Movie 3: Moonvasion Infinity War Part 9

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Moonvasion Infinity War Part 9

A battle was raging through the New Quackmore Institute as the Moonlanders charged through the streets, firing lasers at the multitude of civilians running for their lives. Near Shellgoose's old mansion a swarm of Moonlanders and Heartless were on the attack and April, May, June, Panchito, Jose, Xandra, Ari and Humphrey were fending them the enemies off. All of them had their weapons out.

May with her Starfire Sword stopped a spear swing, exchanging blows with a soldier. She thrusts, prompting May roll beneath her before delivering a jump kick to the back that sends the soldier flying. A pair of Soldiers attack and May slices one in half before kicking the other one.

May: To quote a friend of mine: Let's Dewey this!

April spins her glaive, deflecting a couple of shots fired and returning them to sender, knocking out the Moonlander's in the process. Two Lance Warriors proceed to strike her down and she barely blocks them both with both ends of her Glaive.

April: These guys just keep coming!

June bounced across the helmets of multiple Moonlanders, dodging shots fired by them and tricking them into electrocuting each other. She slices a Soldier in half with her Khopesh quickly jumps out of the way when a Neoshadow attacks.

June: Less commenting! More fighting!

Jose gracefully carthwheeled backward, dodging multiple laser shots and spears tossed at him. With a playful smile he opens up his umbrella and gives it a good swing to deflect the shots and electrocute Moonlanders. A couple charge at him with spears, one swings but he blocks diagonally before delivering a spin kick. When another soldier thrusts his spear Jose cartwheels backwards again and slices the spear in half much to Moonlanders shock before Jose knocks her out with a punch to the face.

Jose: Forgive me, I do not like to hurt a beautiful ripe flower such as yourself, but you know, you're invading our planet and I have to defend myself.

Without looks he impales a Neoshadow and tosses it away and when two Lance Soldiers thrust their lances Jose blocks and sends them bouncing up in the air by opening his umbrella. He leaps high in the air, slicing both Heartless appear faster than the blink of an eye.

Panchito dodges a punch throw at him before grabbing the soldier's arm and throwing him into another Moonlander. The rooster steps back dodging many shots sent his way by jumping and rolling. He quickly gets out his lasso and uses it to ensnare three Lance Warriors and spin them around, sending them crashing into a couple of Heartless and Moonlanders. When two more Moonlander fires he quickly uses his lasso to snatch their pistols. With an epic twirl he takes aim with both laser pistols and fires shots, electrocuting incoming soldiers and scaring them away. Two Large Bodies charge at him but Panchito kicks them both in the face before sliding on his back and destroying them with multiple laser shots. He fires more shots to disarm multiple Moonlanders before jumping back on his feet and twirling both his pistols with a smile.

Panchito: Hey, these guns are pretty cool! I think I'll keep them!

Xandra fired multiple arrows, either knocking out the Moonlanders, destroying their pistols and scaring them away. A swarm of Large Bodies jump at Xandra, for a while she struggles against them until she gets buried under a dogpile. With a shout she blows every single one of them away. A Large Body lands a punch on her face but Xandra doesn't even flinch. The Goddess of Adventure tackles it to the ground before lifting the heartless high above her head with a grunt and tossing it like a ragdoll into a couple of Moonlanders.

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