Season 2: Episode 18 - Legend of the Three Caballeros Part 2

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Episode 18 – Legend of the Three Caballeros Part 2

Donald, Scrooge, Daisy, Dewey, Huey, Louie, May, April, June, Webby, Lena, Violet, Panchito, Jose, Xandra and Storkules all appear on the beaches of Ithaquack, causing Scrooge and the Duckburg Six to gasp in sheer amazement.

Scrooge: Curse me kilts! What just happened!?

Louie: Did we just get teleported!?

Lena: What is this place!?

Webby: We're on the beaches of Ithaquack!

Storkules: Indeed. We are on my home island.

Huey: But that's impossible! Ithaquack is about 700 miles from here! Maybe more!

Donald: That's one of the powers of Xandra's Atlas.

Panchito: With just a snap of a finger we can be whisked away to another location.

June: And we mean that quite literally.

Xandra: As long as the area is marked with a zoom point we'll be able to teleport just fine. And since I've visited Ithaquack so many times a zoom point being here is incredibly obvious! She closes the book with a smirk. I could even teleport you guys to amazing lost treasure if I wanted too!

Jose: A great way to travel and find treasure without any need to put effort into anything.

Louie, Lena and June evilly and greedily rub their hands together.

Louie: Treasure, you say?

Lena: No effort?

June: Oooh! Me like.

The rest of the kids roll their eyes at Louie, Lena and June's obvious greed.

Daisy: So this is Ithaquack, The vacation home for Greek Gods.

Storkules: Indeed Beautiful Daisy. To those of you who've never come I welcome you to my- BY HADES!

Storkules becomes absolutely horrified when he turns to get a good look at his home. When the rest turn they also gasp in horror to see purple flames all over Ithaquack and some of the stone buildings, including the temple of heroes had crumbled a bit.

Storkules: What happened to my home!?

A couple of minutes later the gang were walking up the stairs to the place where Scrooge and Zeus had their families compete with each other. The place has also been damaged and Zeus' throne has been smashed.

April: This is not how I pictured my first visit to Ithaquack.

Panchito: Ay! It's like a dragon ravaged this place!

Donald: Where are Selene and Zeus?

Scrooge: Hang on! Do you hear that?

They hear the muffled sounds of a woman coming from the rubble and immediately walk over to get a closer look. Daisy slowly reaches towards it and the moment she touches something bursts out, causing to scream and reel back in shock. It was none other than Selene wrapped in magical tape and gagged. She releases muffled screams.

Donald, Scrooge, Dewey & Webby: Selene!

Storkules: Sister!

Dewey: Hang on! I'll get you out of this tape!

Dewey summons one Laser Sabre and brings it up to slice the tape off, freeing the Goddess of the moon. She removes the gag on her beak and gasps for air as much as she could. Storkules comes up with his arms opened up.

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