Season 3: Episode 7 - Rumble for Ragnarok Part 2

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 Episode 7 – Rumble for Ragnarok Part 2

Team Earth have lost the handicap match and as a result they're tied with Team Ragnarok. Dewey and Webby have just suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Hecka and Fenrir.

Seeing what his showboating and his lack of care for saving the world has done Dewey is immediately filled with regret. Hecka whistles and Fenrir goes back to her mistress before they disappear via a pillar of green flames. Dewey looks to see Webby being held in Scrooge's arms still writhing in pain from Hecka's finishing move which makes him feel guiltier.

He looks to the crowd booing and giving him the thumbs down.

Jormungandr: Jormungandr climbs up. Hey, hey, hey, come on, let's take it easy on the poor guy. It's not his fault he's a puny mortal with a toxic personality. Beaten and humiliated, Dewey leaves the ring. So it looks like Team Earth made it to the final round which means you all get what you've been waiting for. The main event!

A massive amount of flames spew from the ring post, causing the crowd to shout with joy and when he gets near the exit he turns his head in shame. Donald and Scrooge are no longer liking their chances and Della bandages Webby's stomach.

Della: Are you gonna be okay Webs?

Webby: I think so. But it hurts so much.

Della: It'll be okay.

Webby: Where's Dewey?

Della and Webby look to see Dewey solemnly walking into the exit. They exchange worried looks and Della helps Webby stand. She manages to limp in Dewey's direction while clutching her stomach.

Webby arrives at the exit. She leans against the frame for support, clutching her stomach in pain but is able to look at Dewey in sympathy as he sat against the wall hugging his knees.

Webby: Hey.

Dewey: Hey, Webs.

Webby: Webby sits right next to him, hugging her knees too. Are you okay, Dewey?

Dewey: Dewey begins to cry. No, I'm not okay. I feel stupid, I messed up out there Webby. I've ruined everything and lost us the match!

Webby: No, don't say that! It's not your fault we lost!

Dewey: Then tell me, whose fault was it!?

Webby: It was… well…

Dewey: Webby struggles to find the right answer. That's what I thought.

Webby: I'm sorry, I was just trying to help you. I-

Dewey: No, I'm sorry Webby. This was supposed to be a fight to save the world but instead I made it all about getting people to love me. I just wanted to prove myself to Uncle Scrooge. To show that I'm a good fighter like him, Mom, Uncle Donald, my brothers, you... I wanted to show I could protect Earth too and be loved for it but all I'm doing is just making an idiot out of myself.

Webby: You're not an idiot Dewey.

Dewey: Really?! I was trying to gain attention from strangers! I let my selfish need to make people love make me forget our true goal: Saving the world, because of me the world's about to get destroyed. I really am just a weak, pathetic mortal with a toxic personality like Jormungandr says.

Webby: We haven't lost yet. Don't beat yourself up Dewey. Just because you have a teeny tiny flaw like that doesn't mean it's the end of the world…well, except for today, but you know what I mean.

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