Season 3: Episode 24 - The Last Adventure Part 9

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Episode 24 – The Last Adventure Part 9

After FOWL's defeat, Phantom Blot and Pepper (still bruised and no helmet) were running across the desert.

Blot: Come Pepper! We must retreat into the embrace of the shadows!

Pepper: Oh…but we were having so much fun back there.

Blot: Don't worry; soon the magical world will live in fear of Phantom Blot and Pepper!

Pepper: Pepper laughs and they share a high-five. Hey, maybe we could go on our own little adventure Mr Blot.

Blot: Hmm…I never really thought about going on my own adventure considering FOWL's views on it.

Pepper: Why don't we give it a try? Who knows, we might actually have fun and your view toward magic might change.

Blot: Possibly. I don't see why we shouldn't give it a try.

Steelbeak: Get on!

Blot and Pepper spot Steelbeak, Graves and Rockerduck conscious and each riding sand mobile. They both get on and the agents accelerate their vehicles, skidding across the sand.

Graves: I'll let the Ducks have this one for now. Next time they won't be so lucky.

Rockerduck: I'll need to get myself a new bodyguard now that my old one's buried under sand.

Steelbeak: Those Dum-Dums haven't heard the last of Steelbeak.

The 4 agents ride off into the distance to go into hiding now that FOWL is gone for good.

Unbeknownst to anyone near the library wall an arm with yellow sleeves emerges. Negaduck is still alive and he'll be just as bloodthirsty as ever.

Everyone is on their way back to Duckburg via the damaged but still operable Cloudslayer, the Gummiship and Sea Duck. The Duck-McDuck Family, Sensational Seven, Caballeros, Keyblade Wielders & Chirithy, Heroes, Gods, D'Jinn, Amunet, Penumbra, Gandra, Officer Cabrera, Gyro and Manny are in the Cloudslayer while the others are either in the Gummiship or Sea Duck.

Everyone has gone back to wearing their primary outfits again (except for Drake still in his Darwking attire.)

Happy to be together again, Fenton and Gandra both share a kiss.

Launchpad flies the plane, his hairstyle back to normal after using the Inteli-ray on himself to revert his intelligence back to the way it was. Dewey walks up to his best friend.

Dewey: So, Launchpad, are you sure you're okay with not staying smart.

Launchpad: His accent is back to normal. Yeah. I mean, being smart was cool and all, but you're fine with me either way, right?

Dewey: Of course I am. You're good enough to be my best friend, smart or dumb. Drake feels the same way.

Launchpad: Then as long as my two best friends are okay with me the way I am then I'm happy. Besides, Mr McD has allowed me to keep the Inteli-ray to use on myself from time to time. So I can make myself smart whenever I want.

Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, Panchito, Jose, Xandra, Ari, Humphrey, Sora, Kairi, Riku, Ventus, Terra, Aqua, Roxas, Lea, Xion, Namine, Isa, Chirithy, Storkules, Selene, D'Jinn, Amunet and Penumbra were conversing with one another, happy to be free.

Gyro has finished fixing up Boyd and Lil'Bulb while Darkwing sadly looks over the railing with no hat on. Gosalyn approaches him.

Gosalyn: Drake, are you okay?

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