Movie 1: The Tale of the Duck Twins Part 3

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Ducktales - Tales of the Duck Twins Part 3

Things were about to take a turn for the worse. An hour later, Donald and Della are back home with their parents, Matilda and Ludwig after the fall out between their father and uncle which lead to Quackmore telling Scrooge he's never seeing his kids again. Donald and Della look down guiltily as their father scolds them both,

Quackmore: I cannot believe that you two went on an adventure with Scrooge! Do you not realize how dangerous his exploits are!? You could've both been killed!

Donald: But Dad, we just wanted to spend time with Uncle Scrooge!

Della: And you've always been fine on the adventures we've went on so far!

Quackmore: Scrooge's ones are far more deadly than the ones you went on in Duckburg!

Della: But it wasn't Uncle Scrooge's fault I got poisoned!

Donald: Yeah! He was trying to protect us!

Quackmore: Well, it's clear I can't trust him with you! And it's clear adventuring is far too dangerous for you at your age now! You will not be seeing that man again and there'll be no more adventures for either of you!

Donald and Della's expressions are filled with horror and hurt at their dad's lack of trust and him forbidding them from achieving their dreams. Hortense also believes this going too far.

Hortense: Quackmore!

Donald: Dad, no! Don't do this to us!

Della: Dad, please! Adventure has been mine and Donald's dream ever since we were really little! Please, don't take that from us!

Quackmore: Your dream and uncle almost got you both killed. I'm sorry kids, but after what happened today I can't allow you to be put in anymore danger. You'll adventure again when you're much older and able to take care of yourselves.

Della: Della is almost in tears. But Daddy-!

Quackmore: No! The harshness in his tone silences Della. My decision is FINAL!

The harshness in his voice and his overall enforcement and forbiddance from achieving their dreams causes Della to run up to her room crying and sobbing.

Donald: Della! Donald reaches out to his sister but she disappears upstairs. Now Donald looks at his father in anger and desperation. Dad you can't do this to us! You can't just force us out of adventuring! Quackmore is regretful but remains firm.

Quackmore: I'm afraid I have no choice son! I'm not letting you both get hurt again. You're not going on a another adventure until you're 20 years-

Donald: Donald furiously cuts him off. NO DAD! Just because you're afraid of adventure doesn't mean-!

Quackmore: Clearly you're not ready and you're not adventuring again until I think you are! You think you can do these things but you just can't Donald!

Quackmore is panting heavily after shouting so much and Donald having had enough of his father's overprotectiveness has an expression of hatred. He looks down venomously and quietly says three small but powerful words.

Donald: I hate you...

Upon hearing these words Hortense, Matilda and Ludwig gasp in horror, especially Quackmore who looks like he's about cry right now, hurt and upset from his own son's words. Donald jumps down from the sofa and angrily storms off upstairs with his hands in his pockets. Quackmore looks down in despair and sadness while Hortense looks on with a grave expression, wondering what's going to become of their family after this.

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