catching Della of guard as she barely dodges them. It takes advantage of this to backhand Della and she's sent screaming and crashing into the crater.

Darkside gets up and watches as the dust cloud subsides to reveal Della get up and dust herself as though the attack did nothing to her.

Della: Was that a punch? It felt more like a soft poke?

Ignoring her insults, Darkside forms an even more massive ball of dark energy above its head. It's so powerful pebbles are flying all around the crater and the barrier is electrified. Della however feels no fear and just stonily looks up as the ball is thrown towards her. She does nothing but take a deep breath under her beak, relaxes her ripped body and lets her hair whip in the gust of wind. The energy ball slowly approaches and eventually engulfs Donald's sister in a massive explosion of darkness.

When it subsides there's nothing but dust clouds. Darkside reels back from the reveal of its attack not doing a thing to Della. Another big crater has been created but Della is standing tall on a column of rock unscathed from the blast. Instead she has her eyes sternly closed in deep focus but no insults come out of her this time.

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