Season 2: Episode 33 - Della & Louie Part 3

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Episode 33 – Della & Louie Part 3

Throughout the entire night Della had stayed and slept by Louie's side. By morning Della head was leaned her on the side of the bed. She wakes when she hears a light sound. She gasps to see Louie's eyes beginning to move. Eventually they open up, blurry at first but Louie gained enough vision to see his mother who is smiling and struggling to contain her joy. He's in pain but manages to speak.

Louie: Mom…

Della: Hey buddy? How are you feeling?

Louie: Uh…bad…I feel like I'll fall of if I try to stand.

Della: Probably best that you listen to those instincts.

Louie: Where are we?

Della: We're back in the mansion. Everyone knows what happened and they set this up so you could recover.

Louie: I remember the cave in and then… He gasps in realization and bolts up. Lena! Where's Lena!? He yelps, clutching his stomach in pain and Della holds him.

Della: Easy, sweetie! You still haven't recovered yet! Some of your ribs are still broken!

Louie: He looks in pain. Is Lena safe?

Della: Della rubs her. She's okay, Louie. She came earlier to see you. She would've stayed too but I explained I needed to be with you.

Louie: You didn't get hurt in that cave-in, did you?

Della: Of course not. I'm alive because of you. Thanks to you…we're all okay. It's you right now that I'm worried about.

Louie: How bad was it?

Della: Most of your bones were broken and we were afraid you got into a coma. When we managed to get you out from under those rocks there was so much blood and you were barely breathing. I had never been so scared in my life. You're really lucky Louie.

Louie: I don't feel lucky…

Della: YOU COULD'VE DIED! Louie yelps back and Della gasps a little. Sorry, I didn't mean to shout! I was just scared, you understand, right?

Louie: Louie nods cautiously. "Oh boy…she's gonna disown me. I just know it."

Della: Louie…there's something I need to tell you…

Louie: Okay…

Louie gulps in fear and Della stammers, becoming nervous but says what needs to be said.

Della: Louie… I-I-I AM SO, SO SORRY!

Louie: Louie was shocked. He did not expect this. F-for what?

Della: Della was crying profusely once more, letting out all her guilt. FOR EVERYTHING I'VE DONE TO YOU! I know I wasn't wrong to ground you, but the way I did it was completely horrible! I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, especially in front of the family! When you were alone in the mansion you felt so guilty and terrified by what your scheme did and I only thought about how I felt instead of understanding what you were going through! I shouldn't have shut down Louie Inc. for good. It was your dream and I took it away from you! And gosh Louie I am so sorry for slapping you! I lost my temper so badly I wasn't thinking straight! I should've apologized, but I just let my anger control my mind and yelled at you! That was wrong of me on so many levels! I'm so sorry I abandoned you and left you all alone like that! It was awful of me to leave you while we had fun at Big Rock Candy Mountain! That was another dream I stole from you and it was a place Donald promised to take you! And most of all…I'M TRULY SORRY FOR THREATENING YOUR PLACE IN THE FAMILY LOUIE! Louie is shocked with Della's loud apology and his beak is wide open. The way I went about punishing you, you were right, I was treating you like a bad person. I turned your room into prison and left you with nothing but a robot to keep you locked up! I absolutely had no right to cut you off from the person you loved most! And I left you vulnerable to all of our enemies, especially by taking your khopesh! And it wasn't in my place to take away your friendship bracelet even if Beakely suggested it! You almost died and that was all my fault! I said awful and terrible things about you in my journal! AND WHAT'S WORSE; I THREATENED YOUR PLACE IN THE FAMILY BY SAYING All YOUR SCHEMES WERE BAD AND THAT YOU HAD TO STOP SCHEMING FOREVER! SCHEMING AND HAVING THE ABILITY TO SEE ALL THE ANGLES MADE YOU TRULY FEEL A PART OF THIS FAMILY. AND I TOLD YOU TO STOP BEING WHO YOU ARE! I SHATTERED YOUR CONFIDENCE! I NEVER GOT TO KNOW THE REAL YOU LOUIE! I NEVER SPENT TIME WITH YOU LIKE I DID WITH YOUR BROTHERS! I BASICALLY SCARRED YOU FOR LIFE WITH EVERYTHING THAT I SAID AND DID TO YOU! NO…I BROKE YOU…I BROKE YOUR HEART… SPIRIT… FEELINGS… EVERY PART OF YOUR BEING! I TREATED YOU LIKE I OWNED YOU AND FOR THAT…I'M SORRY!

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