Season 3: Episode 24 - The Last Adventure Part 8

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Episode 24 – The Last Adventure Part 8 

Donald, Della, Scrooge, Daisy, Huey, Darkwing Duck, Mabel and Julia had fallen inside the solego vortex with Bradford, wiping them from existence and sending them to the dimensional void. The void is some sort of rainbow coloured space with what looks like shattered pieces of glass of light floating around everywhere.

Donald is unconscious as he slowly descends down the void. He opens his eyes to find where he is and to sat he's surprised is to say the least. He lands on his feet and looks around. He's stood on a large platform with stone pillars placed everywhere around it.

Donald: Huh? What is this place? Della!? Daisy!? Uncle Scrooge!? Huey!? Darkwing!? Mabel!? Julia!? Where are you!?

Bradford: We're in the Null Realm

Donald quacks and sees Bradford floating down still in his monster form holding Sword of Swanstantine. He's on his feet giving a blank look.

Donald: Bradford!? What's going on!? I thought you said the vortex would erase us!

Bradford: And that's exactly what it's done. We've been wiped from existence Donald. This dimension exists outside the space time continuum and all of reality.

Donald: What are you saying!?

Bradford: This is a world of non-existence, no time, no past, present, future or any laws of physics. Anything or anyone erased from existence is sent here to die.

Donald: And there's no way out…?

Bradford: No, there isn't…which is why it's time I finish what I started.

Kingdom Hearts 2 – Armoured Xemnas 2 Boss Music

He crosses his arms and the entire Null Realm shakes under the power Bradford is giving off, slightly knocking Donald off as the Buzzard releases a scream and becomes engulfed in a massive electrical aura as his eyes glow with power.

Bradford: It is time to die, Donald! I don't know how to get out of here! But your Uncle will surely figure it out, after all, he's Scrooge McDuck! So I will take this opportunity to destroy you, the greatest threat to my plans once and for all!

Donald: Donald growls. I'm not gonna die just yet! You can die instead, you big palooka!

Bradford: Do you seriously intend to continue fighting! You're literally powerless now!

Donald: Not completely! If everything that was wipe from existence is sent here then that means…

With a smirk Donald holds out his hand to the side and after a few seconds the Monado shatters through the glasses and flies into Donald's hand. The blue blade of light activates as Donald gets in his fighting stance.

Donald: Alright! Now I'm back in the game!

Bradford: So what if you have your mighty sword back! You're still no match for me! I'll destroy you until there's nothing left! No more negotiations!

Donald: That's more than okay with me! No more talk! Let's finish this once and for all Bradford!

Kingdom Hearts 2 – Armoured Xemnas 2 Boss Music

Party Members:

Donald Duck

Information: Defeat Bradford Buzzard once and for all!

The symbol of Donald's blade glows dark blue and the sword lengthens twofold. With a shout Donald charges Bradford and vice versa. The two clash blades, creating a resonation of electricity that shakes the realm. Donald and Bradford are blade locked until the former mage unleashes a flurry of sword strikes he exchanges with Bradford. Donald is able to push him back until Bradford launches an electric slash that forces Donald to flip back with his lengthened blade. He then launches a blue energy blade and Bradford releases an electric blast from his chest. He thrusts his sword only for Donald to stop it from afar since Monado was so long now.

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