Season 3: Episode 16 - Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 2

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Episode 16 – Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 2

The elevator to Scrooge's main office opens and Scrooge's group barely escape from a vicious octopus monster. One of the tentacles is wrapped around Louie, prompting Della to stomp on the tentacles and Lena sends out magical blasts inside the elevator, forcing him to be released. Scrooge closes the elevator door and the octopus monster is shut out as Lena helps up a terrified Louie. Scrooge is not happy and the three glare at him for his traps almost getting them killed.

Scrooge: Well, kids, the bad news is we've almost defeated all my traps.

Louie: Almost! You mean, there's more!? He sighs. I never thought I'd hear myself saying this but isn't the money safe enough.

Lena: Yeah, you've made your point old man! These traps are incredibly deadly, there's no way FOWL's ever going to beat them!

Scrooge: Wrong! If we can beat these traps, FOWL can too!

Della: Okay…Uncle Scrooge, this has been fun and all but don't you think now might be a good time to call it a night.

Scrooge: Not yet, one final, perfect trap. It uses all of the best defence we've seen thus far combined with the fighting techniques of the greatest warrior of the past century.

Lena: You mean Uncle Donald?

Louie: That would make sense since he's the greatest fighter ever.

Della: Della grumbles at that. Does everyone really need to say that all the time?

Scrooge: I meant the greatest non-mage warrior.

The large valve above the desk opened up and jumping out if it was an unimpressive robot version of Scrooge.

Robot Scrooge: Curse me kilts!

Louie and Lena are miffed while Della is plain confused.

Louie: You spent my future inheritance on a robot…of yourself!?

Lena: You mean your greatest non-mage warrior is yourself, seriously?

Scrooge: Of course. I'm Scrooge McDuck after all; I'm the greatest warrior in the world.

Louie & Lena: Ugh…

Della: Why am I not surprised?

Scrooge: Though, I have to admit I thought it would look a bit more impressive considering what I paid.

In response to that the Scrooge Robot transforms into a giant purple fighting machine, similar to the Lil'Bulb robot body but purple, has more features and wears Scrooge's top hat.

Robot Scrooge: Curse me kilts!

The kids are terrified but Scrooge is certainly happy.

Scrooge: Ah, now that's better.

Della is still not amused by Scrooge thinking himself to be the greatest warrior or Donald being the greatest warrior even though she's accepted that.

Della: So this robot was designed after your greatest warrior?

Scrooge: That's right.

Della: Sure, you can't think of anyone else you could have used, maybe a tough professional adventurer who's rarely lost a fight.

Scrooge: You mean Donald?

Della: Della gets angry. What!?

Lena: That would make sense, after all, Uncle Donald is pretty much the greatest and most powerful warrior in the entire universe. It'd make sense to design this pile of junk after him since he's better than both you combined.

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