Season 3: Episode 11 - The Engagement Ring

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Episode 11 – The Engagement Ring

It's night-time in Duckburg. People are walking through the streets returning from work, closing up shops or doing night-time sales. Jane who's shift at Funzo ended was walking down the streets after finishing some shopping but gasps and freezes in shock when someone lands right in front of her.

It was Merlock the Terrible Magician, his face is covered by his hood as he looks down on Jane. The people in their vicinity run away screaming for their lives as Merlock tugs Jane's shirt and lifts her up.

Merlock: You! Funzo Worker! He presents a photo. Have you ever seen this man?! He deals with antiques, POWERFUL antiques.

The photo was that of a brown-coloured owl that looked elderly, had a beard, worse a brown top hat and blue cardigan over a red robe.

Jane: Yeah, I know that guy! That's Mr Khan! He owns a shop around here! She points. Look, there he is now!

Merlock looks back to see the Owl called Khan walking down the street carrying some shopping. When he turns his head to see Merlock rushing at him with his hands flaring up with power he makes a run for it, not wanting to get caught by the dark mage.

No one notices Donald and Della coming out of a corner and walking down the streets wearing their secondary outfits. Tonight is going to be a big night for Donald, for he's about to do something he's been putting off for years.

Donald: Thanks for doing this for me Della, I'd have asked Daisy to come along too but I didn't want to spoil the surprise.

Della: Hey, don't mention it Don. It isn't every your twin brother decides to get married. Della excitedly wraps her arm around Donald and nudges him a little. I just can't believe it! My twin brother is finally deciding to make his marriage proposal! I've been waiting for this day forever! I was wondering when you'd stop chickening out of this part of the romance life! My favourite couple are finally gonna begin tying the knot and get married! And I'm gonna get a new sister-in-law!

Donald: Yeah! I'm finally gonna get married!

At first Donald was excited but when he processes what he just said he freezes in place and Della looks back in concern. After years of dating with her Donald is finally going to make his big marriage proposal to Daisy but is having the bad case of the nerves.

Donald: Oh boy…I'm gonna get married.

Della: Come on, Romeo!

*Della drags Donald by his collar and he quacks in surprise. They arrive by a corner shop in an alley with Chinese writing labelled around it and a glass display of jewels.€

Della: You still have to propose to her, who knows, Daisy could always say "no" and give you a big slap in the face.

Donald: Donald gets annoyed and sarcastic. Gee, thanks Della, you really know how to inspire confidence.

Della: No problem Don, that's just what siblings are for.

Donald: The only problem is where am I gonna find the perfect ring?

Della: Luckily, for you, you've got me helping you. They stop in front of the store. Here, word is on the streets that this shop sells real nice and shiny rocks at rock-bottom price. Eh, ehhh?

Donald: I get it.

They walk inside and find themselves in a fancy Chinese store filled with al sorts of jewels and antiques. It appears no one is home.

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