Season 3: Episode 25 - Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 4

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Episode 25 – Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 4

Back in the church, Launchpad looks at his Darkwing wrist watch to check the time. He sat in front of the grand piano and got out a microphone to speak through.

Launchpad: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking! Everyone looks to Launchpad. The wedding's about to start in 30 seconds! Take your seats and get ready for a beautiful show.

The crowd of friends and family murmur in agreement before taking their seat, family and relatives sit together on one side next to the red carpet and friends were sat together on the other side.

Launchpad cracks his knuckles in determination.

Launchpad: Showtime Launchpad.

Launchpad begins to 'Here comes the Bride' on the piano. The music sounded out and when everyone takes their seats the doors open. Coming in were Webby, Lena, Violet, Mabel, Julia, April, May and June wearing their flower girl outfits, tossing flower petals near the pews. Everyone is in sheer awe over their cuteness. Beakely, Ty and Indy shed tears over how cute Webby and Violet look.

Mabel: This is so exciting!

Lena: Normally I'm not one for dresses or being a flower girl, but this does feel nice.

As the girls threw flower petals around in the main wedding hall Daisy was stood in front of the door and gulps in nervousness as she holds her bouquet, the thought of walking down the aisle alone is terrifying her but then a man speaks up next to here.

Scrooge: Ready to walk down the aisle dear?

Daisy gasps to see Scrooge stood right next to her with a kind smile and his hands behind his back.

Daisy: Uncle Scrooge, what are you doing out here? I thought you were in there with the others.

Scrooge: There's been a change of plans. I'm going to walk you down the aisle.

Daisy: Really!?

Scrooge: Aye. Donald didn't like the idea of you walking down the aisle by yourself lass so he asked me to be the one to walk with you so you won't be too nervous.

Daisy smiled touched and near tears from what Donald set up and Scrooge's willingness to do this.

Daisy: Thank you, Uncle Scrooge.

Scrooge: Ready?

Scrooge brings down the extra piece of veil to cover her face before wrapping his arm around hers.

Scrooge: Are you okay, Daisy?

Daisy: Yes, I'm fine. I'm just a little nervous.

Scrooge: Don't worry lass; we'll be with you the whole way. Everything will be fine.

Daisy looks behind to see her bridesmaid and maid of honour stood behind her with encouraging smiles. Della gives the thumbs up and Daisy regains her confidence again.

As Launchpad continues playing 'Here Comes the Bride' the door opens once more and everyone gasps in complete awe to see Daisy. She slowly walked in, the church lights making her shine in her wedding dress as she held a bouquet of white flowers in her hands. Behind her, Minnie, Della, Namine, Xandra, and Kairi held the back of her dress. Scrooge held Daisy's arm, gently escorting her down aisle.

Donald: She's so beautiful…

Scrooge led her onto the stage and Daisy now stands directly opposite of Donald. The Mage of Thunder lifts up her veil and stares into her kind eyes, both sharing almost tearful smiles.

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