Movie 1: The Tale of the Duck Twins Part 8

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Ducktales – Tales of the Duck Twins Part 8

After arriving back home Beakely and Duckworth were cleaning the foyer and at the same time watch Scrooge playing with Donald and Della. The three of them were laughing as Scrooge was using his new cane to playfully parry Donald and Della's blows with their broomstick and plunger. Beakely and Duckworth smile at the scene, especially at the twins to see them finally get along again instead of trying to kill each other.

Duckworth: They all seem to be getting along quite well now. I'd say that this is Mr McDuck's most successful adventure yet.

Beakely: Yes, indeed. Now that the children are on good terms again I think it's safe to say that things around here will be more peaceful.

In an attempt to whack Uncle Scrooge Donald accidentally hits the shield and sends it flying into the chandelier chain. The 3 of them don't notice as they run laughing to the corridor to take their play fighting there, that the chandelier crashes to the ground, much to the dismay of Duckworth and Beakely who give deadpanned expressions.

Duckworth: You were saying?

Beakely: I said more peaceful. I never said anything about house damages.

At night Donald was lying on the rooftop looking at stars. He has his walkman with him and listens to some music on it. He feels himself being more soothed than he had ever been over the 6 months. He turns it off to continue smiling at the stars. From his pocket he takes out a little package and stares at it deeply.


During the 6 months period Donald was all alone in their bedroom. He was in an angry and miserable state until Uncle Scrooge came in to cheer him up and then handed a package over to him.

Donald: What's this Uncle Scrooge?

Scrooge: A gift from your mother. She gave it to me on the night of…the incident. Their faces drop from being reminded of that. She entrusted me to give this to specifically you should anything happen to her. He softly holds it while giving Donald a compassionate smile. If you ever think about your mother open it. Alright, lad.

Donald: Okay.

(End of Flashback)

Donald lifts himself up and takes a deep breath before taking off the colourful wrapping paper to reveal a flat box and a letter. He begins to read.

Dear Donald,

If you are reading this then it means your father and I have gone to that nest high in the sky. I had a feeling something like this might happen one day. I only wish it didn't happen so soon. But it will be alright. We're going to a better place now. Sweet Donald, be brave and strong for your sister; she'll need your strength and you'll need hers. The two of you will always be our light. You're my precious youngins, my little Duck Twins.

Love Mummy,

PS. The contents of the box will always be a reminder that you and Della will always have each other no matter how far apart you are.

After reading this letter Donald feels a weight lift off his shoulder. He lets tears of joy and gratitude drop onto the letter, feeling incredibly touched by the words his mother has left for him and Della. He hears someone speak behind him.

Della: Hey sailor. Donald quickly wipes away his tears and smiles at Della who sits next to him.

Donald: Hey pilot.

Ducktales Rewritten (Complete Edition!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें