Season 2: Episode 32 - The Richest Duck in the World Part 1

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Episode 32 – The Richest Duck in the World Part 1

It's been a couple of days since Louie won the bet and won Scrooge and Glomgold's fortune for himself. He's been ungrounded but Della couldn't be any more miserable after the heartbreaking things he said to her. Lena, Violet, April, May and June are with Webby in her attic bedroom and they were just told everything that's happened. Lena and June were furious and the rest were just shocked.

Lena & June: DELLA DID WHAT!?

Webby: Webby cringes a little from their yelling. Did you not hear or are you just surprised?


May: What the heck was she thinking?! Locking him in his room like that?! Aunt Daisy would never do that to us if we got in trouble!

April: Taking away his means of protection?! Did anyone tell Della what those khopesh and friendship bracelets were even for?!

Lena: Apparently no one told her squat about it!

Violet: I remember hearing about the DT-87 going out of control once tampered with. Did she even think that something could go wrong with it in the slightest?

April: Doubt it.

June: And she shut down Louie Inc.?! That was Louie's dream job! That was our dream too!

Lena: I was so looking forward to being my boyfriend's vice-president for the company! Not only that but she cut off our phone connection! No wonder I couldn't contact Louie! Who did she think she was to do something so awful!? What kind of mother shuts down their own son's dreams and forbids them from speaking with the people he loves! And I made that bracelet just for him like I did for all of you!

Violet: Granted, I understand that Louie had to be punished because he meddled with the time stream and almost destroyed this entire family, but the punishment itself, not so much.

April: Agreed. She went overboard on so many levels, I'm not sure if I can agree with this.

Lena: Why didn't you guys stick up for him?

Webby: Webby looks down in guilt. I didn't know what to do. It was like the Sunchaser…or Cloudslayer all over again. I felt powerless. And Huey and Dewey felt they couldn't stand up to their Mom.

May: Why?

Violet: I don't see the problem of them both expressing their opinions.

Webby: Well, the three of us have been able to bond with Della recently: Dewey with their love of adventure and danger, Huey with that video game and men and her bonded over our favourite parts of adventure as well. We thought we'd lose her love and respect like that. Now Louie practically hates, Aunt Della. He even hates his brothers too. He's so mad that he doesn't want to room with them anymore. He slept in the houseboat for the last couple of nights.

April: Ohmygosh…

May: Yikes…

June: Talk about Angersville…

Webby: It's not just that. I feel like because of all of this, the Duck Boys might be finished. I'm really scared you guys, Louie and Aunt Della's relationship is broken beyond repair and now I'm worried Huey, Dewey and Louie are gonna split up forever this time.

Lena and Violet sit around with hands on her shoulders. The girls all give Webby comforting smiles.

May: Don't say that Webby. They're brothers. Their bond is too strong to be broken

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